ANL307: Predictive Modelling |
- The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index is a meteorologically based index, which has been used worldwide to assist wildfire danger forecasting. It consists of different components that account for the effects of fuel moisture and wind on fire behavior and spread. The FWI indicator can help shape long-term tourist strategy and to plan future investments under a changing climate. More details about the FWI Components can be found in the given reference.
To understand the possible fire danger in a specific area, a dataset Algerian_forest_fires_dataset.csv was provided for analysis. This dataset includes 244 instances that record the daily fire danger condition of two regions of Algeria, namely the Bejaia region is located in the northeast and the Sidi Bel-abbes region is located in the northwest of Algeria. There are 122 instances for each region, and the time range is from June 2012 to September 2012. The fields include the basic weather condition of the region, also cover the key FWI Components. The daily fire danger records have been classified into “fire” (138) and “not fire” (106) classes.
- Predictive modeling has been applied in various fields. Read the following application of the logistic regression model on Enterprise Risk Management, write a summary report to show your understanding and findings
Önder, S., & Ergin, H. (2012). Determiners of enterprise risk management applications in Turkey: An empirical study with logistic regression model on the companies included in ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange). Business and Economic Horizons (BEH), 7(1232- 2016-101101), 19-26.
The post ANL307: Predictive Modelling The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index is a meteorologically based index, which has been used worldwide to assist wildfire danger forecasting. It consists of different components that account for the effects of fuel moisture and wind on fire behavior and spread. The F appeared first on My Academic Papers.