Assessment task one: gallery exhibit and essayRubric High distinction Distinction Credit Pass FailRepresentation oflearner identity,including learnerjourney.15%The representationdemonstrates a noveland/or highlyperceptive analysis,which generates newand sophisticatedways of representingand understanding anEAL/D learner.The representationdemonstrates a strongand clear-sightedunderstanding of anEAL/D learner.The representationdemonstrates that thestudent is be able toproduce apredominantlyaccurate andreasonable descriptionof an EAL/D learner.The representationshows that the studenthas noticed – oridentified – somerelevant features thatframe an EAL/Dlearner’s identity as alanguage learner.The student has failedto noticed – or identify– anyrelevant features thatframe an EAL/Dlearner’s identity as alanguage learner.Representation of theresources thatstudents bring to theclassroom.25%Novel or highlyperceptive analysis ofthe resources that theEAL/D learner bringsto the classroom.Well justifieddescription of theresources that theEAL/D learner bringsto the classroom.A description of theresources that theEAL/D learner bringsto the classroom hasbeen provided.The student hasnoticed or identifiedsome resources thatthe EAL/D learnerbrings to theclassroom.The student has notnoticed or identifiedsome resources thatthe EAL/D learnerbrings to theclassroom. Self-reflection andanalysis of theimplications of theway a student hasbeen represented inrelation to yourteaching practice.25%Student generatesgenuinely newperspectives,understandings andpractices relating totheir teachingpractices based oftheir rigorous analysisof the way an EAL/Dlearner has beenrepresented.Student analyses theimplications of theway an EAL/D learnerhas been representedand, in the process,justifies proposedamendments to theway they perceive,understand and enactteaching practices.Describes implicationsin enough detail topropose amendmentsto teaching practice.Notices (e.g., names,identifies) at least oneor two relevantimplications forteaching practice.Fails to notice ormisunderstands saidimplications relevantto teaching practice.Takes into accountrelevant coursematerial and coursereadings.25%Essay demonstrates ahighly sophisticatedunderstanding andapplication of the coreprinciples of relevantcourse materials andreadings.Essay demonstrates anability to apply thecore principles ofrelevant coursematerials and readingsto a specific student ina specific context.Essay demonstrates anability to describe thecore principles ofrelevant coursematerials and readingsand relate them to anEAL/D learner.Essay demonstrates anability to identify thecore principles ofrelevant coursematerials and readingsand attempts to relatethem to an EAL/Dlearner.Essay demonstrates aninability to identify thecore principles ofrelevant coursematerials and readingsand attempts to relatethem to an EAL/DlearnerAudio and/or visualimpact of exhibitionpiece and clearexpression10%Exhibitedrepresentation issophisticated, uniqueand exceptionally wellproduced.ANDEssay is economicalwith its word use,coherent and free oferrors of expressionand referencing.Well produced exhibit,which develops itscentral ideas to a highstandard.ANDEssay is concise,logically structuredand contains fewerrors of expressionand/or referencing.The exhibition isproduced to a decentstandard and conveysa relevant message.ANDEssay iscomprehensible, has adefined structureand/or contains someerrors of expressionand/or referencing.The exhibition isdeveloped to asatisfactory standardand attempts toconvey a relevantmessage.AND/OREssay is possible tounderstand with someeffort on the part ofthe reader. It containsExhibitedrepresentation missesthe point, is producedto an unsatisfactorystandard or appears tohave simply beencopied verbatim fromelsewhere.AND/OR many errors ofexpression and/orreferencing.Essay is notcomprehensible to thereader.Results80 – 100 marksHigh distinction70 – 79 marksDistinction60 – 69 marksCredit50 – 59 marksPass
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