“self-titled” essay of 1500 words, “On the basis of contemporary cutting edge research, critically review the evidence for and

“self-titled” essay of 1500 words,

“On the basis of contemporary cutting edge research, critically review the evidence for and against the importance of inflammatory response genes in the genesis of bowel cancer”.

Critical thinking would be nice if there would be written the apoptosis, cell growth, p53 , kras and molecular pathways.

Harvard references such as Malik, M., Chirom, K., Ali, S., Ishrat, R., Somvanshi, P. and Singh, R., 2022. Methodology of predicting novel key regulators in ovarian cancer network: a network theoretical approach. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2022].

Please find attached the doc with specific instructions and I’ve started a draft but I’m can find the inspiration on writing this eassay.

Mathematics homework help

Religion and Theology Assignment Help

Data Analytics Vs Data Mining


MUST BE 800 WORDS 1. There are several recommendations for documentation of performance and developmental activities. Describe three (3) recommendations and why you believe they are important. 2. In this video, Charles Rogel of DecisionWise discusses 5 myths concerning the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAA01x-xp6Q After watching the video, please share your thoughts on any new learning you had from the video or ideas you may have for overcoming some of the possible concerns based on what the myths reveal. FOR QUESTION 3 AND 4 Do not use outside resources for your answers. Make sure to include in-text citations with supporting reference. 3. Avett Manufacturing Company allows employees to purchase materials, such as metal and lumber, for personal use at a price equal to the company’s cost. To purchase materials, an employee must complete a materials requisition form, which must then be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Brian Dadian, an assistant cost accountant, then charges the employee an amount based on Avett’s net purchase cost. Brian is in the process of replacing a deck on his home and has requisitioned lumber for personal use, which has been approved in accordance with company policy. In computing the cost of the lumber, Brian reviewed all the purchase invoices for the past year. He then used the lowest price to compute the amount due the company for the lumber. The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) is the professional organization for managerial accountants. The IMA has established four principles of ethical conduct for its members: honesty, fairness, objectivity, and responsibility. These principles are available at the IMA Web site: www.imanet.org. Using the IMA’s four principles of ethical conduct, evaluate Brian’s behavior. Has he acted in an ethical manner? Why? 4. TAC Industries Inc. sells heavy equipment to large corporations and federal, state, and local governments. Corporate sales are the result of a competitive bidding process, where TAC competes against other companies based on selling price. Sales to the government, however, are determined on a cost plus basis, where the selling price is determined by adding a fixed markup percentage to the total job cost. Tandy Lane is the cost accountant for the Equipment Division of TAC Industries Inc. The division is under pressure from senior management to improve income from operations. As Tandy reviewed the division’s job cost sheets, she realized that she could increase the division’s income from operations by moving a portion of the direct labor hours that had been assigned to the job order cost sheets of corporate customers onto the job order costs sheets of government customers. She believed that this would create a ?win-win for the division by (1) reducing the cost of corporate jobs, and (2) increasing the cost of government jobs whose profit is based on a percentage of job cost. Tandy submitted this idea to her division manager, who was impressed by her creative solution for improving the division’s profitability. Is Tandy’s plan ethical?

300 Words

Note: I need 300 words answer of the following assignment as per provided instructions below. Must address all steps properly. Must include 2-3 credible references cited in APA. Must provide 100% original answer. DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK


The scenario of the time bomb terrorist gives you the opportunity to ask yourself what you would do in this extreme circumstance. Consider if you were placed in such a situation — many lives are in danger because of a bomb. You are in a position where you have the terrorist in custody but he or she is refusing to give you the information needed to stop the bomb. Could torturing one person lead to the greater good — saving the lives of many? In your assignment address each of the following points. What would a utilitarian do in this situation? Why? What would a Buddhist do in this situation? Why? What would you do in this situation? Why? Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length in APA format.

