Assignment FORUM DISCUSSION: Discuss how you incorporate writing instruction to

Discuss how you incorporate writing instruction to support comprehension of texts used in their classroom.
Create a list of the narrative and informational texts you use in your classroom. Explain how each text is used, and how it supports learning of your content area and reading.
NOTE: You will have the opportunity to communicate with your fellow classmates by utilizing the Discussion Forum. This forum is provided for you and your colleagues to share ideas and experiences. To receive full credit for the discussion, you must post to the discussion board and respond to at least two different participants’ initial posts.
Paragraphs should be thorough and establish that the participant has a complete understanding of the texts, and should demonstrate that the participant has thoroughly considered how the information presented has application in his/her own educational environment. Please keep in mind all work should be paraphrased from the text. Use exact quotes very sparingly (and cite if used).
To receive full credit for the discussion, you must post to the discussion board and respond to at least two different participants’ initial posts. Response postings must be academic and thoughtful. They replace classroom discussions and should have substance to them. Please refrain from short responses.


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