Certificate IV in Building and Construction

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Resource ID: IEC_18_005_U05 STUDENT NAME:
Skills Assessment 2
Unit code, name and release number
CPCCBC4004A-UNGRADED – Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction
projects (1)
Qualification/Course code, name and release number
CPC40110 – Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) (7)
Student details
Student number
Student name
Assessment Declaration
This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other
source except where due acknowledgement is made.
No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except
where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of
another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the
material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.
Student signature and Date
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Date created:
Date modified:


For queries, please contact:
Infrastructure, Energy and Construction SkillsPoint
Mount Druitt
© 2019 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the:
Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2019, and should not be reproduced without
the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing:
23 April 2020. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

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Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details

Delivery Mode
This unit of competency is to be delivered via TAFE Digital, TAFE NSW
online platform.
The intention of this program is to be undertaken by the student via an
online mode, through distance learning, and therefore all assessment
tasks are reflective of this process.

Assessment overview
The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge as would
be required to establish the estimated costs associated with the
acquisition of materials and labour on building and construction sites,
together with the application of relevant overhead costs and margins.
Knowledge of physical resource and supplier identification, assessment
of the availability of and requirements for skilled labour and application
of appropriate codes, regulations and approvals gaining processes is

Assessment Event

4 of 4

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Assessment details

Instructions for this

This is a skill-based assessment and will be assessing you on your ability
to demonstrate skills required in the unit.
This assessment is in five parts. The first part is broken into several sub
tasks. For each of these sub-tasks, there is a checklist of statements to
show what an assessor will look for in your submitted work. Complete
each sub-task, then before you move on to the next one, carefully
review your work by reading through the checklist, to make sure you
have met all the requirements.
1. Practical Tasks
Task 1 – Joists for first floor addition
Task 2 – External wall cladding for first floor addition
Task 3 – Floor covering for the first-floor addition
Task 4 – Internal Lining for the first-floor addition
Task 5 – Painting the for first floor addition
Task 6 – Plant and Equipment Requirements
Task 7 – Waste Management
Task 8 – Apply overheads and margin
2. Role Play – Conduct a Meeting
3. Additional Questions
4. Assessment Feedback.

Submission instructions
Your assessment submissions should be via the OLS (Online Learning
System). Refer to online instructions in the student portal for uploading
for files.
Feedback will be provided to you from your Teacher upon completion
of your assessment tasks. It is important that you keep a copy of all
electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete
the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

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Assessment details

What do I need to do to
achieve a satisfactory

To successfully complete this assessment, you must complete all
sections of this assessment as outlined in the assessment instructions
and be marked satisfactory for each task and sub-task, role play and
confirmation phone call, by your assessor as indicated in checklists.
All oral questions must be answered correctly to be deemed
satisfactory in this assessment task; however, assessors may ask
questions to clarify understanding.

What do I need to

Computer and online access, calculator, pens and measuring

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What the assessor will

The following documents are available on the OLS.
Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
Online learning materials.
Adobe connect sessions.
TAFENSW Library Services
National Construction Code
Australian Standards
RB Holdings, simulated Website with industry documentation,
E.g. Plans, specification and company profile
Cordell Estimator Platinum Edu
Specific information including:
o Plans
o Other Construction Documents
o What is estimating
o Preliminary estimates
o Detailed estimates
o Background to measurement
o Australian standard method of measurement of building works
o The quantity surveyor
o The building estimator
o Composition of building costs
o Labour hours
o The measurement processes
o Describing measured work

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Assessment details

o Basic measurement techniques
o Finalising the measurements
o Measurement working example
o Computer estimating software
o Contract types associated with the tendering process
o The tendering process
o WorkCover, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
requirements, waste management and other statutory
o Anticipated profit
o Project costs are calculated for tender or bill.
o Final Check.

Due date and time

Due to blended delivery mode, you will work to an agreed Individual
Learning Plan (ILP) that is provided to you at enrolment. Your teachers
will discuss the assessment requirements and due dates and you will
review and confirm acceptance of your ILP. Teacher support is available
to students Monday to Friday by phone or email.
Due dates are structured based on your enrolment commencement
date, with an automatic prompt for submission date generated
throughout your enrolment period via the OLS as outlined in your ILP.
You should expect to take no longer than 5 days to complete all tasks
outlined in this assessment.

