Based in the UK, Calco Communications is a mobile phone selling company. The company has plans to begin using the Internet to further achieve its business goals. Included in these goals are plans for creating a corporate Internet marketing presence, including an online catalogue. The company also wants to use the Internet to transmit sensitive information from remote sites to the corporate office. Eventually, the company wants to allow customers to use their website for direct

Based in the UK, Calco Communications is a mobile phone selling company. The company

has plans to begin using the Internet to further achieve its business goals. Included in these

goals are plans for creating a corporate Internet marketing presence, including an online

catalogue. The company also wants to use the Internet to transmit sensitive information from

remote sites to the corporate office. Eventually, the company wants to allow customers to use

their website for direct online purchasing. You should consider potential security risks for

these activities and what security measures the company should use to minimise these risks.

The goals of this increased Internet presence are as follows:

• Promote corporate image and presence as part of an overall marketing campaign.

• Provide an online product catalogue for customers and sales staff.

• Improve customer service.

The company decides to purchase and use a firewall product to provide network level

protection. The firewall will shield their internal network from many potential Internet-related

risks. As the company develops more advanced public applications (such as an e-commerce

website or extranet access), your input toward advanced security measures would be vital.

The management want to know how e-commerce and e-business technologies could be used

to improve the company’s operations alongside sales-growth. You need to produce a report

on the new e-business project to help the Board of Directors make a decision on this project.

Additionally, you have to present a proposed website template of the company to the Board of

Directors. Discuss the environment in which e-business is conducted and describe various

e-business transaction types. (AC1.1)

Guidance: In this question, you are expected to describe the environment in

which ‘Calco Communications’ should conduct its e-business and give examples

of at least two business transaction types that you are familiar with.

b) Explain the benefits and barriers to a business considering its online presence.


Guidance: You have been asked to explain the benefits and barriers faced by

‘Calco Communications’. Your answer will be more effective if you can outline

and discuss the possible benefits and challenges likely to be faced by the


c) Assess the security and legislative issues facing the online business of ‘Calco

Communications’. (AC1.3)

Guidance: In this question, you are expected to write what can be expected

during online transactions and how legislations and various security measures

attempt to minimise risks.

d) State different modes of communication available to an e-business and their

applications. (AC1.4)

Guidance: Your answer to this question should identify different ways that can

be used by ‘Calco Communications’ to communicate with customers, staff and

other stakeholders, when carrying out a business online. Your answer may

include examples such as the role of shopping carts, FAQs and email etc. while

making e-business and e-commerce transactions


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