A useful program that network administrators can use to manage their wireless ne

A useful program that network administrators can use to manage their wireless networks is inSSIDer. It shows (1) the MAC (physical) address of the network, (2) its SSID, (3) the channel it is using, (4) a signal-to-noise ratio, (5) the type of security the network is using, (6) the type and speed of the network, and (7) the times the network appears.
Another benefit of inSSIDer is that it displays the encryption type used on a specific network. This is important information if you are doing a penetration test or a security audit. If your network is using wired equivalent privacy (WEP), it would be wise to switch to Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) or WPA2 (even better). There are several tools available that can crack WEP keys. Running a quick scan of your network using inSSIDer may help you determine if you need to make changes to your network. It can also tell you if your network has dead spots or rogue access points. Let’s look at a simple example.
Use your own computer, not the VM for this one.
If using a Mac try https://www.netspotapp.com/netspotpro.htmlLinks to an external site.
Get the free version! 
Download, install and run inSSIDer from http://www.metageek.net/products/inssiderLinks to an external site..
Get the free version! 
Select your wireless network card from the drop-down menu.
Click Start Scanning.
Click on the 2.4 GHz Channels tab in the lower pane.
Wait a few minutes for surrounding networks to show up on the list.
Take a screenshot and include a brief description of your findings.
This is the next chapter of your lab book for the semester. Each Lab Assignment is a new chapter in your lab book.
Your lab book chapter each week should include:
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Introduction of the lab assignment
Screenshots that dialogue your lab experience/ what you learned during the exercise
Conclusion of the lab assignment
Independent Research – expanding the topic.. ( For example this week, we are focusing on the VM, an appropriate expansion may be discussing why we use a VM, uses of VM’s, history of VM’s, NextGen VM’s… etc)
A Helpful Message regarding the projects/ lab assignments…   
Yes, we normally provide steps to follow and a general direction of what is necessary to complete the assignment…..   but they are not recipes…   they are diving boards for exploration.   Sometimes things do not work perfectly…  that’s OK..  note it in your lab book and continue.   The intent is to provide the general direction…  the assignment is intended for you to run with it and learn!! 
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