Computer Science Assessment – Problem Solving

Computer Science Assessment – Problem Solving. Ashford 4: – Week 3 – Assignment 2 Final Project Paper Proposal The purpose of the final project is to communicate the analyst’s findings upon completion of a detailed analysis of the current system. It also is intended to communicate the proposed approach to be used in continuing the project into the next phase. You may select an existing company and identify improvements to a system or you can use your own company. The company must be approved by the instructor. The proposal will actually consist of the purpose, history, and scope located in the final project template (be sure you can see the blue hidden text in the template which has additional instructions to guide you). Purpose: Include the name of the system and the purpose of your evaluation. History: 1-3 paragraph description of the history of the company and the events that led you to choose that company. Scope: 1-2 paragraph description of the scope of the system that you will study in detail. Use the Final Project Template. Then ?copy and paste just these three sections into a Word document. Include the title page, ?Proposal, and reference page. Keep an inclusive report at all times with every section since the entire report with all sections will be submitted at the end of the course. Please double space the document and list helpful Web links about the company that may assist the instructor in approving the project. In addition to the requirements above, your proposal: Must be double-spaced and 12 point font. Must be formatted according to APA style. Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook. Must include a reference page written in APA format. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Ashford 5: – Week 4 – Assignment Part I of Final Project Complete the following sections of the Information Strategic Plan Template: Procedures and methods used during this investigation (all components) Overview of Current Systems Operations (all parts). In addition to the requirements above, your paper: Must be double-spaced and 12 point font. Must be formatted according to APA style. Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook. Must include a reference page written in APA format. Keep the working copy of your report intact with all components since the report will be submitted in its entirety during Week SIx. This week, you will submit: Title Page Purpose History Scope Procedures and methods used during this investigation Overview of Current Systems Operations Reference Page Final Project Template Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Part II of Final Project Complete the following section of the Information Strategic Plan Template: Analysis of the Current System (all components from performance through miscellaneous analysis). In addition to the requirements above, your paper: Must be double-spaced and 12 point font. Must be formatted according to APA style. Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook. Must include a reference page written in APA format. Keep the working copy of your report intact with all components since the report will be submitted in its entirety during Week SIx. This week, you will submit: Title Page Purpose History Scope Procedures and methods used during this investigation Overview of Current Systems Operations Analysis of the Current System Reference Page Final Project Template Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Final Paper Submit the integrated final copy of your Information Strategic Plan. If the instructor has made suggestions/corrections in the previous sections (Proposal in Week Three, Part I in Week Four, Part II in Week Five, Part III in Week Six), the student is to make those corrections. Be sure that the page numbers are numbered appropriately for a complete plan and include a table of contents for each major heading and side heading with page numbers. The Final Project will contribute 20% to the course grade. Focus of the Final Project The purpose of the Information Technology Plan is to communicate the analyst’s findings of a detailed analysis of the current system. It is also intended to communicate the proposed approach to be used in continuing the project into the next phase. The student can select an existing company and identify improvements to a system or the student can use their own company. Final Project Template Writing the Final Project Paper The Final Paper: Must be ten to fifteen double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a title page that includes: Student’s name Course name and number Title of paper Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use at least five professional resources, including a minimum of two from ProQuest. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Computer Science Assessment – Problem Solving

This For Tomorrow 10PM East Coast Time Will Pay $5

Communication and Ethical Issues Summary Read the article, “Cold Case Collections: Eager to Close Investigations, Police get Creative in Collecting Suspects’ DNA” in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. “University of Phoenix” Write a 350 to 500 word summary describing if the collection of DNA without consent unreasonably intrudes on an arrestees’ expectation of privacy. How long can police keep your DNA on file after an arrest or conviction? Can law enforcement use a person’s DNA to match against other crimes unrelated to the one they initially obtained it for? Provide examples and or reasons. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. NO PLAGIARISM, At lease 3 LEGIT REFERENCES, Word Count, Quality gramma.

NO EXTENSION Or NEGOTIATION – Revise Assignment – If Graded Now It Would Be A “C’ – I Need It To Be A “A” – APA/PowerPoint Experts ONLY!!!

