AMC Networks

1. AMC (American Movie Channel), a large movie channel, owned by AMC Networks. The channel offers programming to a substantial portion of TV households.
AMC is a publicly owned corporation, international in scope. It has had three different owners since it debuted in 1984. They are not afraid to change direction or rebrand.
2. Roku. A manufacturer of online media devices
Roku is a publicly held company founded by Anthony Wood who is also CEO. It is the sixth company he has founded and organized.
3. Shondaland, An independent TV programming producer located in Los Angeles and responsible for a number of block buster prime time TV shows.
Shondaland is owned and managed by its founder Shonda Rhimes. A writer by trade she hires and creates everything that is put on air. She is still in her 40s and is at the top of her game. She employs over 50 people at present and makes good use of college interns.

1. Rank each of the three companies as outlined below

Management Strength Management weakness Total Management Value to
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

2. Now you will then write a short summary of how you came to rank them as you did? What were the most important management factors in your decision?
3. When you have finished comparing and evaluating what you know about each from a management perspective, you will look at the total industry for each potential acquisition. Your research of the industry should look at how important each company is to the total industry in terms of management stability, corporate culture, creativity and any other management factor you think important. Your industry management analyses should be at least four pages and cover the industries of the three prospective acquisitions.

The post AMC Networks first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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