After researching the databases on mental health with healthcare workers, post your observations about your researching process . For this posting, you will need the “Library Exercise” handout from the Pro One Page. After you do the exercise by following the directions on the handout, post your answers to these questions: How helpful were these databases? What troubles with them did you have? What sort of sources did you find? How will you use the research that you found through this exercise? Read the “Rough Outlines” doc and fill in the provided Pro One “Template” on mental health with healthcare workers : then post that work. Remember that rough outlines should be in the form of fragmented sketches–your best planning ideas, but ones that you’re willing to change if better plans emerge as you write and then revise. PC refers to your Paragraphing Checklist, SC to the Sentencing Checklist. Skim through each document to get an idea of its contents. Then open your Pro One report’s file so that you can apply both checklists to your paper by going through this “Checklists Review” document. Be as objective as possible as you cover each checklist item below. Answer the questions, fill in the table, note the APA info and examples,

After researching the databases on mental health with healthcare workers, post your observations about your researching process .
For this posting, you will need the “Library Exercise” handout from the Pro One Page.
After you do the exercise by following the directions on the handout, post your answers to these questions: How helpful were these databases? What troubles with them did you have? What sort of sources did you find? How will you use the research that you found through this exercise?

Read the “Rough Outlines” doc and fill in the provided Pro One “Template” on mental health with healthcare workers : then post that work. Remember that rough outlines should be in the form of fragmented sketches–your best planning ideas, but ones that you’re willing to change if better plans emerge as you write and then revise.

PC refers to your Paragraphing Checklist, SC to the Sentencing Checklist. Skim through each document to get an idea of its contents. Then open your Pro One report’s file so that you can apply both checklists to your paper by going through this “Checklists Review” document. Be as objective as possible as you cover each checklist item below. Answer the questions, fill in the table, note the APA info and examples,


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