You will receive feedback on each section of your portfolio, but only a single mark for the whole submission. Individual marks are not given to individual activities rather the whole portfolio is assessed against whether you have met the learning outcomes of the module.
Module Learning Outcomes
1. Critically consider key knowledge from the BPS core fields of, Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Individual Differences, Social Psychology and Developmental Psychology that underpin psychology.
2. Analyse how historical development of knowledge informs current understanding in psychology.
3. Critically consider the relationships between theoretical and empirical knowledge and understanding in psychology.
4. Appraise the relationships between psychological literature and broader conceptual issues in psychology.
6. Demonstrate a critical level and breadth of psychological literacy.
7. Make evidence-based decisions, both within and beyond, the discipline of psychology that are supported by psychological literacy and evidence.
8. Autonomously apply theoretical and empirical knowledge to address realistic societal problems.
9. Apply BPS ethical standards to historical changes in the discipline of psychology