ASSESSMENT BRIEF 2 Subject Code and Title BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Assessment Customer Experience Strategy: Research Outcomes Individual/Group Group Report (2 – 3 Members) Length 1750 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes a) Compare and contrast the emerging concepts and practices that shape the customer experience. b) Explore customer differentiation in service delivery and identify customer’s critical touchpoints that influence an organisation’s customer experience strategy c) Research a customer problem and develop an appropriate customer experience d) Develop and communicate a customer experience strategy e) Analyse and apply tools to monitor and evaluate a customer experience strategy Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 5.1 (week 9) For intensive (6 week) clas

Subject Code and Title BIZ104 Customer Experience Management
Assessment Customer Experience Strategy: Research Outcomes
Individual/Group Group Report (2 – 3 Members)
Length 1750 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Compare and contrast the emerging concepts and practices that shape the customer experience.
b) Explore customer differentiation in service delivery and identify customer’s critical touchpoints that influence an organisation’s customer experience strategy
c) Research a customer problem and develop an appropriate customer experience
d) Develop and communicate a customer experience strategy
e) Analyse and apply tools to monitor and evaluate a customer experience strategy
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 5.1 (week 9)
For intensive (6 week) class: by 11:55p.m. AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 5
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 100 marks
Customer experience is the perception of an organisation’s experience in the eyes of the customer. Building a customer experience strategy to improve customer experiences is important to strengthen and build long term customer relationships and align the organisation with the needs of the customer This assessment task is designed for you to apply your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts that shape the customer experience.
You are required to conceptualize customers interacting with a product or service across several touch points such as in-store, website, mobile, social media and e-mail and will then analyze and communicate how your chosen organisation will manage customer experience(s) towards achieving customer loyalty.
Your aim is to illustrate and communicate a CEM strategy proposing a better service offering
This assessment task provides you with an insight into an activity that maybe part of your job roles in the future.
You are to take the role of consultant for your selected organisation and prepare a report to persuade the management staff to adopt a better approach to managing their custumers’ experience(s).
Choose an organisation / business that is:
• Of a reasonable size (30 or more employees)
• Has a store or sell their products through other retailers/ online sales
• Has a website
• Uses social media to advertise/ communicate with customers • Uses other communication elements – mobile / email
Look for an organisation that has a number of touch points for you to be able to develop a customer journey / have enough touch points to write about etc. You may want to use an organisation / business you are personally familiar with.
This assessment involves the following activities:
1. Introduce briefly the organisation you have chosen: the industry it competes in, its background, its service offering and your research objective to improve the customer experience.
2. Describe and discuss your primary research method for your online survey i.e. its planning, design, how you recruited your participants for your online survey and implementation. (You will need to have at least 10 completed customer surveys).
3. Describe and discuss at least 3 secondary research methods carried out (i.e. academic journal articles, book chapters, business reports, organisation’s website social media reviews).
4. Apply CEM concepts to identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving a customer experience that is in line with the organisation’s strategic objectives.
5. Identify and differentiate 2 customer segments from research undertaken using personas to illustrate and communicate their unique customer perspectives
6. Take the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and customer feedback obtained from primary and secondary research into account in forming the customer experience strategy.
7. Connect customer experience maps and alignment diagrams with a business value proposition for the 2 customer segments identified above.
8. Write a conclusion summarising how your CEM strategy will offer a better service to your organisation’s customers.
9. Add your evidence of research data as an appendix, including the link to your survey with at least 10 completed customer surveys and if applicable screen shots of current social media reviews.
Submission Instructions:
Submit your GROUP Custumer Experience Strategy: Research Outcomes via the Assessment link at the bottom of the group homepage by the end of week 9 (one submission per group).
In addition, each student is required to complete and submit in the Group’s File Exchange Folder their peer evaluation form.
The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
The Learning Rubric below is your guide to how your assessment task will be marked. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before submission.
Follow the APA 6th edition style of referencing to cite your academic resources and provide your reference list. Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA
6th ed. style: https://laureate- ontent_id=_2498849_1
Add your evidence of research data as an appendix, including the link to your survey with at least 10 completed customer surveys and the screen shots of at least 3 current social media reviews. The resources consulted and used from your secondary research on your organisation must be listed in the reference list.
Learning Rubric: Assessment Brief 2- Customer Experience Strategy: Research Outcomes
Assessment Attributes
Fail (Unacceptable)
0-49 Pass
50-64 Credit
65-74 Distinction
75-84 High Distinction
Introduction of selected organisation
10% Organisation has not been introduced, nor there is evidence of an attempt to identify its industry, background and service offering. Organisation has been basically introduced, and there is some evidence of an attempt to identify its industry, background and service offering, although it may omit to identify one of these key elements. Organisation has been satisfactorily introduced, and its industry, background and service offering have been clearly identified. Organisation has been thoroughly introduced, and its industry, background and service offering have been clearly and thoroughly identified. Organisation has been expertly introduced, and its industry, background and service offering have been clearly and diligently identified.
Research methods and outcomes
20% There is no/limited evidence of an attempt to plan, and appropriately design and implement an online survey.
