Assessment instructions All of us are consumers and therefore are subject to all forms of marketing practices of organisation. We learn best by observation, analysis and understanding of “marketing in action”. This assessment requires students to focus on the key learning outcomes from their MKT101A studies and how they apply to real marketing initiatives that are currently occurring. Note: a marketing initiative is any marketing effort/tactic undertaken by a company that is linked to the Marketing Mix (the 8 P’s) For this assessment, students are to compile 2 Reflective Journal Entries on two different organisations operating in Australia and two different marketing initiatives, but the initiatives should fall within topics so far covered in MKT101A (Refer to the Course Outline for list of weekly topics up to and including Week 6). • SUSTAINABILITY AND THE GREEN CONSUMER • BRAND CULTURES, POSITIONING AND PRODUCT CATEGORIES • SERVICE PRODUCTS AND SERVICE MARKETING • ETHICAL DEBATES IN MARKETING As a starting point for this assessm

Subject Title Marketing
Subject Code MKT101A
Assessment Title Assessment 1: Reflective Journal
Graduate Capabilities
1. Professional Expertise
3. Technology and Information Literacy
7. Independent Self-Management
Learning Outcome/s (found in the
Subject Outline) a. Describe the differences between traditional and contemporary marketing
b. Explain the various contemporary marketing strategies and how they may be used in the industry you work in
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 25%
Word count 650 words +/- 10%
Due day Week 6, Sunday 11.59pm AEST
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Student Declaration
Reflective Journal Entries (2)
Reference List
Assessment instructions
All of us are consumers and therefore are subject to all forms of marketing practices of organisation. We learn best by observation, analysis and understanding of “marketing in action”.
This assessment requires students to focus on the key learning outcomes from their MKT101A studies and how they apply to real marketing initiatives that are currently occurring.
Note: a marketing initiative is any marketing effort/tactic undertaken by a company that is linked to the Marketing Mix (the 8 P’s)
For this assessment, students are to compile 2 Reflective Journal Entries on two different organisations operating in Australia and two different marketing initiatives, but the initiatives should fall within topics so far covered in MKT101A (Refer to the Course Outline for list of weekly topics up to and including Week 6).
As a starting point for this assessment students are to use any of the following industry-based sites to find 2 articles which fit the above criteria
• Marketing Magazine:
• Campaign Brief:
• Adnews:
• Mumbrella :
The articles and marketing initiatives selected for this assessment should be no more than 2 years old.
Students are to then craft the first Journal Entry to address the following:
1. Marketing Initiative 1: Title of the article
1.1. A Description of the Marketing Initiative
Students are to provide a brief description of the marketing
initiative described in the article (using visuals were possible) – the who, what when, where, and how
1.2. Relevant Contemporary Marketing Issue Students are to then link the initiative to the
respective/appropriate contemporary marketing issue, being sure to explain why it considered to the case
1.3. Advantages and Disadvantages
Then students are to reflect on the 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of the marketing initiative (ie what worked and what did not)
1.4. Reflection on Contemporary Marketing Issue
Students are to provide 2 key insights that they acquired through studying this contemporary marketing issue – how topic has assisted in your understanding of marketing principles and practices.
Repeat this format for the second Journal Entry
Layout and Presentation of your document is as important as your content. Your assessment is designed to demonstrate your understanding of a certain topic, so it is important to ensure that the layout does not compromise this.
The format is a report not ESSAY –and this forms part of your grading. Therefore, students are discouraged from writing lengthy verbose sentences displayed in long chunky paragraphs.
Rather students are encouraged to apply formatting mechanisms which reduce wordiness and increase the readability of the content and that are consistent with report writing such as the use of headings and sub-headings aligned with the assessment tasks, tables, and bullet points to present information.
As Marketing is a very visual discipline, it expected that there will be extensive visuals and images from the marketing initiative used to support and provide evidence for claims made. However,
make sure that you integrate the images and visuals into your narrative – rather than simply using them as an aesthetic tool. All images should be referenced and appear as a separate listing within the Reference List.
The Reflective Journal must show evidence of a strong investigation where all facts, claims and statements are well supported by evidence from either industry/marketing practice and/or relevant marketing theoretical principles. Therefore, students are to cite a minimum of 4 independent and credible references
You are expected to reference these correctly, both for the in-text references and the reference list. A review of the ICMS Style guide (available on Moodle) will be of assistance here).
Readings for the assessment Please use the learning resources suggested in the subject outline, examples provided in class. Other sources include academic texts, journal articles, trade publications, industry research documents. The ICMS Library data bases are a good point of reference for many of these
Unofficial blogs, unauthorised biographies, and sensational content must be excluded from the research. Students are to also avoid using less-credible sources such as Wikipedia, UK Essays, Slideshare, and other sites which are student-based content (assessments and/or powerpoint presentations)
The Reference List should be numbered and include a separate section for sources of the visuals/images.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See following
MKT101A Assessment 1 Journal – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR
(65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Communication and
(20%) Can communicate in a high quality, engaging and effective manner,
Extremely well-crafted document layout superior standard of academic writing
Superior use of visuals and images to support
narrative Can communicate in a superior manner. High
standard of academic writing, no errors
evident. High standard in document layout
Excellent use of visuals and images to support
Can communicate effectively- good
standard of academic
writing and well-crafted document layout
Good use of visuals and images to support
narrative Some communication is effective. Acceptable
standard of academic
writing, some errors in
writing and layout of document
Adequate use of visuals and images to support
narrative Unstructured and unfocused both in written word and document layout
visuals and images not provided to support narrative
Attention to purpose (40%) Has addressed the purpose of the
comprehensively and imaginatively. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently and with some attempt to demonstrate imagination.
Has addressed the main purpose of the assignment. Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment.
Fails to fully address the task set.
Originality, creativity and critical thinking
(20%) Uses imagination to go beyond boundaries and explores a variety of creative and critical
thinking perspectives applied to original ideas Uses some imagination to present original ideas and applies creative and/or
critical thinking techniques with skills. A limited range of creative and/or critical
thinking techniques applied to limited elements of originality Originality is marginal to the basic idea.
Shows little imagination.
Aware of some creative and/or critical thinking
techniques and uses them with limited success. No real attempt at originality.
Does not exercise creative or critical thinking skills.
Links to course readings and additional research (20%) Research of outstanding quality (mixture of
industry and academic), clear links to a
wide range of theoretical ideas and strategic issues.
Cites and uses more than
7additional, independent, and credible references Excellent research into the issues (mixture of industry and academic) with clear links to class and related readings.
Cites and clearly uses 6 additional, independent,
and credible references
Good additional independent research
(mixture of industry and academic)
Evidence of some documented links to the course material. Cites and clearly uses 5 additional, independent, and credible references Limited additional research (mixture of
industry and academic)
and documented links to any course readings.
Cites and clearly uses 4 independent and credible references
and/or not all are used in the document and not all are used in the document Incomplete research
(mixture of industry and academic)
and without direct links to any course readings.
Cites less than 4 additional, independent, and credible references
and/or not all are used in the document and not all are used in the document
Version: Term 3 2020 [28/08/2020 VJH] Page 4 of 4


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