Assessment task 1: Quantitative literacy in the media. Intent: This task requires you to analyse and evaluate the use of numbers and data in a news media article. The purpose of this activity is to give you practice at identifying and critiquing the way that the author(s) has used numbers to convey a message. You should draw conclusions based on your analysis. We will provide some examples and provide

From the Subject Outline:
Assessment task 1: Quantitative literacy in the media.
Intent: This task requires you to analyse and evaluate the use of numbers and data in a news media article.
The purpose of this activity is to give you practice at identifying and critiquing the way that the author(s) has used numbers to convey a message. You should draw conclusions based on your analysis.
We will provide some examples and provide guidance about choosing your own.
This task contributes to the development of Graduate Attributes 2, 3 and 5.
Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): 4 (Demonstrate effective communication skills to a range of target audiences) and 5 (Demonstrate the quantitative literacy capacities of informed and ethically aware citizens, through the identification, description, and critique of the use of arguments and evidence, for example in topical or professional contexts.)
Type: Project
Groupwork: Individual
Weight: 20%
Task: Please refer to the Assessment Guide for full details. The Assessment Guide indicates the analysis you need to do.
There are some limitations on the type of article to be used, and you need to have your tutor’s approval for your choice of article.
You will submit a written report using headings (not a general essay), which will be assessed.
Submission: Written report. Your report will include:
• A cover sheet (using the format in the Assessment Guide), including a title which clearly shows what the article is about, and a link to the article.
• A list in a table of at least 3 different types of numbers used in the article. Use the table to show different formats for each number. If possible, annotate on a pdf of the article where the numbers appear.
• A list of two or more questions that you have, after reading the article.
• At least one statement which may be confusing for you.
• At least one further comment on numbers in the article.
• A calculation made to check a statement made in the article. Describe the calculation and write at least one sentence about it.
• A written analysis, in a paragraph, about a graph within the article or a graph you could draw from the information contained within. You do not need to draw the graph.
Suggested Length: Written report with suggested word length of about 500 words (excluding appendices and cover sheet).10% under or over is acceptable, and longer reports that do not ramble, but are well structured and succinct are acceptable.
Due by: 22nd March 2021
Suggested Length: Written report with suggested word length of about 600 words (excluding appendices and cover sheet). 10% under or over is acceptable, and longer reports that do not ramble, but are well structured and succinct are acceptable.
Due by: 22nd March 2021
• Possible types of numbers include whole numbers in digits, whole numbers in words, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, rates (e.g. dwellings per hectare), percentage points, approximations). This may be best done via a table as in the sample response.
• Questions arising from article – these are questions that come to you as you read the article. It might be a good idea to annotate the article as you first read it.
• At least one statement you find confusing – again it might be best to annotate this as you read your article when you first read it
• Something else you noticed – this will be something that you found fascinating or surprising when you read the article
• Calculation you can do with the information – this might be a calculation to check a statement made in the article or a calculation you can make with the facts given in the article and which was not stated.
• Graph or implied graph from article – it is most likely that there will be a graph in your article which you can discuss. My article (for the sample response) did not have a graph but as I read the graph I could see a Venn diagram ( this is not part of the course but if there are simple graphs you know about and wish to discuss, that is fine). You will NOT be given marks for creating a graph if you choose to do so. You are NOT expected to create a graph with the information in the article.
Find your article:
You need 3 types of numbers, questions arising from article, at least one statement you find confusing, something you else noticed, a calculation you can do with the information and a graph or implied graph from article
Start writing your report.
Online or face to face, by 12th March
Your tutor will discuss your choice with you, then approve and record your topic.
If you are absent you must email your tutor as soon as possible with your suggested choice, including an annotated pdf of the article and a link to it to obtain their approval.
A pdf or scan of your article and a link to it need to be included On or before 22nd March
Use the appropriate submission links online.
Your submission is automatically date stamped. If the date stamp is 23rd March, you lose 10%, if 24th March you lose 20% and so on.
If you need an extension, email the Subject Co-coordinator (cc tutor) with a medical certificate or good explanation.
Extensions of longer than a week require an application for Special Consideration.

