Apply diverse technology-related knowledge and skills to diverse business disciplines to critically reflect on, evaluate and contribute to innovate business developments that enhance sustainable business transformations in local, national, global and digital business environments. LO3: Provide evid

Assessment name: Portfolio/Workbook
Task description: You will complete a number of critical reflection activities based on the learning content in Week 1, 2, 3 and compile them in your Portfolio document.
Learning outcomes measured: LO 1: Demonstrate and apply integrated theoretical and practical knowledge (e.g., IS thinking approaches, multidisciplinary frameworks), which incorporate business development, competitive advantage, strategy and decision-making and digital innovation.
LO 2: Apply diverse technology-related knowledge and skills to diverse business disciplines to critically reflect on, evaluate and contribute to innovate business developments that enhance sustainable business transformations in local, national, global and digital business environments.
LO3: Provide evidence of effective analysis, interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of complex business scenarios (e.g., situations, trends) across multiple contexts and demonstrate how research and inquiry can be used to interpret, contribute to and create practical business & ITrelated ideas and knowledge. analytical and critical thinking skills to understand the way people experience social technologies, including how people construct personal and professional online identities
Due date: Sunday, 30 Jan, 2022, 11:59 pm (end of Week 3)
Weighting: 40 %
How will I be assessed: Individual
7-point grading scale using a rubric
Task details
What you need to do: 1. Read the Criterion-Referenced Assessment Rubric at the end of this document to understand how you will be marked.
2. Read the description, requirements, sections on writing style, citing sources, and submission details.
3. Read the activities in your Weekly Notebooks.
Submission requirements: Assessment 1 must be completed as a Portfolio document and saved in PDF file format for submission in Turnitin
Resources needed to complete task:
• SCU Blackboard
• SCU Cite/Write APA guide
Submission Information
What you need to submit:
How to submit:
One only “Portfolio” document saved in PDF file format and containing the below mentioned content:
Weekly activities based on each week’s topic. This can be found in each week’s Notebook. Compile all the content in one document and save it as a PDF file. Then, submit via Turnitin through SCU Blackboard.
Teaching staff that assess your work may meet to discuss and compare their judgements before marks or grades are finalized.
Academic Integrity
As a student of the SCU academic community, you are asked to work to uphold the principles of academic integrity during your course of study. SCU sets expectations and responsibilities of students, more specifically it states that students “academic integrity is behaving in accordance with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.” Ensure that you have completed the ‘Academic Integrity’ (AI) module so that you understand “what you need to do to practice academic integrity in your studies.” A certificate of successful completion of the AI module may be required for your submission to be assessed.
At SCU, students are expected to demonstrate their own understanding and thinking using the ideas provided by ‘others’ to support and inform their work, always making due acknowledgement to the source. While peer learning is encouraged, it is not appropriate to share assignments with other students unless your assessment piece has been stated as being a group assignment. If you do share your assignment with another student/s, and they copy part of or all of your assignment for their submission, this is considered collusion and you may also be reported for academic misconduct.
Assignment 1 addresses the learning outcomes in this unit (mentioned above) in various different ways. It is designed to get you to critically explore the topics delivered in Weeks 1, 2 & 3 by writing about them and forming your own ideas and opinions. The assignment is built on the idea of self- directed learning through a combination of learning resources such as for example book chapters, research papers, video’s, etc.
In addition to the resources recommended in each week’s topics, you are required to undertake your own research and source information and content relating to the week’s topic through other resources.
Your engagement with the learning activities is critical to your success in the unit, not just because it is your assessment but also because it is one of the major vehicles for learning. Your task is to understand and analyze a range of topical issues around each week’s topic mentioned in the weekly Notebooks.
You are expected to undertake a number of critical reflection activities and contribute on a consistent basis. Your consistency and quality of work produced will contribute towards your mark.
Assignment 1 (Weighting 40%) should contain your responses to the weekly activities set out in your Weekly Notebook. These are mentioned below. You must read, listen, investigate and analyze the issues related to the topic. These tasks require you to articulate your thoughts, opinions and insights in the ‘Portfolio’ Document.
You must ensure that your contribution is both relevant and offers critical insights. Think of your Portfolio as a journal or log book parallel to the field book or laboratory notes of the scientist i.e., you not only record what has happened or what you have observed but also your tentative hypothesis or the development of new understanding or new phenomena.
Further, also think of your weekly posts, as an opportunity to showcase your capability, position and thinking on a range of issues related to information technology and, specifically to information systems.
Writing style
A portfolio is similar to writing a formal written assignment, as it is about sharing both, new and existing knowledge. A good portfolio stimulates interest and provides strong evidence of your interest and work related to this unit. Please keep things “relatively formal” as the metaphor for this assessment is that you are working towards being an expert by sharing your well researched synthesized findings.
