Assignment task For this assessment you are required to critically investigate a range of aspects related to revenue management for an international hotel group of your choice. You will act as a revenue analyst and will produce a report to be presented at the next shareholder meeting. In order to complete

Assignment task

For this assessment you are required to critically investigate a range of aspects related to revenue management for an international hotel group of your choice. You will act as a revenue analyst and will produce a report to be presented at the next shareholder meeting. In order to complete this report, you will have to access the organisation’s public financial statements for the last 2 years. In your report, you should comment on aspects related to the current business environment, including shareholder and customer expectations; codes of conduct, legislation, and good practice; pricing and revenue strategy; technological advancements and strategic decisions aimed to maximise revenue, room occupancy and room capacity. Your report should provide substantiated recommendations on strategies that could be developed for maximising revenue, occupancy and capacity and ultimately increasing profitability.

Indicative Structure:

Introduction (250 words)
Provide an introduction to the organisation (including market share, market penetration, number of brands that they operate etc.). Include a brief overview of the current business environment, as well as shareholder and customer expectations

Aim and objectives (150 words)
State the aim and objectives of your report.

Main body (2000 words)
Provide a critical analysis of the organisation’s approach to revenue management, commenting on aspects related to: the current business environment, including shareholder and customer expectations; theoretical frameworks, codes of conduct, legislation, and good practice; pricing and revenue strategy, including Key Performance Indicators associated with room occupancy, profitability and revenue; technological advancements and strategic decisions aimed to maximise revenue, including contemporary challenges in implementation. You should break down this chapter into sections and sub-sections, as suitable for your analysis.

Conclusion (200 words)
A critical conclusion, identifying key issues emerging from your analysis.

Recommendations (400 words)
Based on the key issues identified in your report, you should provide recommendations on strategies that could be developed for maximising revenue, occupancy and capacity and ultimately increasing financial profitability.

Your report should be of 3000 words (+/- 10%) and should include:

– A cover page

– Abstract/Executive Summary (300 words – not included in the word count)

– Table of Contents

– Headings and subheadings as per the indicative structure provided above

– Appendices (not included in the word count). All tables, diagrams, pictures etc. should be presented as appendices.

Assessment Criteria:

Your report will be assessed based on:

Depth of understanding of financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area makes to the business – both from theoretical and real-world perspectives
Critical understanding and application of pricing strategies and principles to real-world contexts, including benefits and challenges in real-world implementation
Depth and breadth of critical evaluation of relevant methods used to optimise profitability, as applied to a fixed capacity inventory, recognising dynamic growth in technological developments.
Understanding of relevant theory, concepts, industry codes of conduct, legislation and best practice – with applicability to real-world circumstances.
Identification of customer needs and expectations, as well as development of relevant strategies to meet these expectations.
Overall structure, coherence, and quality of writing.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area make to the business unit

LO2 Demonstrate and apply principles of pricing to the room’s product and evaluate the potential benefits to effective practice to profitability

LO3 State and evaluate methods used to optimise profitability, as applied to a fixed capacity inventory, recognising dynamic growth in related technological developments

LO4 Explain how industry codes of conduct, legislation and best practice directly affect accommodation procedures

LO5 Identify the expectations of customers from diverse markets and explain how providers of accommodation meet their needs through effective use of quality management processes and design

Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.

Referencing Style:

Please ensure that your work is referenced according to the [Harvard referencing System] style, as defined in Cite Them Right Online (
Convention for Presentation:

Your report should be well-structured, with clear headings for each section.
The report should be formatted in Arial or Times New Roman Font 12 and in double-line spacing and justified margins.
Ensure that your analysis and evaluations are supported by relevant examples and references.
The total word count for the report is 3000 words (+/-10%) (excluding executive summary/abstract, reference list and appendices).
Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to the designated submission platform by the specified deadline.

Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to Blackboard in the Submit Your Work section by the specified deadline.


You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format.

For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website:


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