Prompt. Freud, in his case study of Lucy R., has this to say of chronic hysterical symptoms: “The situation

Prompt. Freud, in his case study of Lucy R., has this to say of chronic hysterical symptoms: “The situation that is created in this way then becomes impervious to change, since repression and conversion have removed the contradiction which would require that the affect be disposed of” (in Breuer and Freud, Studies in Hysteria, p. 123). What role do “repression and conversion” play in the creation of symptoms, such as Lucy’s smell of burnt pudding? How does this process then “remove[] the contradiction” plaguing the patient? And what does “affect” have to do with all of this? Do your best to put into words your current understanding of Freud’s theory of “conversion hysteria” and how the theory applies to the case history of Dora we are reading this week. Use specific quotes or page references to back up your points. Please cite specific evidence from (pages 61-70) and the uploaded book and slides.


Psychology Assignment Help

4 Discussion Questions

Best Muscle Building Supplements

KeyWord: best muscle building supplements – 350-400 word. – 3 subheading containing KeyWord. – The KW should be in the article 3 to 6 times non-less non-more. – Article Title containing KeyWord mentioned. – Sentences should be less than 20 words. – Don’t use Passive voice. – Flesch reading ease test score should be +. – Use transition words.

Module 3

Chapter 3 discusses stress. What is stress? How is stress defined? What different kinds of events can be stressful? Give an example of a positive and a negative stressful situation you have encountered. Discuss in detail the methods you used to cope with stress. How are chronic and acute stressors different? Which type of stress (acute or chronic) do you find most problematic. Which do you think adds the most stress to one’s life, acute stressors or chronic stressors? What are the stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) and what does the GAS mean for us in our lives (give an example)? What does Robert Sapolsky mean when he uses of the term anticipatory stressors? Discuss how does that concept relate to our discussion of Mindfulness last week. Fully explain your reasoning and apply the material you are learning.

