After finishing this week’s readings, please provide a summary of issues emerging from the authority to generate and share

After finishing this week’s readings, please provide a summary of issues emerging from the authority to generate and share intelligence, and provide recommendations to address them.

List of Issues: [list numerically and can be more than three]


Summary of Recommendations: [1-2 paragraphs]

The assignment should at the very least be 800 words

Psychology homework help

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4 Discussion Questions – PHE-4055


People of Japanese Heritage People of Jewish Heritage Read chapter 18 and 19 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations. Once done answer the following questions; 1. Describe the health care beliefs of the Japanase and the Jewish culture and if there is any similarity in both cultures. 2. How religion influence the delivery of community nursing care specially in an APA format word document on an Aral 12 font attached to the forum on the discussion questions of the blackboard under week 9 discussion questions. A minimum of 2 evidence based references excluding the class textbook are required. 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required. Please follow proper instructions for first and references page. A minimum of 500 words are required.

Week 2 Discussion

“Employee Motivation and Organizational Learning” Please respond to the following: Select two motivational theories and compare and contrast their basic premises. Select one of these theories to use as the basis for the solution you would propose for the workplace employee motivation problem you identified in the first discussion question and support your selection. Imagine you have recently been hired to be the Chief Learning Officer (CLO) for a corporation and have been tasked to establish a corporate university. Discuss the various types of training media you would use to educate your corporate students and how these media would be put to use.

Th e management of industrial relations has slowly undergone a metamorphosis. Explain with special

Th e management of industrial relations has slowly undergone a metamorphosis. Explain with special. Th e management of industrial relations has slowly undergone a metamorphosis. Explain with special reference to the scenario aft er the economic liberalization and globalization in India. Has the employee?employer relationship changed completely ? If so, describe these changes and their impact on organizations.
Th e management of industrial relations has slowly undergone a metamorphosis. Explain with special


Explain the different types of research methodologies used in the health sciences. How would you apply one of these research methods in your workplace? There is no word count minimum for DQ answers but I do expect full and complete answers in a concise matter. If parts of a DQ are not answered you will be asked to explain further or to expand on your answer.

ONY FOR Best Writer

Week 9 Discussion 1 “Trade Unions and Multinational Companies” Please respond to the following: Examine one (1) of the constraints that trade unions have placed on multinational companies. Propose one (1) possible actions that multinational companies can take in order to address the constraint in question. Justify your response. *From the e-Activity, examine the benefits and drawbacks of trade unions for employees. Provide your opinion on the major effects that MNEs have had on trade unions. Provide a rationale for your response. Week 9 Discussion 2 “Corporate Codes of Conduct” Please respond to the following: *From the case study, examine the goals of Degussa’s Global Code of Conduct. Recommend one (1) action that the HR department can take in order to ensure that employees understand and follow the company’s Global Code of Conduct. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze two (2) emerging issues for HRM in offshoring countries. Suggest one (1) solution to each emerging issue. Justify your response


Create a 250-word essay on the topic of the Importance of Business Ethics. How do you personally and professionally see this impacting your decision making? Provide examples and lessons learned!

1 Page Public Health Leadership Case Study

Due 9/21/18 8 p.m est 1 page not including min 3 refer APA ARTICLE ATTACHED As one of the most widely-used prescriptions withdrawn from the market, Rofecobix highlights issues facing public health leaders during a drug recall. With approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999, Merck marketed the drug for public use. In 2004, the drug was recalled for safety and cardiovascular problems developed in patients taking the medication (Topol, 2004). With nearly $2.5 billion dollars in sales and over 80 million people exposed to the drug, Merck’s recall turned into a public firestorm of litigation cases against the corporation. In this week’s article by Topol, the author addresses the scandal surrounding safety concern.Think about the traits and skills of the primary leaders. After considering the issues in the case to address possible shortcomings of primary leadership and systemic issues. Think about strategies for improvements that use a systems thinking approach. POST: Provide a summary of possible traits of the primary leaders in the case study

For Nicohwilliam Only WK 4 Paper

This week you’ll be reading chapters 8 and 13 in the text and exploring the Buros Center for Testing website, the PRO-ED website, and the Clinical Assessment website. Your tasks for this week include the discussion forum DQs and participation as well as a paper on psychological testing and assessment selection. Some things I’d like to see in that assignment include: APA level one and level two headings (not a pro at APA levels of headings? It’s OK! Google Purdue Owl APA level of headings super easy!) 5 refs (one is the textbook) APA citations and references formatted correctly. Clear and thorough responses to each part of this assignment. Points will be deducted if I have to try to guess, assume, or infer what students mean or which part of the assignment is being addressed. Regarding this week’s assignment. Think about how we assess for diagnoses. What types of information might we want to gather? If we already have a diagnosis, might that also drive which assessment we give our client? What are we trying to discover about the client’s clinical representation? Think diagnosis and DSM-5 for question 2 of this Week 4’s assignment: What are four to five important diagnostic factors a counselor should consider when selecting a psychological test for a client? Here’s a little trick for online students. (Let me preface this with a reminder that students must be reading all required readings, especially textbook readings.) Using the control key + F (the search tool) you can enter a word to search within a document or textbook. Try entering diagnostic and this may help you re-find the information more quickly. Please be sure to read all of the required readings. This is important information for counselors. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) about the selection of the appropriate psychological test and/or assessment. Answer each of the following three questions: What resources are available to assist counselors in the selection of the appropriate psychological tests and/or assessments for a client? What are four to five important diagnostic factors a counselor should consider when selecting a psychological test for a client? How can a counselor determine that a specific test is the appropriate test for a client’s demographics? Include at least four scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. We are reading chapters 8 and 13 in our text this week. Use this text as one of the references: Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik, M. E.(2018). Psychological testing and assessment (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies. ISBN: 9781259870507.

