Practical task 2
The student is to access a building site under construction and inspect it for structural adequacy in relation to —
Footings structural floor system
Structural wall systems
Structural roof system
Structural cladding
The student is to make an inspection checklist covering all aspects of each of the stages and carry out the inspection on-site.
The student will then need to provide a copy of the inspection accompanied by plans, and engineers’ instructions, in a report stating why they are passing or n t passing the structure, it should also list how the work is to be rectified should a problem be found. The re ort must include the clauses in the BCA (Building Code of Australia), NCC (National Construction Code) or A tralian Standard they have used to assess the structure
Practical task 3
The student is to write a report to: –
Detail the OH&S documentation and how it is to comply in relation to the construction of the “family house 1”.
Prepare a checklist outlining the documentation required to start work on a new house in relation to structural requirements, site inspections, and the industry professionals who you would engage to prepare them for you. Outline the professionals in your local work area that you would also contact to ensure that items that must meet BCA requirements such as bushfire risks, high winds, earthquake, and alpine zonings are investigated for the house