ASSIGNMENT Choose one of the following topics and write a 5-6-page double-spaced paper. Proper grammar and spelling are required. Papers must include a cover page, 5-6 full pages of content, and a references page. APA style is required. 1. Explain the role of one of the three branches of government with regards to a current event. 2. Choose a current event involving the American government and discuss how the historical development of the American political system impacts your chosen current event. 3. Research a U.S. political interest group and analyze the group’s role in a current U.S. political event. 4. Research and analyze how a demographic factor affected a recent political election. 5. Choose a current public policy issue and argue how cultural sensitivities and ethics are influencing your issue.


Choose one of the following topics and write a 5-6-page double-spaced paper. Proper grammar and spelling are required.

Papers must include a cover page, 5-6 full pages of content, and a references page. APA style is required.

1. Explain the role of one of the three branches of government with regards to a current event.

2. Choose a current event involving the American government and discuss how the historical development of the American political system impacts your chosen current event.

3. Research a U.S. political interest group and analyze the group’s role in a current U.S. political event.

4. Research and analyze how a demographic factor affected a recent political election.

5. Choose a current public policy issue and argue how cultural sensitivities and ethics are influencing your issue.


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