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1Level 4 Assignment Guide2020/2021Managing People2Contents1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………. 32. Report Task Guidance ……………………………………………………………………….. 42.1.Task One – Identifying Issues ………………………………………………………. 42.2.Task Two – Defining HRM recruitment and selection models andtheories ……………………………………………………………………………………… 42.3.Task Three – Assessing the appropriateness of models ……………….. 52.4.Task Four – Identifying and recommending models …………………….. 53. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………… 631. IntroductionThe Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment Brief as itspurpose is to provide guidance as to how best to respond to the requirements of theassignment brief. It also gives an indication of what the marker will be looking for in thepiece of work.All three learning outcomes are addressed within the tasks of the assignment:1) Define theories, models and concepts relating to the study of human behaviour inthe workplace;2) Demonstrate an understanding of how these theories can explain the way thatpeople behave and interact at work;3) Identify and explore the role of HRM in managing the employment relationshipthrough policy and practice.To succeed in the module you must satisfy all learning outcomes, which in turn meansaddressing each part of the assignment brief – missing something out will impact your gradenegatively.42. Report Task Guidance2.1. Task One – Identifying Issues“Identify the issues that the company are experiencing with their productivity inrelation to the recruitment, selection and on-boarding procedures.”a) Ensure that this section of the report only focuses on what you know from thebusiness case study – do no try to ‘imagine’ other issues the company may beexperiencing.b) Quote from the case study and name the type of HRM issue that you believe it isfrom your studies in class and in your individual research, for example is arecruitment issue, a selection issue or an induction issue.c) The only requirement of this section is to inform the reader of the purpose of thereport and what issues the company are experiencing – therefore it should becompleted as the introduction to your report.d) Approximate Word Count: 3002.2. Task Two – Defining HRM recruitment and selection models and theories.“Define HRM recruitment and selection models, theories and concepts that Farmboxcurrently have in place and explain how these can affect the behaviour of the staffwithin the workplace, that may also affect productivity.”a) PLAN – before typing this section use the information from lectures and the researchyou have carried out, work out which recruitment, selection and induction/onboarding strategies or theories that Farmbox have implemented.b) Explain in your writing by using theory to support your claim, how the theories andstrategies that Farmbox have put in place are affecting their staff behaviour bothpositively and negatively, you should also quote from the business case study in thebrief to support your claims of how the staff are behaving.c) IMPORTANT: DO NOT COMMENT ON THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF THETHEORIES AND STRATEGIES IN THIS SECTION – JUST STAFF BEHAVIOUR.The report then needs to then move onto explaining how the staff behaviour isaffecting the productivity of Farmbox again only using research to support yourclaims.You can create as many paragraphs within this section as you feel is necessary foryour report.This section must follow the pattern below and needs to be approximately 800words in total:Theory and Staff behaviour which links to Staff Behaviour and Productivity52.3 Task Three – Assessing the Appropriateness of Models.“Assess the appropriateness of the models, theories and concepts that have beendeployed by Farmbox and identify the positive elements and any area of the procedurethat may need to improve.”a) For each of the models, theories and concepts that you have stated, within yourreport, that Farmbox have deployed you must now discuss the positive and negativeaspects of them – it is important to make this clear so that you can easily identify theareas that Farmbox are doing well and no change is needed, but more importantlyyou need to be able to demonstrate that you can assess a company and know whenimprovements are needed.b) When commenting on the positive and negative elements – use research to prove inyour writing why. It is not enough to simply state that a certain model or theory isineffective you need to prove that it is by giving specific examples from yourresearch – not just the Farmbox case.c) You can create as many paragraphs within this section as you feel is necessary foryour report.d) Word Count approximately 800 words.2.4 Task Four – Identifying and recommending models“Identify and recommend models, theories and concepts, policies and procedures forFarmbox to adopt to improve their operational productivity though more effective HRMtalent management.”a) This section is the conclusion of your report and needs to focus on the new andimproved strategies, theories, and concepts that you want Farmbox to take on.b) Their must be a mixture of improved implementation of at least one theory orstrategy and recommendations of new theories and strategies that will improveproductivity and staff behaviour at Farmbox.c) Your work needs to be based on research and provide evidence of why theimprovement you have suggested will work for the company.d) Word Count approximately 600 words.63. ConclusionThis report, like all other pieces of work for Higher Education studies, requires you tobase your thoughts, statements, and ideas on research.Please remember to:a) Ensure that each piece of information you use in your work comes from research– never your own thoughts.b) That you follow the Harvard Reference System on the reference page and withinyour work.c) That the writing style that you adopt is academic i.e. third person, usesappropriate specialist language, and has no conjunctions.d) That the report followed the required report structure – refer to the guidancegiven during your Foundation Year modules.


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