Describe the relationship between customer expectations and customer satisfaction.

1. How are customers’ expectations formed? Explain the difference between desired service and adequate service with reference to a service experience you’ve had recently.

2.What are “moments of truth”? Provide one example of a positive moment of truth and one example of a negative moment of truth.

3. Describe the difference between high-contact and low-contact services, and explain how the nature of the customer’s experience may differ between the two.

4. Answer 9(a) AND 9 (b)

9 (a) Choose a service with which you are familiar and create a diagram that represents the servuction system. Define the front-stage and backstage activities. Be ready to share your screen in class in order to show your diagram.

9 (b) What are the backstage elements of (a) a car repair facility, (b) an airline, (c) a university, and (d) a consulting firm?

5. Describe the relationship between customer expectations and customer satisfaction.


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