This is an INDIVIDUAL, and ORIGINAL assignment. Your tutor will ensure that your choice is not the same as others in your group, and we will be alert for similarities across groups.
How will this task be marked?
Written report
The markers will read your written project report online using SpeedGrader in Canvas, and will choose which descriptor fits for each of the criteria for this task. The criteria are also on the Subject Outline and are repeated here with a table to show you how the markers will decide your mark for each criterion. The criteria will be weighted as indicated.
Markers – first check that the article is the approved one in the Markbook on Canvas and that the source is given. Otherwise, do not mark this assignment, contact/email the student to let them know they must resubmit with the source, and that late penalties may apply.
Criterion 1: Has identified numbers in the news media and expressed in an alternative format. Weight 4/20.
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
At least five numbers, each with more than one alternative format. The numbers must be a mix of types – e.g. not all percentages.
(A second, related article may be added if you need it to find a fifth type of number.)
The source of the article is clearly referenced and can be checked.
At least four numbers, each with more than one alternative format. The numbers must be a mix of types – e.g. not all percentages.
The source of the article is clearly referenced and can be checked.
Four numbers, each with an alternative format. The numbers must be a mix of types – e.g. not all percentages.

The source of the article is clearly referenced and can be checked.
Three numbers, each with an alternative format. The numbers must be a mix of types – e.g. not all percentages.
The source of the article is clearly referenced and can be checked.
Fewer than three numbers and alternative formats is given.
Criterion 2: Has described the use of numbers in the news media. (Questions and Confusing statement.) Weight 4/20.
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Has described at least 2 questions from reading the article and more than 1 confusing statement, with clarity and detail.
Has described at least 2 questions from reading the article and a confusing statement in detail.
Has described at least 2 questions from reading the article and a confusing statement in little detail.
Has described 2 questions from reading the article and has listed a confusing statement without detail.
Has described fewer than 2 questions from reading the article or omitted a confusing statement. If this element is missing, this criterion will be awarded a zero.
Criterion 3: Has described the use of numbers in the news media. (Other Comments.) Weight 4/20.
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Has made at least 3 further comments from reading the article.
Written description is clear, correct and detailed.
Has made at least 2 further comments from reading the article.
Written description is clear and correct.
Has made at least 1 further comment from reading the article.
Written description is generally clear.
Has made at least 1 further comment from reading the article. Written description may be inadequate.
Has made no further comment from reading the article.
If this element is missing, this criterion will be awarded a zero.

Criterion 4: Has demonstrated effective communication skills appropriate to the written genre. (Calculation)Weight 4/20.
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Has described and performed a significant and detailed calculation. The description is clearly structured.
The links are clear and are effectively established.
The writing is of a very high quality, presenting a clear description.
Has described and performed a significant calculation. The description is clearly structured and links to the numbers, but some links are not clear and some irrelevant material may be included.
The writing is clear but the structure could be improved.

Has described and performed a significant calculation. The description is clearly structured and links to the numbers, but some links are not clear and irrelevant material may be included in a way that detracts from the description.
Minor errors of grammar and syntax did not detract from the description.
Has described and performed a useful calculation. The description may be poorly structured and links to the numbers are not clear.
Minor errors of grammar and syntax detract from the description.
If the calculation is missing, this criterion will be allocated a zero score.
There may be a weak attempt at a calculation.
Major errors of grammar and syntax make the description unclear.
Criterion 5: Has demonstrated effective communication skills appropriate to the written genre. (Graph)Weight 4/20.
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Has given a detailed analysis. The analysis is clearly structured and is based on the graph (or an implied graph).
The links are clear and are effectively established.
The writing is of a very high quality, presenting a clear analysis.

Has written in detail about the graph (or an implied graph).
The analysis is clearly structured and links to the numbers.
The links are clear and are effectively established, but some irrelevant material may be included.
The writing is clear but the structure could be improved.
Has written in detail about the graph (or an implied graph).
The analysis is clearly structured and links to the numbers, but some links are not clear and irrelevant material may be included in a way that detracts from the analysis.
Minor errors of grammar and syntax did not detract from the analysis.
Has written about a graph (or an implied graph) but the analysis is poorly structured.
Minor errors of grammar and syntax detract from the analysis.

If the comment on a graph is missing, this criterion will be allocated a zero score.
Major errors of grammar and syntax make the analysis unclear.

Please copy this table and make it your cover sheet for your Word document. (Do not submit a pdf).
SUBJECT NUMBER & NAME 36200 OR 36201 (Delete one)
Arguments, Evidence, and Intuition
Tutorial group number and tutor’s name
Source of your news media article. Provide a link.
(Without this link your report will not be marked).
ASSIGNMENT TITLE (Maximum 10 words)
(Your personal title, not just “AT1”)
ASSESSMENT ITEM NUMBER/ TITLE AT1: Quantitative Literacy in the Media
Be sure to save the word document with a filename that identifies you clearly.


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