NR 535 Theoretical Foundation and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to:
(a) articulate a personal philosophy of teaching and learning, and
(b) present the content in a formal and professional manner using power-point with voice over. Engaging in self-reflection is useful to facilitate awareness and professional growth. MSN-prepared nurse educators benefit from introspection to clarify the philosophical perspectives that serve as underpinnings for teaching and learning practices. Completion of this assignment is to gain insights regarding the philosophical foundation that will guide your future practice as a nurse educator.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Incorporate education theories and models in developing the master’s-prepared nurse educator role essential to performing as educators and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (PO 1)
CO3: Examine unique learning styles and needs of culturally diverse learners to foster acquisition of knowledge and skill. (POs 1 and 3)
Develop a personal philosophy of teaching and learning that will guide your career as a nurse educator. Using a voice-over PowerPoint, (directions located in Resource Tab), audiotape your philosophy of teaching and learning. The presentation should be communicated as a formal depiction of your philosophy to course faculty. The quality of your communication and slide formatting should represent professional standards.  The recording should range from 5–10 minutes and must include the following content. Process
1. Develop your philosophy of teaching and learning based on the requirements noted in the assignment criteria table below.
2. Follow the instructions in the course on how to develop a voice-over PowerPoint.
3. Audiotape your presentation and submit it in the Week 2 assignment submission box.
4. You will be graded on both the content of the presentation and the professional quality of the presentation.
a. Category              Points   %            Description Introduction
2. 5              5%          This section of the assignment presents an introduction to your presentation by including
• Introduction of speaker
• Identification of desired setting for future practice as a nurse educator (either an academic setting or professional development within healthcare)
• Description of responsibilities consistent with the nurse educator’s role in your selected practice setting Overview of philosophy   15    15%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of your personal philosophy of nursing education, by including:
• Core beliefs regarding the purpose of nursing education
• Core beliefs regarding the role of the nurse educator
• Core beliefs regarding learner characteristics
• Core beliefs regarding the variables that influence the teaching and learning process Application of Education Theory   15    15%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of an educational theory (no nursing theories such as Benner may be used) by including:
• Identification of the selected educational theory
• Description of principles from the educational theory
• Description of how the selected educational theory is consistent with philosophy Selected Teaching Methods    20    20%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of selected teaching methods by including:
• Explanation of each of the three selected teaching methods
• Identification of how each selected teaching method is consistent with your philosophy
• Identification of how each selected teaching method is consistent with your selected educational theory
• Identification of how each teaching method will foster learning in your practice setting Summary   5      5%          This section of the assignment presents a summary by including:
• Description of key points identified within your presentation
• Identification of how your role as a nurse educator in your practice setting will impact holistic, safe, and quality care
• Identification of one next step in order to be successful as graduate student in the education track Presentation- Speaker 15           15%        The speaker presents the information in a professional manner, which includes the following.
• The speaker thoroughly addresses content without reading directly from the slides.
• The speaker presented the content in a clear, easy to hear and easy-to-understand manner
• The speaker varied the pace of the presentation and uses pauses to aid the understandability of the topic
• The speaker used language appropriate for the audience
• Vocal fillers (“um,” “uh,” “like”) were under control
• The speaker made the presentation interesting to and used appropriate language Presentation – Slides      15           15%        The formatting of the slides demonstrates the following:
• Slides are professional in appearance and tone
• Balance between space, words/graphics and color is effective
• Oral presentation used concise language
• References are cited directly on the slide Graduate-level Writing Style     10           10%        For full credit the following criteria must be met:
• Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage
• No direct quotes are used on the presentation slides
• APA format for citing and referencing sources Quality of Scholarly Sources
It is an expectation that a minimum of 3 scholarly sources are integrated within the assignment. If the above expectation is not met, 10 points shall be dedicated. Total      100         100%     A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirementsNR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educato

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