3rd Assignment

For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development: Middle Childhood. Adolescence. You will select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues related to the selected case. Each of the case studies includes a set of questions that can guide your analysis of the pertinent issues for the particular case. Select one of the following case studies to analyze: Hyun-Ki, page 322. Dean, page 365. Mark, page 405. Expectations For each case study you will be expected to: Analyze lifespan development theories to determine the most appropriate theory/theories to apply to the case study. Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process. Describe the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study. Write in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for graduate-level composition and expression. Content The case study analysis should be a maximum of 5 pages, including the introduction and conclusion, each of which should be approximately one half-page in length. The body of the paper should not exceed 4 pages. Provide the following content in your paper: An introduction that includes an overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary and background information regarding the case study. The body of the case study, including: The presenting challenge(s) and primary issue(s). Appropriate lifespan development theory and research-based alternatives that explain the presenting challenges. Potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study. Evidence-based support from lifespan development theory and current scholarly research to support appropriate interventions. A conclusion that summarizes what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions. Requirements Submit a professional document, in APA style, that includes the following required elements identified with headings and subheadings Title page. Introduction (half-page). Case study analysis (4 pages). Conclusion (half-page). Reference Page: Include a minimum of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals as references in addition to referencing the text book in which the case study is embedded. Font: Times New Roman, 12-point. Toggle Drawer [u03d1] Unit 3 Discussion 1 Hyun-Ki: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Hyun-Ki case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Dean or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Hyun-Ki Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Hyun-Ki by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer [u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2 Dean: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Dean case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Dean Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Dean by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer [u03d3] Unit 3 Discussion 3 Mark: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Mark case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Dean cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Mark Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Mark by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer Updates and Handouts Periodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class. Toggle Drawer Ask Your Instructor This thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool found under Notifications. Toggle Drawer Ask Your TA This thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask your TA questions – questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about expectations, or questions covering topics in writing, critical thinking, Capella resources or discussion and assignment content. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development: Middle Childhood. Adolescence. You will select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues related to the selected case. Each of the case studies includes a set of questions that can guide your analysis of the pertinent issues for the particular case. Select one of the following case studies to analyze: Hyun-Ki, page 322. Dean, page 365. Mark, page 405. Expectations For each case study you will be expected to: Analyze lifespan development theories to determine the most appropriate theory/theories to apply to the case study. Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process. Describe the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study. Write in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for graduate-level composition and expression. Content The case study analysis should be a maximum of 5 pages, including the introduction and conclusion, each of which should be approximately one half-page in length. The body of the paper should not exceed 4 pages. Provide the following content in your paper: An introduction that includes an overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary and background information regarding the case study. The body of the case study, including: The presenting challenge(s) and primary issue(s). Appropriate lifespan development theory and research-based alternatives that explain the presenting challenges. Potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study. Evidence-based support from lifespan development theory and current scholarly research to support appropriate interventions. A conclusion that summarizes what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions. Requirements Submit a professional document, in APA style, that includes the following required elements identified with headings and subheadings Title page. Introduction (half-page). Case study analysis (4 pages). Conclusion (half-page). Reference Page: Include a minimum of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals as references in addition to referencing the text book in which the case study is embedded. Font: Times New Roman, 12-point. Toggle Drawer [u03d1] Unit 3 Discussion 1 Hyun-Ki: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Hyun-Ki case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Dean or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Hyun-Ki Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Hyun-Ki by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer [u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2 Dean: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Dean case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Mark cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Dean Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Dean by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer [u03d3] Unit 3 Discussion 3 Mark: Case Study Analysis (Due Week 6) Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. Peer Assessment Rubric. Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric. Peer Feedback. Guidelines for Effective Peer Review. MEAL Plan. APA Style and Format. Note: Participate in this discussion only if you analyzed the Mark case study in your course text. If you analyzed the Hyun-Ki or Dean cases, please participate in the corresponding discussion. For this discussion: Post your Mark Case Study Analysis for peer review. Note: You are expected to post a completed Case Study Analysis, not an outline or an incomplete draft. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work that you may want to incorporate into your final draft. It also honors your peers’ time and efforts, as it is difficult to review an incomplete assignment. You will receive reduced credit for this discussion if you fail to submit your case study, or if your case study is incomplete. Provide peer feedback for two fellow learners, using the Peer Assessment Rubric provided in the Resources area. A document that has examples of basic and proficient feedback, Sample Comments for Peer Assessment Rubric, is also provided in the Resources area; use it to help you understand how to craft your feedback. Your instructor and/or teaching assistant may also provide feedback. You will combine this with the feedback of your fellow learners to make any modifications to your case study analysis prior to submitting it for grading by the end of Week 7. Follow these steps to complete your peer review: Post your analysis of the case study for Mark by Wednesday of Week 6. Be sure to include the title of the case study in the title of your paper. Select two case study analyses to review from this discussion. (Note: If you see that a learner has already received two peer reviews, please review another learner’s case study; the goal is for all learners to receive at least two peer reviews.) Use the Peer Assessment Rubric located in the Resources section. Peruse it carefully along with the Sample Comments document; both will help you understand what you should be looking for as you review the case study analyses. Carefully read your peers’ case study analyses. Take notes as you read through them, using the Peer Assessment Rubric as your guide. Complete the Peer Assessment Rubric for each analysis by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Week 6. Make sure that your written feedback is balanced, specific, and substantial. Responses such as “Good Job!” “I agree,” or “I don’t understand” are not acceptable. Your comments should help learners to understand what they have done correctly and how they can improve their work. After you have received your feedback, be sure to incorporate anything that you feel will strengthen your analysis prior to submitting it for a grade. Note: Although you will only be critiquing analyses from the discussion question you selected, you are encouraged to review the analysis of the other case studies your classmates selected to enhance your learning. Toggle Drawer Updates and Handouts Periodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class. Toggle Drawer Ask Your Instructor This thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool found under Notifications. Toggle Drawer Ask Your TA This thread was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask your TA questions – questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about expectations, or questions covering topics in writing, critical thinking, Capella resources or discussion and assignment content. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates have the same concern, so your post may help several learners.

The Baloney Detection Kit.

Read the linked article below and respond with your thoughts. Thoughts with half of page long no more. This work due 1/28/2017 at 6 pm Pacific Time. (Links to an external site.)


. Annotations should be 2-paragraphs long (about 150 words) making your total assignment 2-to 3-pages in length. Use the information presented in the module to construct your annotated bibliography and be sure to adhere to APA guidelines.

