Argument and Analysis | My Assignment Tutor

Key Information• The essay is worth 60% of your final grade• The length is 3000 words (including references)• Submission: online through the submission point on the Learning@Griffith course site.Marking CriteriaThere is an essay rubric (see the assessment folder). Your mark will be based on:• Research: Quality and breadth (20%)• Argument and Analysis: cohesiveness of argument; quality of supporting analysis (40%)• Academic Writing and Referencing: quality of writing, and accuracy and adequacy of referencing (20%)• Organisation: cohesive flow and structure (20%)Essay Instructions1. There are a large number of relevant sources in the course reading list (available online via thereadings tab). You will need to use some of these readings in your essay, as well as seek out furthersources of your own. The quality of the readings and resources you use will influence your final mark.2. You must read and refer to a minimum of 10 academic sources (eg books, journals). You are welcometo use any other sources to support your argument, but make sure you use quality and relevantsources. If in doubt, ask the course convenor.3. Where an essay is incorrectly or insufficiently referenced it will be penalised; unreferenced or severelyunder-referenced work risks a zero mark.4. Ensure your essay is well written, well edited and well-presented. Please use Harvard or APAreferencing style (and include page numbers). You can find information on referencing here– Requests for extensions need to be made before the due date. Assignments submitted without anextension after the due date will be penalised according University Assessment Policy. Assignmentsmore than 5 days late risk the award of zero marks.6. When plagiarism or academic dishonesty is detected significant academic penalties apply. A dishonestassignment includes:• Copying or attempting to copy the work of other students;• Submitting the work of another as your own;• Plagiarism: that is, taking and using ideas and material of others and presenting them as yourown. This includes web sources.Griffith University takes academic integrity very seriously. Students may be requested to provide drafts of theirsubmitted work and/or relevant notes and references, and to briefly discuss the essay’s content and ideas withthe course convenor.Essay Tips:To maximise your essay mark, ensure that:• Your material is focused and directly addresses the essay topic;• The essay includes a clear introduction and a clear conclusion;• Your argument is clearly stated in the introduction, and systematically developed and supportedthroughout essay. Repeating an assertion does not make it an argument;• Your paper is not a set of notes but a coherent justification of a position;• Points and sections are always clearly linked; and• Referencing is comprehensive and accurate, and consistent.


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