ANL552: GBA ( Group-based Assignment) SUSS- Data Analytics for Managers

Question 1


1. This assignment assesses your team’s ability to evaluate and present a business analytics application. To this end, you and your team members shall write a report on the possible application of analytics on the Online Shoppers Purchasing Intention Dataset, which can be found on:

2. Complete the following tasks:
a. This assignment will be divided into two phases:

 Phase 1: Write an 800-word analytics proposal.
Phase 2: Create five (5) Power-point slides to summarise the proposal written.

b. Handling exceptions:

The entire GBA group is responsible to manage the progress of this assignment. If any of the group members is not able to contribute to the work, all the other team members shall come in to complete the entire assignment. Hence, the entire team must plan the work carefully, monitor the progress closely, and take any timely corrective action when required. Finally, your group shall submit a report of no more than 1,200 words in total.
Any disagreements shall be resolved amicably within the group. However, if you feel strongly that any of the group members did not contribute enough, You can inform the instructor by emailing the evidence to support your claim. The instructor will investigate if the evidence is clear, objective and sufficient.

c. Your group shall submit original work. Do not copy any content of your submission from any source (regardless of public or private domains).

d. The final submission shall include the following items. The format of the report should also be made up of two main sections, according to the following sequence.

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A. Proposal Report

The GBA group shall create a professional report of a proposed analytics project based on the given data and context. The report should not exceed 800 words and shall include the following details:

An assessment of the analytics project feasibility (50 marks). This is the most important part of the proposal. The assessment should contain the following:

a. current situation (i.e., problem background and context)

b. possible (business) issues to be addressed
Parts (a) and (b) are on the Business aspect. The question does not specify a business problem, so you will have to assume one reasonable business problem that you could work on, using the given data. Examples include (but are not limited to): What are the key website visitors’ behaviours? What did they buy? What are the key factors affecting purchases?

c. data requirements and quality of data, and possible data preparation required to address any data quality issues.

d. the kind of information/insight to be derived in order to address the identified (business) issues.

Parts (c) and (d) focus on the Data aspect. You will need to examine the data using whatever tools you are familiar with. Please note that you are not limited to using IBM SPSS Modeler only; feel free to use any tool that you deem suitable for this task.
When inspecting the data, you may come across data quality issues, such as missing values or unusual entries. You should discuss the significance of the issues, and their potential impact on the quality and outcomes of your analyses. It is crucial to explain how you will treat the data.
For the information to be derived from the data, it will depend on your specific business question, and whether the dataset can provide the information that you need. Provide a logical explanation of the key steps required to convert the raw data into the desired information.

e. an explanation of the appropriateness of the analytics approach selected in order to generate the kind of information required. You may also discuss other approaches originally considered but were not finally chosen for this project

Part (e) focuses on the Analytics aspect. Based on your lesson schedule, I do not expect you (but do not limit you) to apply any sophisticated data mining technique. You are encouraged to present non-technical discussions on the potential applications of such techniques. Although it is not mandatory to apply these techniques, exploring their potential usefulness can provide valuable insights. Keep in mind that your choice of analytics technique(s) will depend very much on the available data and specific information you want to derive from the raw data.
The above Business, Data, and Analytics aspects each carries a weight of 15 marks; with another 5 marks for the coherence and presentation. The marker will make minor adjustments to ensure a holistic assessment, rather than mechanically assigning marks to each individual part. On this note, it is essential that you consider the big picture, avoid fundamental errors, and focus on the overall coherence of your work over minor details.
Provide an implementation plan which includes a proposed timeline (e.g., a Gantt chart) of the project.
Provide an implementation plan which includes a proposed timeline (e.g., a Gantt chart) of the project (5 marks).
Team coordination and timeliness of milestone completions, and References

a. Provide the date that you have sent the final version of your team’s proposal to another team. Make sure you give another team sufficient time to summarise and create slide presentations of your work.

b. Provide a minimum of three (3) references which must be cited in the team
proposal report.

B. Summary of the proposal

Summarise the proposal by providing the following information:

Five (5) Power-point slides to summarise the proposal. Your slides should contain mostly key points, illustrative figures, tables, etc.
These slides should take up five (5) A4-sized pages in Portrait orientation presented in the following manner:

o Each PowerPoint slide must be copied and then pasted as an image into a Word document, occupying the top half of a page.
o The bottom half of the page should include a narration of the slide. The
narration may reuse or paraphrase relevant sections of texts in the proposal.
However, it must be aligned with the content of the respective slide.
o You can assume that each slide along with its narration carry 8 marks, though the marker will grade holistically based on the overall quality of the

The narrations of all slides must not exceed 400 words in total. The last slide and its narration should include a brief appraisal of the appropriateness of the analytics proposal in addressing the identified issues. Some possible details include strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, possible areas to improve, etc.
Note that the proposal and slide summary must be combined as one Word document to be submitted via Canvas. The elected Leader of the GBA group shall perform the online submission before the assignment deadline.

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