Assessment feedback,
review or appeals

Appeals are addressed in accordance with Assessment Guidelines for

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Specific task instructions
To complete this task, you are required to submit a price for the contractual obligations of Mr and Mrs
Brown’s construction project.
You will be required to make calculations based on the tasks listed below.
You will refer to the documents downloaded from the OLS:
Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
Part 1: Practical Tasks
To support the role of the builder in being able to produce construction industry documentation, students
have access to a professional intranet that provides a simulated building company, RB Holdings. RB
Holdings functions as a simulated workplace environment where project-based assessments can be
undertaken using industry standard documentation, plans, activities, responsibilities and procedures. The
RB Holdings business structure allows simulation of work environments such as, but not limited to, design
offices, site offices and construction sites. RB Holdings provides students with relevant documentation that
is to industry standard that allows students to experience a professional simulation of a construction office
environment. RB Holdings is a simulated organisation that has been created purely for educational
purposes. RB Holdings materials are accessed via a secure website that is copyright of © TAFE NSW.
RB Holdings has an organisational policy that requires you, as one of its staff members, to produce material
and labour estimates no later than 5 working days from receiving the request from your manager. The
information calculated must be to the quality standards required by RB Holdings, that is, accurate quantity
take-off and calculations in accordance with “Standard Method of Measurements”. Calculations, costings
and communications must be created in accordance with standard RB Holdings policies and procedures.
You will need to calculate the following costs based on the information provided in this assessment event.
You are to demonstrate your competence at task management skills by developing your own spreadsheet
from a costing software program of your choice to calculate the materials and labour requirements
To establish your task management skills, YOU MAY NOT use any pre-prepared spreadsheets previously

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The costing software program method you choose to use will need to allow you to clearly provide the
following items:
Areas to clearly show calculation workings for each trade
Description of the items being calculated
Logical ordering of trade costs with sub totals and total
A final price tally that enables the inclusion of overheads, margins and GST.
Some costs have been provided due to the nature of the question being asked.

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Mr and Mrs Brown have recently met with a Building Design consultant to initiate the design and costing
stage for an alteration and addition to their existing house at 1 Lake Road Toronto NSW.
You are employed by
RB Holdings who have been engaged by their clients, Mr and Mrs Brown, to provide
preliminary estimations of products identified by the designer, as a lead up to finalising their project
Development approval is pending from Lake Macquarie City Council, and a set of working plans and
specifications, has been drafted for the client. These will need further amendments dependant on the
development approval requirements, and the outcomes of your work in this assessment.
You will be analysing Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2) to identify the items defined in the assessment tasks for the following
trade areas:
Joists for first floor addition
External Wall cladding for first floor addition
Floor Covering for the first-floor addition
Internal Lining for the first-floor addition
Painting the first-floor addition.
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Task 1: Joists for first floor addition
Task 1.1 – Calculate quantities of floor joists for first floor additions
Considering the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), you are required to calculate the quantities required for the floor joists
for the first-floor additions. The quantities are to be expressed in an accepted industry format.
Task 1.2
Using the following price guide calculate the total cost of the timber:
HJ300 ‘HyJoist’ at $25.00 per metre.
Task 1.3
You are required to conduct research and access the ‘Fair Work Building and Construction General on Site
and calculate the cost of two Level 3 Carpenters on site for 8 hrs.
Task 1 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
2. Described the items being costed.
3. Correctly calculated the quantities required for the floor joists for the first-floor additions.
4. Expressed the quantities in an accepted industry format.
5. Correctly calculated the total cost of the timber floor joists using the price guide of HJ300
‘HyJoist’ at $25.00 per metre.
6. Conducted research and accessed the
‘Fair Work Building and Construction General on Site
and calculated the cost of two Level 3 Carpenters on site for 8 hrs.

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Task 2: External Wall cladding for first floor addition
Task 2.1 – Calculate quantities of external wall cladding
Using the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), you are required to calculate the quantities required for the specified
external weatherboards the first-floor addition. The quantities are to be expressed in an accepted industry
Task 2.2
You are required to research and source a suitable ’Scyon’ cladding product size and price from a reputable
building supplier. You are required to calculate and apply the price to find the correct number of boards.
Task 2 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
2. Described the items being calculated.
3. Used the Mr and Mrs Brown’s proposed alteration and addition Architectural Plans &
Specifications, to calculate the quantities required for the external weatherboards.
4. Expressed the quantities in an accepted industry format.
5. Sourced the ’Scyon’ cladding product size and price from a reputable building supplier.
6. Applied the sourced price and calculated quantities.