Attached is a Draft of my 2 Pages APA Audio Script and My Powerpoint Presentation. I need the assignment revised for a good grade. Please change Powerpoint layout so that it is not basic and also update the content and speakers notes un addition to the audio script. Professors Feedback: As I mentioned in the body of this assignment, a two-page audio script and basic PowerPoint will not suffice this level of academia as a relates to this 300 point project. You put forth a number of very good points and had some insight from time to time, it just was not analyze to any detail nor was it enough to show content knowledge. Remember, any assignee undertake, still needs to meet the rigors this level academia and the rubrics for this assignment. Assignment Instructions: To start your Portfolio Project, you will develop an audio script. The audio script should be a detailed script and reflect what you would say to executives during the presentation. The script will be read/used to present the human resource strategies you have worked with to executives. You will present the 5 strategies that will help HR become a strategic partner of an organization. The script will be the first part of the portfolio which will be added to the rest of the information presented below. The introduction audio script needs to include the following: An introduction to the portfolio project The evaluation of the 5 most important competencies that a global human resource leader should possess. Present the human resource strategies you have worked with. Identify 5 strategies that will help HR become a strategic partner of an organization. Your audio script will be the introduction to your portfolio and should meet the following requirements: Be 2-3 pages in length Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing APA (Links to an external site.). Build your portfolio to be 12-17 slide Power Point presentation, which includes the following: Audio Script Introduction that recommends strategies for transitioning human resources from a transactional/process-oriented role with an organization to one in which it is a strategic partner in determining the future of an organization. Strategies for ensuring a legal and inclusive workplace (Week 2 Assignment) – ATTACHED BELOW HR Best Workforce Management Practices Audit (Week 3 Assignment)- ATTACHED BELOW Compensation and Benefits Plan (Week 4 Assignment)- ATTACHED BELOW Organizational Intervention and Evaluation Plan (Week 6 Assignment)- ATTACHED BELOW Your project should meet the following requirements: Be 12-17 slide power point presentation. Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing APA (Links to an external site.). Include a formal reference page. This is an individual paper, however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate. You must support your analysis with at least 12 scholarly references, and can include resources from this course. The CSU-Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU-Global assignment. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as: A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article A government-based website or publication A trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as SHRM.org and TD.org.

Job Analysis And Recruiting Method

Week 2 Discussion Questions: Job Analysis and Recruiting Methods (Oct 28 – Nov 03, 2020) Available until Tuesday, November 3, 2020 11:59 PM ESTSubscribe Discussion One: Review the material presented in the course about how to conduct a job analysis, the various methods for collecting data, and the pros and cons of the various methods. Then, develop a plan to gather data for a job analysis. You will need to a) select the position (a job) to analyze; b) use at least two methods for collecting data; c) collect the data using the methods selected and d) summarize your findings in a short job description and job specification. If you do not have a position in a typical office, retail establishment or production facility you can use, seek out a position from elsewhere. The opportunities could include a server at a restaurant, a service provider in your home, your hair stylist, a sales assistant, the receptionist at your doctor’s office or perhaps your child’s teacher. Include the following: 1. The position you selected to analyze 2. The methods you selected for gathering data 3. The rationale for why you selected the methods you did 4. A discussion of your experience in collecting this data 5. A short sample position description and job specification you were able to design based on the data you gathered. You may use a word document if you like or provide your proposal in the content of your response window. Be sure to provide the references for the sources of the information you used to inform your analysis including the material provided in the classroom. Discussion Two: Complete the following: a) Summarize and explain the major EEOC laws related to the recruiting process. How can recruiters and hiring managers reduce the risk of adverse impact? b) Discuss three methods of recruiting to obtain a diverse group of applicants and explain why they are effective. c) Explain the concept of employment at will. What are the risks and benefits of employment at will doctrine? How is the employment at will doctrine influenced by EEOC laws? d) Application: Read the Module 2 Case and in-depth scenario 1. Draft a short memo to the founders of HSS to address the issues with the hiring practices. Specifically, address what laws or regulations may apply, organizational risks and discuss suggestions for how the hiring practices at HSS should be modified. You may use a word document if you like or provide your proposal in the content of your response window. Be sure to provide the references for the sources of the information you used including the material provided in the classroom. Make sure to also respond to two students with thoughtful comments.


FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ONLY 4 PAGES 1-COVER 2-THE TWO Q 1- REFERENCE 1. Read the textbook Chapter 10: Corporate Governance 2. Write an essay answering the following two questions: What is Corporate Social Responsibility? How do firms develop their Corporate Social Responsibility to achieve success? Make sure to review Marymount’s online Library to answer for these questions Your paper needs to have four pages, double space, margins one inch all around: Page 1: Cover including name of the class, date, name of the school, and your full name. DO NOT put your name in pages 2, 3, and 4. Page 2 and Page 3 need to be used to answer the above questions. Make sure to include quotations, citations, etc. to strengthen your arguments. Page 4: References should include the bibliography you have used presented in APA format style.At least three references are needed. For your references use textbooks, articles, and/or reports. Students will bring a hard-copy and will turn in their paper at the beginning of next class: November 7. Please do not exceed four pages in total and include the above-mentioned information in each page.