There are inaccuracies in the reported research outcomes, with falsified or missing data. Questioning techniques could be substantially improved.
There is no/limited description and discussion of primary and secondary research methods, while the
research results are summarised cursorily. There is evidence of a basic attempt to plan, and appropriately design and implement an online survey.
The reported research outcomes contains minor inaccuracies and the demonstrated questioning techniques, although covering all basic elements, could be improved to achieve a better outcome.
Primary and secondary research methods have been described and discussed cursorily. The research results summary is missing one or two key elements. The online survey has been adequately planned, and appropriately designed and implemented.
The reported research outcomes demonstrate an adequate implementation of appropriate questioning techniques.
Primary and secondary research methods have been described and discussed competently. The research results summary covers all key elements satisfactorily. The online survey has been thoroughly and efficiently planned, designed and implemented.
The reported research outcomes demonstrate a careful and thorough implementation of appropriate questioning techniques.
Primary and secondary research methods have been described and discussed exceedingly well.
The research results summary covers all key elements clearly and thoroughly. The online survey has been expertly planned, designed and implemented.
The reported research outcomes demonstrate a
conscientious implementation of appropriate and comprehensive questioning techniques
Primary and secondary research methods have been described and discussed accurately and expertly.
The research results summary covers all key elements clearly and thoroughly.
Application of CEM concepts to analysis of customer experience
20% The research objective has not been clearly identified.
Report demonstrates a limited attempt to apply CEM concepts to identify the challenges and opportunities of the organisation for achieving a customer experience that is in line with the research objective.
There is no/limited attempt to use the sourced material from documented secondary research observations and academic literature to support ideas. The research objective has been basically identified, albeit some details are missing.
Report demonstrates an adequate attempt to apply CEM concepts to identify the challenges and opportunities of the organisation in its customer experience service. These have been described and related casually to the research objective.
There is evidence of a basic attempt to use the sourced material from documented secondary research observations and academic literature to support ideas. The research objective has been competently identified.
CEM concepts have been adequately applied to identify the challenges and opportunities of the organisation in its customer experience service. These have been discussed and related to the research objective.
Text demonstrates a critical use of the sourced material from documented secondary research observations and academic literature to support ideas. The research objective has been clearly andthoroughly
CEM concepts have been
critically applied to identify
the challenges and opportunities of the organisation in its customer experience service. These have been discussed in-
depth and related critically to the research objective.
Text demonstrates a critical and in-depth use of the sourced material from documented secondary research observations and academic literature to support ideas. The research objectives has been expertly identified.
CEM concepts have been critically and consciously applied to identify the challenges and opportunities of the organisation in its customer experience service. These have been discussed critically and in-depth, as well as related expertly to the research objective.
Text demonstrates a critical and meticulous use of the sourced material from documented secondary research observations and academic literature to support ideas.
communication and support of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps
20% The illustration and communication of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps is too brief and not considerate of entire journey or strategy.
There is no/limited evidence of an attempt to use primary and secondary research to support the maps and diagrams. The illustration and communication of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps considerate partially the journey or strategy.
There is evidence of a basic attempt to use primary and secondary research to support the maps and diagrams. The illustration and communication of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps considerate the journey or strategy adequately. These optimize touch-points and maximise value proposition.
There is evidence of an adequate use of primary and secondary research to support the maps and diagrams. The illustration and communication of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps considerate the journey or strategy thoroughly and in detail.
These demonstrate a thorough understanding of the value of customer insights for the organisation.
There is evidence of a critical use of primary and secondary research to support the maps and diagrams. The illustration and communication of customer personas, journey maps, alignment diagrams and strategy maps considerate the journey or strategy expertly. These demonstrate a critical and thorough understanding of the value of customer insights for the organisation.
There is evidence of a critical and expert use of primary and secondary research to support the maps and diagrams.
Team Work
15% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
10% Text does not include a conclusion, or there is a limited attempt to conclude ideas with no reference to key points in the analysis. Text shows evidence of a basic attempt to conclude ideas; conclusion is a general recall of key points in the analysis. Text shows evidence of a satisfactory and thorough conclusion of ideas, which includes a brief summary of key points in the analysis. Text shows evidence of a satisfactory and thorough conclusion of ideas. Conclusion discusses and expands on the key points of the analysis. Text shows evidence of a thorough and sophisticated conclusion of ideas. Conclusion discusses key points of the analysis and expands beyond key findings.
Correct citation of key resources and evidence
5% Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Does not use sufficient sources.
Does not include correct references in reference list or in-text citations; does not use APA 6th style. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, however, these are not always explicit or well- developed.
Uses sufficient sources, however can be greatly improved.
Attempt made to include references in reference list or in-text citations, however these are sometimes insufficient for research Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Shows good evidence of attempts to source information, with a sufficient number of sources.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; all referenced material is included in the reference
list; uses APA 6th style,
however may contain minor
citation or Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; all referenced material is included in the reference list; uses APA 6th style, containing minimal and or no Demonstrates use of high- quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Shows evidence of wide scope for sourcing evidence.
Incorporates in-text and citations references from suitable sources; all referenced material is included in the reference list; uses APA 6th style, containing no errors.


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