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Task 3: Floor covering for the first-floor addition
Task 3.1 – Calculate floor covering quantities
Using the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), you are required to calculate the quantities required for the carpet floor
coverings for the first-floor addition, and the games room with the following specifications:
First Floor carpet – allow 5% waste
Games Room flooring – allow 2.5% waste.
Task 3.2 – Calculate floor covering costs
Using the following price guide, you are required to calculate the total cost of floor coverings:
High Quality nylon/wool blend @ $115.00 per m2
Laminate floating floor @ $58.00 per m2.
Task 3.3
You are required to calculate the labour time on site for the carpet and timber floor layers based on the
advice from the suppliers.
2 x carpet layers able to lay 3m2 per hour. This includes time to transport, placement and clean-up
3 x timber floor layers (may be the carpet layers doing this job) able to lay 4.5m2 per hour. This
includes time to transport, placement and clean-up.

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Task 3 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
2. Described the items being calculated.
3. Used the Mr and Mrs Brown’s proposed alteration and addition Architectural Plans & Specifications,
to calculate the quantities required for the floor coverings.
4. Correctly calculated area of the first-floor carpet quantity.
5. Correctly calculated the 5 % waste allowance and added it to the first-floor carpet quantity.
6. Correctly calculated area of the games room flooring quantity.
7. Correctly calculated the 2.5 % waste allowance and added it to the games room flooring quantity.
8. Gathered information (quantity) that relates to material supply.
9. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
10. Described the items being costed.
11. Calculated the total cost of carpet floor coverings using the $115.00 per m
2 cost guide.
12. Calculated the total cost of timber flooring for the games room using the $58.00 per m
2 cost guide.
13. Calculated the labour costs and time on site for the carpet layers based on 2 layers able to lay 3m
per hour.

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Task 4: Internal Lining for the first-floor addition
Task 4.1 – Calculate quantities for internal wall and ceiling linings
Using the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), you are required to calculate the quantities required for the internal wall
and ceiling linings for the first-floor addition, with the following specifications:
Wall linings 10mm standard Plasterboard
Ceiling linings 10mm Ceiling specific plaster board
Use the surrounding standard room wall height at the stair void, and do not calculate the stair void below
the floor level.
Task 4.2
You are to source a suitable product type and price from a reputable supplier and apply square metre price
to the calculated quantities for each product.
Task 4.3
You have made enquiries and have been advised by the plastering contractors that they require the
following consumables:
16Kg of Base Coat product per 100m2 of plaster lining
10Kg of Topcoat per 100m2 of plaster lining.
5 Rolls of paper tape for the job.
You are required to calculate the quantities and source prices from a reputable supplier for the consumable
items listed above, for a total consumable price.
You are required to provide details of your supplier sources.

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Task 4 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
2. Described the items being costed.
3. Shown that they have read and interpreted the drawings and specifications.
4. Correctly calculated the quantities for the Wall linings specifying 10mm standard Plasterboard.
5. Correctly calculated the quantities for the Ceiling linings specifying 10mm ceiling specific
6. Sourced a suitable product type and price from a reputable supplier and applied the price to the
calculated quantities.
7. Correctly calculated the following consumable quantities for Base Coat product
8. Correctly calculated the following consumable quantities for Topcoat product.
9. Correctly calculated the following consumable quantities for paper tape for the job.
10. Provided details of your supplier sources.