Business Law Quiz

I need this in 3hours. Chapter 8 — Crimes 1. Conduct that may be a misdemeanor in one state may be a felony in another state. 2. A required element for a crime is that the criminal party voluntarily commits the prohibited act (think ?gun to head). 3. A person cannot commit a crime if the person does not know that his or her conduct is criminal (think ?Honduran bony fish or short lobster). 4. The Fourth Amendment prohibits ALL government searches of businesses. 5. Traditionally, extortion involves wrongful demands made by public officials. 6. A company cannot be found guilty of a crime that is committed by its agent. 7. If an employee wrongfully keeps money that was entrusted to the employee by his or employer, the employee has committed the crime of embezzlement. 8. Government officers do not need a search warrant in order to inspect property that is in “plain view”. 9. The Constitution guarantees individuals the right to a speedy trial in criminal cases. 10. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act allows a person to thwart encryption devices that copy right holders place on copyrighted material if the person has purchased the copyrighted item in question. Chapter 9 — Torts 11. One wrongful act may be both a crime and a tort. 12. A person is not entitled to recover for EVERY injury or loss that is caused by another person. 13. In general, tort liability will not be imposed for an involuntary act even if the act harms another. 14. Under tort law, one owes a duty to society to conform his or her conduct to a required standard (think: does society sue the tortfeasor does the ?somebody done me wrong individual plaintiff sue the tortfeasor?). 15. The U.S. government cannot be sued for harm caused by the negligence of federal employees. 16. In some states, a plaintiff may recover for emotional distress that is negligently caused by another. 17. Companies can now make commercial use of the name or likeness of celebrities without first obtaining the celebrities permission to do so because most states do not recognize the tort of invasion of the right to publicity. Chapter 10 18. Patents are granted by state governments, not by the federal government. 19. Trademarks may be protected for up to three years prior to the time that they are actually used. 20. A ?term acquires a secondary meaning when, through prolonged use, the public has come to associate that term with a particular product. 21. In general, mere ideas and concepts cannot be copyrighted or patented. 22. A trade secret may be disclosed without losing its legal protection if it is restrictively disclosed to another person who was aware of its secret nature. 23. In general, a competitor is legally entitled to “reverse engineer” or copy a product if the product is sold to the public and the product has not been copyrighted or patented. 24. A patent grants the exclusive right to use and sell the patented item for 17 years. 25. Copyright infringement of programs is determined by focusing on the number of steps program share in common and NOT by focusing on the similarity between significant program steps. 26. Federal law expressly prohibits the pending of any computer programs. 27. A patent that has been issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may be invalidated if a party can prove in litigation that the patented invention would be obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art. Chapter 11 28. Conduct on the Internet is subject to traditional rules of law as well as new statutes and case law relating to cyberspace activities. 29. Communications sent via the Internet are not protected by the U.S. Constitution. 30. Phishing and pharming are criminal uses of computers by which unscrupulous individuals obtain private financial information of innocent parties. 31. Employers do not have a right to look at employees’ e-mail when it is communicated via the employer’s e-mail system. 32. The Fourth Amendment prohibits the government from conducting unreasonable searches of a person’s computer. 33. Due process requires that a party being sued has a “nexus” with a state before it can be sued in that state. 34. The United States Supreme Court has held that entering into a contract with a person in another state via the Internet is a sufficient connection to constitutionally justify being sued in that state. 35. Federal securities law may apply to stock transactions conducted via the Internet. 36. Federal intellectual property law is not apply to the World Wide Web. 37. Congress recently enacted statute that makes a federal crime for a web site to gather and disclosed any information regarding a customer, regardless of their age, without first obtaining the customers consent to such disclosure. Chapter 12 38. Every agreement is a valid, legally binding contract. 39. Contracts may relate to virtually any type of legal transaction, including performing services. 40. Individuals and corporations can make contracts, but government agencies cannot. 41. In general, agreement is not a legally binding contract unless the parties sufficiently indicate an intent to be legally bound by the terms of the agreement. 42. The Electronic Signature is in Global and National Commerce Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act generally providethat electronic contracts are as valid as traditional ink signed paper contracts. 43. Informal contracts are not legally binding. 44. An option contract is a contract that gives one party the right or choice to accept an existing offer within a stated period of time. 45. A right of first refusal contract gives a party the right to accept an offer only if another party subsequently decides to make the offer. 46. An offeree can accept an offer for a bilateral contract by promising to perform the requested act. A contract is formed when the offer he communicates this promise to the offeror. 47. In some cases, a party may have a duty under ?QUASI CONTRACT to pay for benefits received even though the party never contractually agreed to pay for such benefits. 48. QUASI CONTRACT requires that a person must pay for any benefit that is ever received from another. 49. If a party enters into an express contract agreed to perform services for a stated price, then that party is entitled to recover only that amount; the party is not entitled to quasi — contract will recovery for the reasonable value of such services. 50. The Starbucks trademark infringement cease and desist letter and subsequent response from Exit Six Brewery were funny, but quite illustrative of the issues involved in protection of a profitable and widely known trademark.