Each topic in your portfolio must incorporate at least one image. Look at some example sites online (e.g. TechCrunch, The Conversation) and note how each post has a consistent look and feel and incorporates at least one image.
Citing Sources
Citing your sources is critical as it demonstrates the research that you have undertaken and provides credit and acknowledgement to others. You should also quote any words or ideas used by other authors. Citing also allows your reader to track down the sources you use. It also demonstrates the credibility of what you are saying.
As your Portfolio is in a digital format (PDF), where possible all citing of sources should be done as hyperlinked text within the main body of the post. Optionally, you may also include a list of references at the end of the post (again as meaningful hyperlinks – do not use the full URL index itself). In cases where you cite a reference not available online then you should use APA and definitely provide a reference list at the bottom of the post. Additional advice on citing can be found here.
Submission details
Submit one only ‘Portfolio’ document containing your Week 1, 2, 3 activities outlined in each week’s Notebook. Refer the document structure mentioned below. Save your document in PDF file format and submit on or before the due date via Turnitin on Blackboard.
Context: The Business Case
Your Portfolio should be directly related and relevant to the business case, which is the Fossil Group. Fossil Group, Inc. is a global design, marketing, distribution and innovation company that creates distinctive watches, wearables and accessories with some of the greatest brands in the world. The group has some 30,000 points of distribution across 150 countries, including 450 company-owned retail locations (Source:
Follow the below structure to build your Portfolio document.
Portfolio Contents Word Count Guide (approximate)
Cover Page showing title Assessment 1, Student full name & ID, SCU email Excluded
Executive Summary stating what this Portfolio contains and why 100
Table of Contents Excluded
1. Fossil Group – IS for Competitive Advantage, Strategy & innovation
1.1. IT portfolio of the group 100
1.2. Capabilities of platforms/technologies 200
1.3. Limitations of platforms/technologies 200
1.4. Competitive advantage in the ‘Wearables’ industry based on the IT portfolio. 200
1.5. Organizational changes required to innovate its wearable line of products 200
2. Fossil Group – Business Processes and Models for Digitization
2.1. BPM initiative (online sales process) for wearable products 200
2.2. BPMN – model online ordering process for a smart wearable. Describe some situational considerations. Provide information artifacts either for producing an activity or produced after an activity in relation to the above modeling. 200 + diagrams (maximum 3)
2.3. Value chain, business processes & process architecture relating to customer services handled by the Fossil Co. staff. Describe the process 300 + diagrams (maximum 3)
automation in a web application. Explain how IS can provide quality of the above-mentioned processes.
3. Corporate Systems
3.1. Products and clientele of the Fossil Group. IS used by the
company including functions and features. Customer support through CRM. How an ERP system can support the company’s vendors and other functional areas. 200
3.2. Brands served by the Fossil Group. Information shared between the Fossil and other brands illustrated through a PR.I.D.E. system.
Tables showing profiles of Brands, Products and Wearable indicators. 300 + diagrams
(maximum 2) +
Tables (maximum 3)
3.3. Challenges faced by the Fossil Group in developing IS in a highly competitive digital environment. Design an organization-wide plan to manage and develop IS. 500
4. References Excluded
5. Appendices Excluded
Note: Words in Tables and Diagrams Excluded
Criteria High Distinction
Distinction Credit Pass Fail
BUSN6009 | Assessment 1 Rubric
Analysis and
All posts
Entry shows strong awareness of key issues discussed in weekly learning materials.
• The ability to:
• Apply and Presents a strong, coherent and integrate critical valid argument (where appropriate). analysis;
• Investigate Strong evidence of independent multiple investigation, questioning and perspectives, analysis.
contradictions or Ability to effectively synthesize
information from a variety of inconsistencies sources. Independently takes and
• Present a valid understands multiple perspectives argument and through these can provide an
• Form, present insightful and/or exhaustive critical and support discussion of the issues at hand. own opinions and original Incorporates own opinion and ideas original ideas into discussion, with
• Stimulate strong foundation in theory and examples.
Weighting: 70%
BUSN6009 – Assessment 1
All posts
Entry shows a good awareness of key issues discussed in weekly learning materials.
Presents a coherent and valid argument (where appropriate).
Evidence of independent investigation, questioning and analysis.
Ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Independently takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful critical discussion of the issues at hand.
Incorporates own opinion or original ideas into discussion, with foundation in theory and examples.
All posts
Entry shows awareness of key issues discussed in weekly learning materials. However, emphasis may be disproportionate.
Presents an argument (where appropriate).
Some evidence of independent investigation, questioning and analysis.
Attempts to synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide a critical discussion of the issues at hand.
Incorporates own opinion or original ideas into discussion, with reference to theory or examples.