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Task 5: Painting the first-floor addition
Task 5.1 – Calculate quantities of paint.
Using the Mr and Mrs Brown’s Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), you should calculate the quantities of paint required for the internal
walls and ceilings for the first-floor addition, with the following specifications:
1 x Sealer coat in m2
2 x Topcoats in m2
Assume a single colour for topcoat
Do not calculate quantities for skirtings or architraves
Do not calculate ensuite bathroom.
You are required to research the square metre coverage of paint per litre, to convert the calculated square
metres into the required number of 10 litre cans and 4 litre cans.
Task 5.2
You are to source a suitable paint brand and price from a reputable supplier and apply the price to the
calculated quantities.
You are required to provide details of your supplier sources
Task 5 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
2. Described the items being costed.
3. Read and interpreted the drawings and specifications.
4. Correctly calculated the Sealer coat in m
5. Correctly calculated the Topcoats in m
6. Researched the square metre coverage of paint per litre and converted the calculated square
metres into the required number of 10 litre drums and 4 litre cans.
7. Sourced a suitable paint brand and price from a reputable supplier.
8. Correctly applied the price to the calculated quantities.
9. Provided details of your supplier sources.

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Task 6: Plant and Equipment requirements
Task 6.1 – Calculate temporary fencing
You are required to research the Work Health Safety requirements to find information about how to
restrict access to a construction site in accordance with Local Authority Approval requirements and
statutory WHS Legislation.
Task 6.2
Using the information derived from Task 6.1 above, you are required to identify the plant and equipment
that is required to safeguard the site.
Task 6.3
You are to obtain base rate (not negotiated) prices from a reputable hire company based on a per week
hire rate for the identified plant and equipment in the previous Task 6.2 above.
You are required to provide details of your supplier sources.
Task 6 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Researched the Work Health Safety requirements to restrict access to a construction site.
2. Correctly calculated the quantity of temporary fencing to the front boundary of the site.
3. Presented detailed calculations showing the working out in a clear and ordered format.
4. Described the items being costed.
5. Read and interpreted the drawings and specifications.
6. Obtained a base rate (not negotiated) price on a per week hire rate.
7. Provided details of your supplier sources.

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Task 7: Waste Management
Task 7.1 – Develop a Wastage Management Plan
You are required to develop a Waste Management Plan for all the materials addressed in the tasks above. A
Waste Management Plan template is provided on below and can be adjusted and used for your submission
or you may use your own as developed or sourced template.

Materials On- Site

Reuse & Recycling

Type of material
Volume (m³)
or Area (m²)
or weight

Specify how
materials will be
reused or recycled

Specify the contractor
and recycling outlet

Specify the contractor
and landfill site

*Example only
* Bricks

* Clean and reuse
for footings

*Broken bricks sent by
XYZ demolishers to
ABC Recycling
company (including
address and contact

* Nil to landfill *or sent
by XYZ demolishers to
ABC Recycling company
(including address and
contact number)

Timber Joists

External Wall

Floor Coverings

Internal Wall


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Task 7 – Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Developed a Waste Management Plan for all the materials.
2. If you used your own developed template, that it contains the required details.
3. If you have used a sourced template, that it contains the required details.
4. Professionally presented your Waste Management Plan.

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Task 8: Apply overheads and margin
Task 8.1 – Finalise preliminary costings.
Upon completion of the preliminary quantities and cost estimates calculation for the identified items, you
are required to complete your Preliminary Costings Summary Sheet with the following information
a) Total – Material costs
b) Total – Labour costs
c) Profit – 20%
d) Overhead – 15%
e) GST to be added where applicable
f) Total price – to be documented at the end of the summary sheet.
Note that this is not the total price for these renovations and additions to this dwelling.
The objective of this assessment is to calculate preliminary labour and material resource costs.
Task 8- Student Checklist

Check you have….

1. Completed your Preliminary Costings Summary Sheet.
2. Correctly itemised the material costs to the Summary Sheet.
3. Correctly itemised the labour costs to the Summary Sheet.
4. Shown added the 20% profit margin.
5. Added the 15% overhead amount.
6. Correctly calculated the GST amounts as appropriate.
7. Correctly calculated the total price and expressed it as the final amount at the end of the
summary sheet.

