Analysis of stock price movements




The main task
Follow some of S&P500 listed companies (share price evolution since November 1st, 2021) and pick
1 public-traded stock to make a fictive investment (buy or short) of USD 50,000, before February 1st.
Write a memorandum explaining your observations, results and recommendations to potential future
investors depending on their investor profile (risk-friendly, moderate risk, risk-averse). The list of
Corporations for this assignment is below: (choose one of the following companies):
· NVIDIA corporation · Johnson & Johnson · PayPal Holdings · Exxon Mobil Corporation · CostCo
Wholesale Corp · Texas Instruments Corp · Qualcomm Inc. · Moderna Inc. · Goldman Sachs Group
Inc. · Raytheon Technologies Corp. · Caterpillar Inc. · 3M Company · Lockheed Martin Corp. · Estee
Lauder Cies. Inc.
Your memorandum must include:
1. Background
2. Corporation’s introduction
3. Acquisition and Selling math (50k$)
4. Graphical description of stock price and trends during the last 3 months and more in detail
during the investment period
5. Technical analysis
6. Explain the observed trends
7. Relate these trends to relevant contextual information. Regarding this context, briefly forecast
the changes in prices for the next month
8. Conclusions & Investment recommendation
Remember that
“A memorandum is a short document that aims to inform potential investors or decision-makers about
any issues in connection with the business (projects and project developments) that would need to
be taken into account before risking any investment.”




The post Analysis of stock price movements first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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