Networks Live Or Die On Speed. You Should Know The Speeds That You Expect Out Of Your Network. You Should Be Able To Determine Patterns And Anomalies And Their Causes. One Of The Most Frequent Complaints Is “My Network Is Slow”. Is It? What Is Slow? With

Networks Live Or Die On Speed. You Should Know The Speeds That You Expect Out Of Your Network. You Should Be Able To Determine Patterns And Anomalies And Their Causes. One Of The Most Frequent Complaints Is “My Network Is Slow”. Is It? What Is Slow? With. Networks live or die on speed. You should know the speeds that you expect out of your network. You should be able to determine patterns and anomalies and their causes. One of the most frequent complaints is “My network is slow”. Is it? What is slow? Without metrics and measures, you will be defenseless. There are tools that will help you pattern network issues like speed and ping. This exercise will help you test your network connectivity. Do a research on the PING, TELNET, IPCONFIG and PATHPING utilities. Use at least 3 web sites to test the PING utility Take a screen shot of what you did and upload it to the Network Testing
Networks Live Or Die On Speed. You Should Know The Speeds That You Expect Out Of Your Network. You Should Be Able To Determine Patterns And Anomalies And Their Causes. One Of The Most Frequent Complaints Is “My Network Is Slow”. Is It? What Is Slow? With

Two Page Paper On The Theater


Answer All The Questions In The Attachment.

* You have three attachemnts: 1. The first one is the doc. that has the questions that you have to answer. NOTE: Part A questions have to be answered from your own thinking + Using the LO in the attached pages from a textbook. Bart B questions has to be answered from the attached article. + Own thinking. 2. The second attchment is some pages that has LO that you will have to read and understand to answer the questions. 3. Third attachemet is the article that you have to read to answer Part B. Assignemnt two pages or more. DUE: IN 12 HOURS.

Bar Mitzfah Dantezz

Assignment 2: Case Analysis You have a friend who is a mental health practitioner. He or she was invited to attend the bar mitzvah of a thirteen-year-old child he or she is treating. After considering the offer, he or she decides to go but has asked for your advice. Tasks: In a 2- to 3-page paper and using appropriate ethical guidelines, answer the following questions: What would you recommend and why? Would your recommendations differ if the therapy had concluded? Would your recommendations differ depending on the type of mental health professional involved? If yes, in what way? If no, why not? Support your recommended actions with appropriate professional ethical guidelines and laws of your region. Additionally, cite all supporting ideas. Finally, your submission should be written and formatted in current APA style. Submission Details: Save your paper as M2_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. By Wednesday, April 26, 2017, post it to the M2 Assignment 2 Dropbox. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Applied the ethical guidelines and legal requirements of practice to the specific ethical dilemmas. 32 Presented well-reasoned arguments to support the chosen course of action. 32 Described the ethical guidelines and laws governing the practice of mental health. 20 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


this is two different thing one is a discusssion board then there is the assigment Unit 2 db class 1 Explain your proposed approach for conducting research necessary to develop quality deliverables and explain how the information gleaned will support your career development in management. Please review the approach proposed by other students, providing objective feedback on opportunities for improvement. List the unique issues of multiracial group members

4 Discussion Questions – PHE-4055

*Please no plagiarism – no copy paste–answer all questions–stay on topic* PHE 4055 Discussions PART 1 —*150 words—-include references* Disparities in Public Health Planning Certain ethnic and racial minorities as well as other underserved populations experience more negative consequences of illness and premature death than other groups. Using the Internet, research the disparities in public health planning. Based on your understanding of these disparities, answer the following questions: · What do the terms “diversity” and “health disparities” mean to you? How are the two terms related? · How are these terms relevant to health program planning and evaluation? · How does the cultural diversity of populations affect the program planning and evaluation processes? Explain these in terms of the various stages of the planning and evaluation cycle. PART 2 —-*150 words?include references* Health Assessments Most community health assessments involve the analysis of some type of population-based data. However, there are many different data sources and statistical techniques that can be used. The question then becomes, which statistical sources are most appropriate for describing health problems? In short, it is essential for you to review some of the basic statistical techniques used in these analyses. Utilizing resources such as interviews of key staff, documents at your local government health offices(Georgia), and the Internet, compile your observations about the types of statistics used in describing health problems within your community. Based on your observations and understanding, respond to the following: · Examine and explain the types of statistics used in describing health problems. · Describe an odds ratio. · Describe relative risk. · Describe a confidence interval PART 3 —-*150 words—include references* Implementing a health program Implementing a health program involves many challenges. The Internet, and personal interactions with your local health authorities (Georgia) to understand the various facets of implementing public health programs. Based on your research and understanding, respond to the following: · Explain the four categories of information, which provide a useful framework for organizing a community health program. · Describe the importance of assessing program implementation in a public health program. · There are three levels of program implementation. Describe each of them and the significance of each level of program implementation. · The public health pyramid is an overarching framework for public health planning and evaluation. Explain program implementation at the various levels of the public health pyramid. PART 4 —*150 words —include references* Economic Evaluations of Health Programs Program planners and evaluators need a basic understanding of economic evaluation. In addition, they may be faced with certain ethical issues. Interview your local healthcare professionals and evaluators. Based on your interactions, provide responses to the following: · Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations. · Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation. · Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

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