Case Study

Step 1: Using the following Case Study, create a meal plan. Jackie is a healthy women. She is 45 years old and 5’7″ tall. Jackie’s current weight is 160 lbs. She exercises 4-5 times per week but is struggling to meet her goal weight. Jackie is seeking your clinical advice to lose 15 lbs in 3 months. Her target weight goal is 145 lbs. Write a basic meal plan for your client. (At least 4 days of food plan to help Jackie get started) Include how many calories each day she will need to consume to lose 1-2 lbs each week. I expect actual numbers you can back up (what are the specific numbers for our client Jackie? I have attached some help) Calculate her complete macro-nutrient breakdown including; total carb consumption, total fat consumption, total protein consumption Explain the rationale for all of your choices (The chapter 10 slides will help especially 21-34) What is her energy requirement to stay the same (EER)?. How many calories does she have to reduce to get to her goal? Please remember Jackie is your client not a dietitian or nutritionist.

SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY PLEASE… Is Anyone Available To Do This Assignment Tonight?? I Can Turn It In By 0800 In The Morning.

Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography Due Week 4 and worth 130 points Choose a topic that interests you about an aspect of sociology. It can be about a specific culture, social issue, social theory, or a social trend. Locate ten (10) credible social research articles about your topic of interest. Part I: Annotated Bibliography: Create an annotated bibliography of ten (10) articles from credible sources, as defined by the textbook. (Note: Credible sources are those that have been fact checked or peer reviewed. An annotated bibliography includes a reference to the article and a four to six (4-6) sentence description about the article. At least two (2) of these articles must be quantitative or qualitative research studies.) 1. Provide ten (10) credible sources. (Credible sources are those that have been fact checked or peer reviewed.) 2. Provide a thorough annotation for each source. (Thorough means four (4) to six (6) sentence summation of the entire article, not just focusing on one element of the article; has no direct quotations from the author(s). 3. Include sources that are relevant to your topic. (Relevancy means there is a clear and direct link of each article to the research topic.) 4. Include articles that represent a well-rounded representation of the research topic. (Well-rounded means focusing on multiple parts of the research topic; involves time spans that are relative to the research topic; and topics are from a variety of sources, authors, and dates.) 5. Include two (2) of the ten (10) articles that are qualitative and / or quantitative research studies. 6. Use correct APA citations for all references. (Partial credit will be given if citations are close within one (1) or two (2) errors. No credit will be given if the citation has more than three (3) errors.) Part II: Description of the Process: Write a two to three (2-3) page paper covering the following topics: 7. Describe the process you took to conduct the research. 8. Discuss how you determined what sources to use. 9. Describe the next steps to take to make the annotated bibliography a functioning literature review. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format. · Number each article, followed by the article referenced in APA format. The article description should start on a fresh line after the reference. · Answer Questions 2 through 4, starting on a different page from your annotated bibliography. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows: · Analyze the elements of a literature review. · Analyze measurement and sampling methodologies. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in social research. · Write clearly and concisely about social research using proper writing mechanics.

Operational Analysis And Quality Improvement

Instructions: Write a short (5-6 page) APA style term paper answering the following: Define accreditation Explain the difference between accreditation and licensure Describe the history of accreditation in the United States Outline the current and future challenges with accreditation

Discussion- Final Term Project

In Discussion Forum, post your response to the following discussion topic. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses and shares informative URLs by the date indicated in the Course Calendar. Each student posts their discussion assignments in Word Format. Part I: Create a Provide the title and abstraction of your term paper (note: you may change the wording in the official title in the final version however, you cannot change the topic once you select one). Include an introduction on the topic and a minimum of 3-5 references in proper APA format. Part II. Review and respond to at least two other students on topics that you might find interesting. Let the student know you find his/her topic an excellent choice. Also provide constructive critique if you find another student’s topic is too broad or off-scope. Grading Rubric for DF6 Providing a comprehensive discussion of the topic: 25 percent Justifying ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, other references, or personal experience and cited the sources in the correct: 25 percent Commented on at least two of your classmates’ postings in a meaningful way at least 100 words: 25 percent Filling the number of required 200 words or more for the discussion: 25 percent

PHASE 2 Db Chemical Dependency Elective – Special Topics

400 TO 600 WORDS APA FORMAT LESS THAN 20% OV SCORE WITH TURN IT IN. Reflective Summary: Review and reflect on the Theories of Addiction Discussion Board. Based on your review and reflection of new learnings in this course, write at least 3-4 paragraphs on the following: What have you learned from others’ responses? What were the most compelling points from the interaction with your fellow students? How did participating in this discussion help in your understanding of the Discussion Board task? What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information in the students’ networking? What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified?

Data Analytics Vs Data Mining

There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference. What is the difference between Data Analytics vs Data Mining? Please provide an example of how each is used. Note: please write about 250 words in APA format with in-text citation and make sure to include atleast one scholarly article.

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