– HendersonCaseStudy.pdf –

© 2008 society for Human Resource Management. alan Cabelly, Ph.D. 3

In August, John Henderson submitted a résumé to the human resource department of Big Time Computers Inc. in response to an advertisement in the local newspaper for a senior technical writer. After a short interview process in which three of the four individuals on the selection committee felt that he should be hired, Laura Conroy hired him.

Henderson spent a three-week training period learning departmental methods and procedures, becoming familiar with Big Time’s products, and preparing for his first writing assignments. As a senior writer, Henderson was also expected to serve as a technical publications project leader for one of Big Time’s product groups. During the training period, Henderson attended project meetings to meet the employees from other departments who were involved with that product group and to become current on what was happening within it.

Following the training period, Henderson started his first writing assignment, the revision of a software manual to reflect upgraded product software. Henderson went two weeks beyond the scheduled date for completing the first draft of the revision. In editing the first draft, Hanson felt that the writing quality and organization were poor, and suggested extensive changes before the manual was distributed for review. Henderson implemented these changes and prepared the manual for review. One week before the review, Henderson sent an advance notice email message to the reviewers, notifying them of the upcoming review. Mike Simpson, the project leader for the product described in the manual, pointed out to Laura Conroy that the message was sloppy, and had misspellings and poor grammar. He expressed concern that the credibility of the technical publications department was at risk if the quality of any of the written material that went out to the entire company was poor. Hanson and Simpson also expressed concern to Conroy about Henderson’s writing ability.

Conroy decided to implement some procedures to monitor Henderson’s progress and temporarily give him more supervision. She scheduled weekly meetings with Henderson during which he was to give her a detailed status report for the week, with particular emphasis on tracking manual schedules. She also required Henderson to send his work to the technical editor on a chapter-by-chapter basis, and each week Hanson would meet with Henderson to discuss his writing. Conroy also decided to postpone giving project leader responsibilities to Henderson, but she had him continue to attend project meetings with Miller and planned to give Henderson a project in the future.

Resentment was starting to develop in the technical publications department due to Henderson’s failure to meet expectations. Several of the writers complained to Conroy because Henderson had been hired as a senior writer at a higher salary,

Case Overview—Case B

4 © 2008 society for Human Resource Management. alan Cabelly, Ph.D.

yet his writing skills were apparently inferior to theirs. Miller also expressed dissatisfaction at having to serve as project leader for two projects when the expectation was that Henderson would take one of the projects. Hanson fell behind in his editing assignments because of the extra time he was spending with Henderson, and the editorial assistants complained about the quantity of cleanup required because of Henderson’s poor work. In private meetings with dissatisfied employees, Conroy expressed faith in Henderson’s abilities and urged patience while she worked on developing his skills.

Henderson showed signs of improvement in his writing skills and his ability to meet deadlines under the procedures implemented by Conroy. As a result of this and because Henderson now had four months’ experience at Big Time, Conroy assigned Henderson to write a marketing article on a topic related to his area of technical expertise. Henderson was to work with a marketing engineer and a marketing product manager to develop the article by a specified date. When the initial review of the article was due, Henderson gave the first draft to the marketing department without any review or edit from within the technical publications department. Marketing was dissatisfied with the organization and content of the article; Dick Sanders, marketing product manager, met with Laura Conroy to express this dissatisfaction. Although Conroy assured Sanders that technical publications could complete the article to his satisfaction and on schedule, Sanders decided to have the article written by a marketing employee.

Though his writing skills were slowly improving, lingering resentment continued about Henderson’s status and salary as a senior writer. Morale in the department was low. Hanson continued to have a difficult time fulfilling his editing responsibilities because of the extra time he was spending with Henderson, and Miller couldn’t meet manual schedules because of the time spent fulfilling project leader responsibilities for two projects. Laura Conroy knew that it was time to act.

© 2008 society for Human Resource Management. alan Cabelly, Ph.D. 5

Technical Publications Department

Big Time Computers inc.

manager of technical PublicationsLaura Conroy

Senior technical WriterJohn Henderson

technical editorClark Hanson

editorial assistants (3)

Senior WritersMike SimpsonCraig Miller

Writers (7)

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