All posts All posts
Presents an argument, however, emphasis is disproportionate and/or Argument is not provided, or is disproportionate or irrelevant (where appropriate).
No evidence of independent
Entry shows awareness of Entry shows little or no awareness some of the key issues of key issues discussed in weekly discussed in weekly learning learning materials. materials, however emphasis is
(where appropriate).
Little evidence of independent investigation, questioning and analysis.
Some attempt to synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Attempts to take and understand multiple perspectives.
Some attempt to incorporate own opinion or original ideas into discussion, however opinion may not be grounded in theory or examples. analysis.
No attempt to synthesize information from a variety of sources.
No attempt to take and understand multiple perspectives.
No attempt to incorporate own opinion or original ideas into discussion, or opinion is not grounded in theory or examples.
argument is not well developed investigation, questioning and
Page 6 of 8
Media mechanics All posts All posts All posts All posts All posts and
communication Post is extremely well structured Post is well structured and flows Post is generally well structured An attempt is made to provide Little or no attempt to provide an and flows logically and convincingly logically and convincingly to and flows logically to an effective structure to the post. effective structure to the post.
to conclusions. conclusions. conclusions. However, this may not be
The ability to: entirely successful. Entry makes little or no use of the
Entry makes significant use of the Entry makes effective use of the Entry makes some use of the affordances of media elements
Make effective use of affordances of media elements, affordances of media elements, which affordances of media elements, Some attempt to make us of the and/or inclusions may lack media elements (e.g., which may include highly may include appropriate contextual which may include contextual affordances of media elements. relevance.
images). appropriate contextual linking, use linking, use of relevant images to linking, use of images to However, not all attempts are
of highly relevant images to enhance the post or convey meaning, enhance the post or convey successful or appropriate. Where applicable, visual aids are Apply the conventions of enhance the post or convey effective incorporation of other media. meaning, incorporation of other not used where needed and/or
the medium. meaning, very effective media. Sources (including for images significantly detract from the oral incorporation of other media. Sources (including for images and and other media) are attributed, presentation.
Accurate referencing other media) are always attributed Sources (including for images however, there may be some
and citation in correct Sources (including for images and correctly and appropriately for the and other media) are generally issues with accuracy of Sources (including for images and format. other media) are always attributed medium (no reference lists!), with one attributed correctly and attributions. other media) are not attributed, or
correctly and appropriately for the or two errors or areas for appropriately for the medium (no attribution is consistently incorrect.
Use appropriate medium (no reference lists!). improvement. reference lists!), with two or Post has been tagged and
language for the three errors or areas for categorized, however, there Post has not been tagged or
audience and context. Tagging and categorizing of post is Tagging and categorizing of post is of improvement. may be obvious omissions or categorized, or tags and categories excellent and effectively describes a high quality and effectively inappropriate tags or categories are largely inappropriate and/or Use appropriate style the content of the post. describes the content of the post, with Tagging and categorizing of post may be included. insufficient. and tone of writing. minor room for improvement. is generally well executed and
Length or duration of entry highly effectively describes some of the Length or duration of entry Length or duration of entry not Use correct grammar, appropriate to context Length or duration of entry content of the post, with room for appropriate to context. appropriate to context. spelling and punctuation. appropriate to context. improvement.
Language used is highly appropriate Written posts Written posts
Use appropriate article, to the audience and context. Language used is appropriate to the Length or duration of entry
paragraph, sentence audience and context. appropriate to context. Language used is not always Language is not appropriate for the structure. Fluent, professional style and tone. appropriate for the context and context and audience.
May be informal, but still appropriate Professional style and tone. May be Language used is, for the most audience.
Weighting: 30%
in a professional context. informal, but still appropriate in a part, appropriate to the audience Style and tone of writing is not professional context. and context. Style and tone is professional appropriate.
Sentences skillfully constructed: with some structure. unified, coherent, forceful, varied Language is fluent, confident, well- Professional style and tone. Disorganized or incoherent writing. and well-structured. Excellent use of structured and engaging. High level of Language mainly fluent with Meaning apparent, but language Meaning unclear as grammar
standard grammar, spelling and accuracy in spelling and grammar. 1-3 good overall structure. not always fluent. and/or spelling contain frequent punctuation. proofreading errors. errors.
No proofreading errors. Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling mainly
accurate.4-6 proofreading accurate. More than 10 proofreading errors. errors.
7-10 proofreading errors.
BUSN6009 – Assessment 1 Page 7 of 8 BUSN6009 – Assessment 1 Page 8 of 8

The post Apply diverse technology-related knowledge and skills to diverse business disciplines to critically reflect on, evaluate and contribute to innovate business developments that enhance sustainable business transformations in local, national, global and digital business environments. LO3: Provide evid appeared first on My Academic Papers.


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