A basketball player has recently been drafted from college in the first round to a top NBA team

Individually create and develop a 15-minute power point presentation. You need to choose one of the scenarios below and explore why they are struggling to perform under pressure. The focus of the presentation will be to introduce the scenario, use theory and research to explain your client’s situation. Finally, you will need to discuss the relevant topic associated with your client and then propose an intervention to support them.
Topics available
You have been invited as a performance psychologist to work with the following client:
Scenario 1
• A basketball player has recently been drafted from college in the first round to a top NBA team. They have struggled at the start of the season to handle the expectations of the team, the fans and themselves. This has impacted their performance greatly and they have let some big opportunities to perform pass them by.


Scenario 2

• A leader within a large commercial company has been high performing for the last 4 years and received multiple promotions. They have now been asked to lead a new branch of the company and set up a new location with a new team. They are struggling to manage the pressure of performance of being the main person within a branch and struggling to connect with the new team

Information to include
You need to choose one the above scenarios and present a 15-minute power point presentation and include the following information.
• Introduce the scenario. The case study is quite basic, and you will need to expand on the scenario and be creative with this. You will need to include the factors that influence performance including: performance roles/ psychological factors and lifestyle factors (sleep, hydration, nutrition and physical activity). Ensure you clearly outline the scenario to the audience, so they can understand your client in detail.
• Provide a needs analysis – where you provide detail on what measures (interview, observation, psychometrics, physiological measurement) you used to collect data to understand your client’s situation in more detail.
• You need to cover two psychological constructs (e.g. resilience, communication, attentional control theory) in detail covering theory and research to support an explanation for why your client is currently struggling to perform under pressure.
• Considering the clients issue, propose an appropriate intervention to support your client. The intervention needs to be underpinned by theory and research and needs to explain how it can address the issue outlined earlier in the presentation.
• Provide an evaluation strategy to ensure your intervention progresses.
• A reference list of all references used throughout the presentation
• Ensure that you stay within the allotted time of 15 minutes. Any slides or discussions over the 15 minutes will not be marked
• Try to keep between 10 -15 slides to ensure you cover everything you need in the allotted time.


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