Exegetical Essay on Ephesians 2:1-10 (ESV) Write a 400 – 500-word exegetical essay discussing how to faithfully apply their selected passage in a contemporary setting. The essay should be in 12 point, Times New Romans font. Format per the Turabian guidelines. Construct your essay: Explain how Christians today should faithfully apply the ancient passage of inspired Scripture that you have been working with throughout the course.

Exegetical Essay on Ephesians 2:1-10 (ESV)

Write a 400 – 500-word exegetical essay discussing how to faithfully apply their selected passage in a contemporary setting.

The essay should be in 12 point, Times New Romans font. Format per the Turabian guidelines.

Construct your essay:

Explain how Christians today should faithfully apply the ancient passage of inspired Scripture that you have been working with throughout the course.

Now, you need to carefully shift from asking “what did the text mean in its ancient context?” to “what does the text mean in my context today?” Imagine that Paul, as the ancient human author of this text, will be reading your proposed contemporary applications. You want to remain true to what he intended for the passage, but you also want to best represent what you think he would say about the same topic today.

If the application is about holding a correct belief rather than an incorrect one, how should that impact our thought life, our social interaction, our emotional health, and our behavior?

When exploring how to apply your selected passage, it might be helpful to determine which aspect of our fallen human condition the passage offers redemptive hope for.


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