Answers to each question should be in the range of 500-700 words, or the equival

Answers to each question should be in the range of 500-700 words, or the equivalent of two-three typed, 12 point font, double-spaced pages, and include at least two references other than those in the reading assignments. Please note that your references should begin on a new page separate from your answer to the question. What kind of effect do you feel smartphones have on people’s relationships? Are they able to say things via their phone they could not without? [MO2.1] Do you feel smartphones are affecting people’s sleep? Are they sleeping less because they are using these phones late into the night and early in the morning? [MO2.2] Consider the effects both positive and negative to skyping on a smartphone. Does this help with business meetings? Families with parents serving overseas? Parents on business trips? [MO2.2] Do you feel we are dependent on our smartphones? Why? Why not?

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