In the area of International Financial Crime & Security, What went wrong in the case of Danske Bank?
To what extent does this case reveal the gaps in international efforts against money laundering and the vulnerabilities of banking institutions to being exploited for money laundering. Discuss
Also, consider the issue, have the repercussions and impacts on the financial institutions involved of Danske Bank lasted noticeably longer than those adverse results in previous cases of scandals and wrong-doing concerning international banks?
….. …and… is it over for Danske Bank?
Give other cases and examples in your answer. (You are encouraged to use the focussed bibliography,- and, of course, your own research.)
J Gronholt-Pedersen, T Jensen, T Virki “Estonia says over 1 trillion flowed 2008-2017 through Estonia REUTERS 31/10/2018 Found on says-over-1-trillion-flowed-through-the-country-in-2008-2017-idUKKCN1MD1MR