Assignment 2 – Narrated Powerpoint | My Assignment Tutor

Assignment WorkshopAssignment 2 – Narrated PowerpointPenny Hyams21.05.2020Today’s SessionThis session will provide additional information aboutpreparing for the second assignment task (NarratedPowerpoint).Please refer to my previous presentation on Essaywriting for general points about sourcing and writingmaterial.1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of developmental theories andtopics.2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of group norms and social influenceprocesses including cultural influences, group interactions, leadership and member roles.3. Recognise different perspectives or theories of developmental and social psychology.4. Integrate ideas and findings through appropriately linking theories and researchevidence in developmental and social psychology.5. Discipline expertise; professional skillsCourse Learning Outcomes(This Assignment addresses Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4)Assignment 2Question 2 – Narrated PowerPoint Presentation:Prepare a 15-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation on the following:(Your presentation should be clear and accessible.)Discuss and evaluate theories relating to roles within groups andleadership. Use information from social psychology theories andresearch.The narrated PowerPoint presentation should be 15 minutes duration.Please note that exceeding the duration will result in a reduction in gradeproportionate to the amount of time exceeded.(50 marks)SubmissionRevisit the assignment instructions before submission e.g. Word Count, to ensure thatyou have complied with all the requirements.Submission guidelines on iLearn: the Narrated PowerPoint Presentation through the Presentation PortalCheck your submission date/time.The current deadline is the 22 May 2020 2:00 PMTry to avoid submitting at the last minute, when broadband failures etc. could causeyou to miss the deadline.Deconstructing Title Directives: Discuss…When an examiner asks you todiscuss a topic and focus (e.g. anidea, concept, field of research etc).they are likely to be expecting you to:(i) Investigate and describe thefeatures of the construct understudy – perhaps by comparisonwith an allied or competingconstruct/phenomenon.(ii) Argue (pros and cons) a case, oran idea/theory/model, supportedby relevant (referenced) evidence.(iii) This can include highlightingadvantages and disadvantages,exploring a theory’s explanatorypower, considering theimplications of the topic etc.(iv) Arrive at a reasoned conclusion.Deconstructing Title Directives: Evaluate….This moves beyond discussion.When an examiner asks you toevaluate (or perhaps ‘criticallyevaluate’) a construct, theory orphenomenon, s/he is expecting youto: i.Critically explain and appraisean idea/theory about aphenomenon etc.Lay out a balanced argumentii. (i.e. both supporting andchallenging) that evaluatesresearch evidence. iii.Consider the concept/theory’sexplanatory power, the methodof its discovery, it validity.Arrive at a carefully justifiediv. conclusion, taking a stance onthe issue or topic.What do we mean by the term‘Intra-Group Behaviour’?APA Dictionary of Psychology:“…the underlying processes that give rise to aset of norms, roles, relations, and commongoals that characterize a particular social group”RecapQuestionPresentation topictheories of intra-group behaviour.Read the iLearn learning materials for this topicunder ‘Explore Learning’, then the relevanttextbook sections.Follow this up with carrying out a databasesearch for research papers and furtherinformation. EBSCO, Researchgate, ScholarGoogleSources: Core TextHogg, M. A., Vaughan, G. M. (2018). Socialpsychology. (8th ed.). London: Prentice Hall.DEVELOPING YOUR POWERPOINTPRESENTATIONLaying Out Your Slides 1• There is no set layout for your slides.• When you open Powerpoint, you have a gallery ofOptions for Title & follow-on slides.• You can also click ‘View’> ‘Slide Master’ for moreoptions• Some versions of Powerpoint have a ‘Design Ideas’ tabunder the ‘Design’ drop-down menu which can help youwith layout.Laying Out Your Slides 21. No fixed number of slides or Word Count, but timelimit!2. Display your knowledge in short points – avoid lengthysentences/long paragraphs.3. Avoid too cluttered appearance – visual effects canenliven slides – but there is a danger of distracting theviewer from your message if overdone.4. Suggest about 3-4 main headings5. Sub-points can outline more complex issues6. You do not need to include an ‘Any Questions’ slide.7. Use Harvard Style referencing.Presentation ContentSelect approx. 2 topics related to GroupRoles/Leadership for your presentation.Similar structure/sequence to Essay:1. Introduction to topic2. Main body of evidence(i) outline topic/research studies includingauthor/date/name(ii) indicate its role e.g. how did it inform the field ofresearch?(iii) critically evaluate its contribution to knowledge – prosand cons.3. Conclusions4. References (no need to narrate these).Conclusion• Pull all strandstogether with afirm conclusion.• Your conclusionshould addressintentionsreferred to in theintroduction.RECORDING AND INSERTING YOURNARRATIONYour Narration ChoicesYou can record your Powerpoint narrative using Microsoft Office’s ownsoftware.The procedure for this is laid out in the following slides.There are a number of other ‘help’ sites listed on the AssignmentSubmission Guidelines:, you may also record your presentation as a video file using anyvideo device you have available, e.g. through a web cam, a mobile device,digital camera (with video and audio recording facility), or a digitalcamcorder.How to Record Audio and Add it to a Powerpoint SlideOn your Microsoft PowerpointToolbar:First select Insert > Audio.Then select Record Audio’ > Record SoundName Your filePress red recording buttonNarrate Sound. On completion press stop,Click on IconDrop DownmenuReviewing Your Powerpoint RecordingNext select Play and review your recording.Select OK if you’re satisfied with your recording.If you are not satisfied with your first attempt (quitelikely!):Select Record to re-record your clip.Inserting Your Audio Recording onto the Powerpoint SlideTo move your audio recording, select and drag the audioicon to where you want to place it on the slide.Should you be using more than one audio file per slide,you can place the audio icon in the same location on aslide – makes it easy to find!Test it is functioning by selecting ‘Play’Move onto the next slide and repeat………..Playback OptionsTo choose how the audio plays in your presentation, clickAudio Tools Playback > StartSelect an option:1. Play Across Slides: Plays one audio file across allslides.2. Loop until Stopped: Plays an audio file repeatedly untilit’s stopped manually by clicking the Play/Pause button.3. To have the audio play continuously across all slidesin the background, select ‘Play in Background’.WORKSHOP: IDENTIFYING ANDPRESENTING CONTENTToday’s Assignment Workshop TaskA. Please research one of these three topics using online resources includingEBSCO, Researchgate, Google Scholar Google1. Stanford Prison Experiment (Zimbardo’s original studies)2. Social Identity Theory and leadership3. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of LeadershipB. Write three key points on the Discussion Forum for Assessment (make themconcise but informative).C. Please return to the Adobe Connect meeting at 5.15pm to discuss yourexperience.Lesson SummaryToday we have explored the structure, content and procedures forcompleting and submitting your second Assignment – the NarratedPowerpoint.You have been working towards these Course Learning Outcomes:– Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of group norms and socialinfluence processes including cultural influences, group interactions,leadership and member roles (LO2).– Recognising different perspectives or theories of Social Psychology. (LO3)– Integrating ideas and findings through appropriately linking theories andresearch evidence in Social Psychology (LO4).– Developing discipline expertise and professional skills (LO5).Questions, Comments, Feedback!


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