Assignment Description:
You are required to view and critique a life or a virtual professional presentation. MC hosts several speakers on each of its campuses every semester. Or, you might observe speakers from your place of worship, workplace, or look for speakers who are covering topics (sales presentations, lectures, training sessions, etc.) related to your future career. ( Nursing Future career)
Due to COVID restrictions, you do not need to physically attend the presentation. Instead, stream or view the assignment from the safety of your home. Then, submit a write-up of the presentation. If you select to view virtually, please be sure that you identify a synchronous, live event–not a recorded event such as a TedTalk.
Topics to Analyze: Please discuss each of the following topics in your essay. 1. Speaking Situation/Background
Offer details about the context: Where? When? Who was the audience? What type of presentation? Why did you choose to observe this person?
2. Delivery
What style of delivery did the speaker use? How effective were the speaker’s verbal and vocal elements? What visual aids did she or he use? Did they add to or detract from the speech? Did the speaker relate to the listeners? How? If not, what would you suggest?
3. Organization
4. Supporting material
Analyze the speaker’s use of supporting material, and classify it according to type. What functions did the support provide? Include specific examples.
Typed, two pages, and double-spaced.
Criteria for Grading:
evidence that you understand the principles of communication and public speaking we have studied in this class
depth of thought
clarity of your written expression
punctuation, grammar, and spelling