Assignment Exercise Outcome addressed: PC-1.1: Engage in a team setting with pro

Assignment Exercise
Outcome addressed:
PC-1.1: Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.
This week, your Discussion and Assignment will focus on preparing a proposal for management on health and wellness services through a teamwork initiative. Please read the scenario below.
Introduction to Health & Wellness Management
Students will prepare a rationale and expected results from implementing mind/body exercises or practices within an employee wellness program to reduce stress. [Scenario]
This week’s Assignment consists of reading about physical exercises and mind/body practices to reduce stress in the workplace thus improving morale, cultural engagement, and overall reduction of health care costs. Employers are interested in keeping their organizations healthy and employees have expressed an interest in mind/body exercises or practices at the worksite. After reading this information, students should decide on the best programs to offer employers benefits in reducing stress, having little or no capital outlay [equipment and labor], and describing associated health benefits.
This proposal should consist of a strong rationale, chosen mind/body exercise programs or practices, capital outlay, and benefits.
For the Discussion Board, students need to identify a classmate. Each student will pitch their proposed ideas briefly to ask their partner for feedback. The pitch should be around 200 words with the response around 75. Once students have pitched and received feedback on the Discussion Board for their proposal, the next step is preparing the proposal.
Directions: Your Assignment should be at least two full double-spaced pages in length, using size 12-point font in Word format. Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You may use external sources in addition to the required unit Readings. Cite any external sources used.
Go to Course Documents and download the HW410 Unit 8 TEAMWORK TEMPLATE [Word document] to your computer. This template provides the scenario and provides an outline of elements to be addressed in the proposal.
The Discussion Board and Assignment address the following unit outcomes:
Assess the role of physical exercise in managing and preventing stress.
Identify a variety of mind-body practices to improve physiological and psychological well-being.
Understand the qualities of interpersonal mindfulness and its use between you and others
This is my proposal that I post to the Discussion Board:
Hello Kamery,
Kamery, the proposed purpose that I will be implementing to improve the health and wellness of my coworkers would be a program that can benefit their overall health. This program would target beginners and those who may be more advanced with different relaxation techniques and exercises that are designed to enhance both the mind and body. Beginners can voluntarily participate in meditation sessions during their lunch break. It will be available to them 5 days a week, free of charge. Different meditation techniques, such as sitting and lying down, will be taught. These techniques have been shown to reduce stress levels, increase concentration, enhance awareness, and even improve overall health (Seaward, 2015).
Those who would like to participate in a little more physically challenging technique of relaxation can join the Hatha Yoga sessions 5 days a week, free of charge as well. Hatha Yoga is an excellent way to improve both the mind and body. Hatha Yoga is designed to be enjoyable, enhance relaxation, improve physical fitness and flexibility, and has even been shown to alleviate chronic pain in some cases (Seaward, 2015). For a health and wellness program proposal at my place of business, I would be sure to keep in mind that this would be a start-up program, my goals would be to offer the most benefits for management and their employees at the cheapest price possible. I would request to use a conference room large enough to accommodate 30 personnel 90 minutes (11:30 am – 1 pm) Monday thru Friday. There would be two, 30-minute sessions conducted daily, and the other 30 minutes would be used for set-up and tear down of the equipment. The schedule would be 11:30-12:10 Session 1 (Advanced Group) Hatha Yoga 12:15-12:45 Session 2 (Novice Group) Meditation 12:50-1:00 – Tear Down *TheHatha Yoga session would be conducted first because it is not a recommended exercise technique to be performed on a full stomach (Seaward, 2015).
The participants in this session will still have enough time to eat lunch before returning to work. The group participating in the Meditation techniques should have a light lunch before the session starts; there will not be enough time to eat once the session is complete. Participation in this session will not be affected by eating prior. Initial start-up cost: free for the first three months at no charge. At the end of this trial period (30 days), if it is determined that this program is beneficial, I truly believe this health and wellness program will be of great overall benefit to coworkers with whom I work daily. and its members (Siddarth, Siddarth, Lavretsky, 2014).
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Siddarth, D., Siddarth, P., & Lavretsky, H. (2014). An observational study of the health benefits of yoga or tai chi compared with aerobic exercise in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults.


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