Please complete a formal laboratory report on the Cardiovascular Dynamics PhysioEx Lab assignment (Exercise 5: Activities 1, 2, 4, & 5 conducted in PhysioEx 9.1).
A formal laboratory report on the Cardiovascular Dynamics
Please complete a formal laboratory report on the Cardiovascular Dynamics PhysioEx Lab assignment (Exercise 5: Activities 1, 2, 4, & 5 conducted in PhysioEx 9.1).
The report should be approximately 5-6 pages long, double spaced, 12 point font.
The report should include the following sections as described below; introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
This lab report should be completed individually and written in your own words. Introduction Clearly states what scientific concept the overall lab assignment is about. Provide background information about the concepts and methods involved, using your textbook, PhysioEx, or information from an online search.
Cite your sources and add them to the References section.
List the objectives of each of the four lab activities. Relate the objectives to the scientific concept or procedure of the lab. Try to provide some real-world connection to explain why the objective is something worthy of investigation.
For each lab activity, state your hypothesis of what you thought the outcome of the experiment would be before you did it. Explain how you used your understanding of the scientific concept of the lab to arrive at your hypothesis. Materials and Methods List and describe the materials and equipment set-up for the four lab simulations.
Write a step-by-step procedure of how you conducted each lab activity. Take notes as you work through the activities to have a complete record of all the steps you took and the materials used. Please do not copy the steps from PhysioEx exactly word for word. The procedure must be written in complete sentences and be provide enough detail that another scientist could complete the lab activities. There are many steps in this experiment, and writing the methods may seem overwhelming.
Instead of writing every step that PhysioEx lists, try to be concise and put several steps into one sentence. This section should only describe what you did in the lab and not what you found. Also, write the methods in the past tense.
The results section should include the data tables and graphs generated during each of the four lab simulations.
Label each figure with a number and title. Briefly summarize the trend, relationship, or general finding shown by the raw data in complete sentences. Save any comments or opinions about what you learned from the results for the discussion section.
Discussion Explain what the results mean in terms of the scientific concept or laboratory procedure explored in each of the four lab simulations. Moreover, discuss whether or not the results support the hypothesis, using specific data to support your judgment.
Use the predictions and questions you answered within the simulations to discuss each of the four activities.
Provide some sources of error and discuss the limitations of the experiment. Propose some ideas for further investigation and related new questions you would like to explore.
Reflect on what you have learned from the lab activities overall.
Further, demonstrate your understanding of the data by drawing a conclusion supported by evidence. This section should only be one paragraph in length.
List all sources you referenced in writing this report. Use a consistent academic format such as Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA).
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