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Part 2: Role play
Conduct a consultation with a third party (played by a TAFE Teacher) who will play the role of the
client, Mr or Mrs Brown. You are to play the part of the builder who will be supervising the
construction of the new house for Mr & Mrs Brown. Allow 15-20 minutes to prepare for the
consultation. The recording should take no longer than 10 minutes.
The meeting is to take place in a simulated building company’s office, and the video is to initially
confirm the components that substantiate this as an office environment (e.g. desk and phone, job
records in files on a shelf or a filing cabinet, computer with screen, etc.)
Demonstrate effective communication skills that are clear and direct, use questioning to confirm
requirements and share information using concepts and language applicable to the audience.
Considerations for cultural differences must be observed (e.g. use of appropriate vocabulary). In
addition, attention must be given to non-verbal communication (including body language, facial
expression, eye contact and gestures).
The assessor will provide specific information to help you set up the role play and will observe and
record the role play by using Adobe Connect, Skype or other suitable technology.
Note: Your assessor will use the role play video recording as the evidence and assess your
Task 1: Conduct a meeting
You have organised an informal meeting with your client, Mr or Mrs Brown, to present the
preliminary estimates of the identified construction elements, directed by the Building Designer.
The purpose of the presentation is to present the cost estimate for the identified items. The
objective is to explain to the client that these are estimates only, based on the request from the
Building Designer to assist in formulating a project budget.
It is not normal industry practice to disclose the details of the cost estimates to a client, and as such
you will need to tactfully redirect any requests to show your detailed pricing.
You are to explain to the client that a final price will be worked out later once the Plans and
Specifications have been finalised and the council approval requirements have been identified.
When you are ready to undertake the role play, contact your assessor to book a time. A TAFE
Teacher will play the role of the client, while the assessor will observe you perform the role play.
Your assessor will provide specific information to help you set up the role play and will observe and
record the role play by using Adobe Connect, Skype or other suitable technology.
Note: Your assessor will use the role play video recording as the evidence and assess your
performance in it.

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Role Play Preparation
The video should be no longer than 8-15 minutes.
The student should:
1. Prepare for the meeting by having a summary of your estimates and Mr and Mrs Brown’s
Alterations and Additions – V4004-619.pdf
(CPCCBC4004A_AE_Sk_2of4_SR2), with you.
2. Introduce themselves and the company they work for.
3. Briefly explain the items you have priced including any labour component that you have been
asked to include.
4. Make sure the client understands these items.
5. Explain how some of these prices such as painting, and plastering would be quoted by the
trade contractor as a ‘supply and fix’ job price and will include their overheads etc.
6. Ensure that the client understands the implications of this contractor pricing arrangement.
7. Use the drawings, specifications and the contract to help explain the items being discussed.
8. Answer any questions the client may have in simple terms.
9. Ask the client questions and ensure that they understand their requirements.
10. Make a note about the client’s comments on the pricing.

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Part 2: Observation Checklist
Your assessor will use an Observation Checklist to mark your performance in the Role play. This
Checklist identifies the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully
completed this assessment event. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence
requirements of the unit. All the criteria must be met.
Read through each of the statements below, and when preparing for your role play, make sure that
you can clearly demonstrate each of these skills.
You will be required to answer questions about how you have demonstrated these skills after the
role play has been submitted.
Assessor Observations

Skills Observations. Did the student…
Assessor Comments

1. Communication clear and easy to understand

2. Use and interpret non-verbal communication

3. Use language appropriate to cultural

4. Use questioning to confirm understanding

5. Share information by using language and
concepts appropriate to cultural differences

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6. Discuss contractual arrangement problem

7. Communicate effectively

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Part 3: Additional Questions
Additional Questions will be used by your assessor to reinforce your underpinning knowledge and
key areas of your role play.
The following questions will provide further supporting evidence of your submission. Your assessor
may ask you further questions if required.
Note your answers in the spaces provided below.
1. What is the name of the standard that is used to format estimates?


2. Suggest two different methods that could be used to cost a construction activity (such as a
roof covering, or painting).


3. What are the three components that make up the cost of a task?


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4. Once the estimates are completed, what are the next steps in the pricing phase?


5. What are the possible consequences of unintentionally omitting an organisation overhead or
margin from your estimate?


Additional Questions
Use the space below to write and record any addittional questions and answers that your assessor
has asked you.

Document title: LA024733_CPCCBC4004A-UNGRADED_Ed2_V02_Sk_4of4_20190714 Page 28 of 28
Resource ID: IEC_18_005_U05
Part 4: Assessment Feedback
NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback.
Assessment outcome
Assessor Feedback
Was the assessment event successfully completed?
If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed?
Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date:
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?
Student name, signature and date
NOTE: Make sure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of your
submission before attaching the cover sheet and submitting to your assessor for marking.


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