Inpatient Psychiatric Unit SOCW 8205 Wk 6 Assignment

Inpatient Psychiatric Unit Deinstitutionalization played a significant role in shaping the current roles of psychiatric social workers. Psychiatric social workers work on inpatient psychiatric units and provide services to individuals with mental illness and their families. Most inpatient psychiatric units are unique clinical settings where doors to the units are locked from the inside and from the outside. Patients are not free to leave the units at will, and visitors to the units are monitored closely. Psychiatric social workers work with patients who voluntarily seek care and others who are involuntarily admitted. In the simplest of terms, inpatient psychiatric care today focuses on stabilization and referral to a lower level of care. Psychiatric social workers create, negotiate, and implement discharge plans. They also provide limited clinical services, usually in the form of group interventions. To prepare for this Assignment: Review this week’s resources. Think about the roles and functions of a psychiatric social worker in inpatient psychiatric care settings. Focus on practice skills. Consider the philosophy of psychiatric social work. In a 3- to 4-page paper: Explain the philosophy that drives psychiatric social work in caring for patients with mental illness. Explain the primary goals of psychiatric social workers. Describe the roles and functions of psychiatric social workers on interdisciplinary inpatient psychiatric teams. Compare differences and similarities in roles, practice skills, and functions between psychiatric social workers in inpatient units and non-psychiatric medical social workers in other types of medical units or healthcare settings. Support your Assignment with specific references to resources, using appropriate APA format and style. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the resources for this course. Resources Widiger, T. A. (2013). Changes in the conceptualization of personality disorder: The DSM-5 debacle. Clinical Social Work Journal, 41(2), 163?167. John Hopkins Medicine. (N.D.). The history of psychiatry social work. Retrieved from National Alliance on mental illness (2019) NAMI Programs retrieved from

12/1 (NCR Resp 4,5,6,7)

Students are to observe two or more adults unknown to the observer. The student must not be able to hear the subjects being observed and those being observed must not be wearing a uniform of any kind as this would provide information about their occupation to the observer. Students must describe the environment and the people being observed, i.e., age, gender, dress, etc. Discuss the nonverbal communication, i.e. eye contact, body position and any other nonverbal behavior. Provide your interpretation of the relationship between those being observed. Be very discrete and do not have a conversation with those being observed. (200 words with reference) Select four people currently in the media and discuss their exertion of one of the sources of power. Students must cover all four of the sources of power discussed on page 263 of your textbook. Apply only one source of power to each of the four people selected. (200 words with reference) Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for a University Staff and Faculty. Only two of the three votes are required to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing to a dress code. What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party after the policy has been initiated. (200 words with reference) During the course of your employment you may have experienced working for both a male and female supervisor. Discuss from your personal point of view the advantages/disadvantages and like/dislike of working for each gender. Use real life experiences if applicable. (200 words with reference)

“CPUs And Programming” Please Respond To The Following:

“CPUs And Programming” Please Respond To The Following:. From the first e-Activity, identify the following CPUs: 1) the CPU that resides on a computer that you own or a computer that you would consider purchasing, and 2) the CPU of one (1) other computer. Compare the instruction sets and clock rates of each CPU. Determine which CPU of the two is faster and why. Conclude whether or not the clock rate by itself makes the CPU faster. Provide a rationale for your response. From the second e-Activity, examine two (2) benefits of using planning techniques?such as writing program flowcharts, pseudocode, or other available programming planning technique?to devise and design computer programs. Evaluate the effectiveness of your preferred program planning technique, based on its success in the real world. Provide one (1) example of a real-life application of your preferred program planning technique to support your response.
“CPUs And Programming” Please Respond To The Following:

