Homework IN ADDITION to reading the Clawson article in full prior to Saturday’s class… here’s the additional “pre-work”/homework for Saturday: Because there’s A LOT of leadership theory content to cover, and we have only two class sessions to do it, our lectures/discussions will hit the high points on four major theories: Trait, Behavioral/Skill, Situational/Contingency, and Transformational. Specifically, we’ll be covering those in GREEN FONT further below.

8/25/22, 9:42 PM Homework: 2228-MANA-5360-020-LEADERSHIP AND TEAMS


IN ADDITION to reading the Clawson article in full prior to Saturday’s class… here’s the additional “pre-work”/homework for Saturday:

Because there’s A LOT of leadership theory content to cover, and we have only two class sessions to do it, our lectures/discussions will hit the high points on four major theories: Trait, Behavioral/Skill, Situational/Contingency, and Transformational. Specifically, we’ll be covering those in GREEN FONT further below.

So, your first class assignment provides the opportunity to go deeper into a specific theory or approach of greatest interest to you (that is NOT among those highlighted in green).


Once you’ve read the Clawson article, select one of the 6 major theories (and a specific approach within the theory, such as Gardner’s Attributes… that is NOT highlighted in green.) Do some additional reading on your selected theory/approach, enough to get the “gist” and be able to summarize it in your own words. Bring your notes to class; this may include a series of distilled bullet points or full narrative — as long as it summarizes the theory accurately but in your own words.

Your theory/approach options (taken directly from the Clawson article) include those NOT in green font (a.k.a., anything in black is fair game):


“Great Man”


Maccoby’s Types

Gardner’s Attributes

Collins’ 2 Traits


[Ohio State & U. of Mich. Studies]

Mintzberg’s 10 Roles

Kotter’s Functions of Mgmt. & Ldrshp.

Stewart’s 3-part Theory

Kouzes and Posner’s 5 Practices

Ulrich et al.’s Results Focus

Power & Influence

McClelland’s 2 Faces of Power

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8/25/22, 9:42 PM Homework: 2228-MANA-5360-020-LEADERSHIP AND TEAMS

Winter’s Theory

The West Point Way

Social Exchange Theory

Strategic Contingencies Theory

Situational Approach

Hersey & Blanchard Situational Theory

House’s Path-Goal Theory

Fiedler’s Contingency Model

Leadership Substitutes Theory

Yukl’s Multiple-Linkage Model

Cognitive Resources Theory

Charismatic Approach

House’s Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Attribution Theory of Charisma

Self-concept Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Transformational Approach

Bennis’ Theory of Leadership

Burns’ Theory of Leadership

Bass’ Theory of Transformational Leadership

Tichy and Devanna’s Transformational Leadership Process Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture and Leadership

Green font = Covered in course lectures; select a theory/approach in black font.

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