Must Provided Reference Links

Read the article from Time Magazine about the death penalty. The Death of the Death Penalty Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death on June 25, 2015, for his role in the Boston Marathon bombing. Based on the history and the use of the death penalty, what year do you believe Tsarnaev will actually be put to death? Does the death penalty deter crime? Why or why not? What costs tax payers more, sentencing someone to death or sentencing someone to life in prison? Punishment is said to be most effective if it is sure and swift. Does the current use and implementation of the death penalty in the United States meet those criteria? Why does it take so long to carry out a death sentence in the United States? Comment and discuss other student’s posts. Do not attach files. Include at least one link to an internet site you researched to form your discussion of each of these questions.

Mgt211 Human Resourse

Instruction to search the Article: Via your student services page, log in to the Saudi Digital Library. After your login with your student ID, search for the following article: ?Your Approach to Hiring is all Wrong, by Cappelli, Peter. Harvard Business Review. May/Jun2019, Vol. 97 Issue 3, p48-58. Download the article, read it carefully and answer the following questions. Also use at least 2-3 additional scientific references to support your answers/opinions. Assignment Questions: 1. Summarize the article in your own words. (minimum of 250 words).[Marks:2] 2. Reliance on data science in the hiring process, is this critical to the desired outcome? Describe this is no less than 100 words.[Marks: 2] 3. Discuss why employers find the hiring process difficult? Make some suggestions to develop such a recruitment process which can hire the best employees for the organization. [Marks: 1] Instructions for the students: 1. First page of the assignment should be filled with · Course Code [MGT-211] and Course Title [ HR Management] and CRN- · Student Name and ID.Number · Date of Submission · Instructor name 2. Second page should be Assignment question. 3. After the question page, present your answer by clean and neat layout. 4. Assignment should be submitted as word file.

For Nyanya Only, Here Is Another Part Of Here Is Other Assignment Thanks. I Need 300wds For This Assignment.

Week 4 – Assignment Outline of Final Paper The paper must be one to two pages (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Address all of the following parts of this assignment: Prepare a one- to two-page double-spaced outline of your Final Paper. The outline must contain the following major sections that will exist in the Final Paper: A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue. A description of at least two ethical theories under which the situation will be analyzed. An explanation of the specific areas of law under which the situation will be analyzed. The outline must be accompanied by a reference page that includes at least 10 scholarly sources that will be used in your Final Paper. Submit a one- to two-page paper (not including title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide and must cite at least 10 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.


Using the process that translates legal questions into psychological questions, what would be the main psychological question that reflects the court’s concerns in the juvenile sex offender scenario? Justify your response by referencing the media piece on parental fitness as well as your learning resources in your response.


1. Discuss the location and names of any two landfill sites in your state. Discuss any two problems associated with these landfills. How has your state/county/city addressed these problems? List your references (at least two references are required). 2. Discuss any two environmental, social, or health concerns associated with plastic bags. List your references (at least two references are required). 3.Assume you are placed in charge of waste management either at your workplace or college. Discuss two possible ways in which you can cut back on the solid waste generated. List your references (at least two references are requir 4.Discuss any two commonly used electronics and how to reuse or recycle as an attempt to reduce the E-waste. Complete the lab report exercises in MS Word format. Provide detailed answers to Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4. You must have a cover page with your name, course name, date, iLab number, and title.

4 Discussion Questions

Your software development company has been contracted to build a tool that will manage user accounts and rights in an Active Directory environment. One of your developers tells you that he wants the tool to make use of direct manipulation. A second developer argues that a command line structure would be a better and more secure approach. Take a stand on this argument, providing at least three positives of each approach, and then make a decision for this project and support it. Describe virtual and augmented reality. Suggest a way in which this technology could be used in the future; either to improve a current process / procedure or create a new process / procedure. Provide an example of your suggested use of the technology. Describe the considerations that you would take into account when selecting the menu style for an application and why. Support your response with examples. Imagine you have been asked to help a novice designer effectively organize his menu content in an application. Provide the novice designer with the advice you feel would be most helpful when organizing content for menus. Support your response.

The post Prompt. Freud, in his case study of Lucy R., has this to say of chronic hysterical symptoms: “The situation appeared first on Profs Only.


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