BHS002-2 Medical Microbiology and Immunology | My Assignment Tutor

What am I required to do in this assignment?• You will submit a report that summarises your analysis of results from CH50 assays to determine the complement activity of‘unknown’ serum samples. You will analyse experimental data as specified• You are expected to outline the reasons for the experimental tests performed, describe the results and discuss the immunologybehind the data. Your report should include references from the scientific literature• Your report should be structured like a scientific journal article and should be submitted via BREO• You must ensure that your report is written in your own words AND that all information is cited/referenced appropriately. Do notcopy from fellow students, students in other year groups, friends, lecturers, websites, books, journal articles etc. Plagiarism of anykind will not be tolerated. This includes colluding with others submitting this same assessment, which is a serious academicoffence.What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)• Produce a scientific report according to expectations described in this assignment brief• Demonstrate understanding of relevant laboratory immunological techniques in the report Submission DeadlineMarks and FeedbackBefore 10am on:07/05/202120 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)15 working days after deadline (L6)10 working days after deadline (block delivery)07/06/2021 Unit title & codeBHS002-2 Medical Microbiology and ImmunologyBHS027-2 ImmunologyAssignment number and title002 – Investigation of Complement Function (CH50 assay)Assignment typeElectronic submission, Lab ReportWeighting of assignment25%Size or length of assessment1800 words (excluding tables, figure legends and reference list)Unit learning outcomes1) Demonstrate understanding of the molecular and cellular components of the immune response inhealth and disease2) Demonstrate the ability to analyse the role of inappropriately functioning immune responses indisease 2 • Show understanding of the role of the immune system in protection against pathogensHow do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?Cover all points in this brief, paying attention to the criteria table at the end.The information below explains the basic structure and requirements of your written report. Further specific guidance will be provided onBREO.Your report should contain: Title page, Introduction, Aim, Results, Discussion and a Reference list. Each section should be clearly labelled.Clarity of English and professional presentation is essential throughout. Your report should be fully referenced with citations (a) within thetext and (b) in full at the end in a bibliography.1) Introduction (~500words)Introduce the immunology of complement and the assay so that your reader will be able to understand the content of your report. Cover thefollowing:• Describe the complement cascade, the ways in which it can be activated and its functions• Some information on the role of complement in health and disease to contextualise the patient histories you’ve been provided with• Explain the principle of the CH50 assay and its uses. Explain why serum samples are tested in this way2) Aim (1-2 sentences)Briefly state the aim of the experiment. Describe what was tested and why.3) Results (500- 600 words, excluding tables and figure legends)See the protocol and tutorial slides on BREO for guidance on data analysis. You must perform this by yourself, do not share files with orcopy from other students. Any reports with high similarity scores will be investigated for collusion.• You MUST include a few sentences of text to begin your Results section. Briefly recap what was done and why to aid thereader’s understanding of the data you will show them in this section• Calculate and display the results for the Reference Serum, Serum X and Serum Y in clear, labelled table/s. Tables should all havea short caption/legend immediately above• All tabulated data should be described in a short paragraph of text (approx. 200 words). This text is not the same as the table titles• Using Excel, construct clear, labelled graph/s displaying volume undiluted serum against % lysis for the Reference Serum, Serum Xand Serum Y. Each graph should have its own title and legend underneath. If possible, indicate the volume of serum triggering50% lysis (one CH50 unit) by marking it on each graph. You may then choose to expand your analyses, including additional graphsand calculations• After the graphs, include a short paragraph of text (approx. 200 words) that describes each graph and states the CH50 valuesobtained. Remember that paragraphs of text are different to the graph figure legends: see journal articles for an idea of format• Ensure that you calculate and state the number of CH50 units/ml of the Reference Serum, Serum X and Serum Y. If one or moreCH50 values cannot be derived, state this in your text – it might tell you something important about the serum!5) Discussion (minimum 600 words)Your Discussion section should consider the meaning of the results with reference to your aim, the complement cascade and its function, andthe use of the CH50 test. You may like to consider the following points:• What does the assay measure? What happened as serum concentration increased? Discuss the data in the context of the immunologyof complement activation for the Reference Serum, which illustrates normal function. As part of this explanation you MUST includea labelled hand-drawn and scanned scientific diagram showing the immunology of the CH50 assay. The diagram/s should show theantigen:antibody complex and should clearly illustrate the relevant steps in the complement cascade that led to MAC formation andlysis of the RBC. How you do this is your choice and the way you choose to present this diagram is part of the assessment of yourunderstanding! Please ensure that any drawings are fully legible, a good size and not shadowed or dark if you photograph them!Ensure that you reference the source of your info in the legend to your diagram, if appropriate 3 • Compare the CH50 results for Sera X and Y to the results from the Reference Serum. What do you conclude from your data aboutSerum X and Y, and what are the implications for patients X and Y? If one or more patients has a malfunctional complementcascade, what diseases might they suffer from? Does this fit with the patient history? Comment on the role of complement inrelevant or related disease, ensuring that you reference scientific information.• Evaluate the method and your data analysis. How could the assay be improved? How is complement function analysed in scientificresearch or in Biomedical labs? Compare your analysis examples of complement testing that have been published in scientificjournals.6) References / Bibliography (list is not included in the word count)You MUST include a list of references, in the correct format: as used in University of Bedfordshire Harvard Referencing (see: – you can also complete AIR on BREO). Ensure that all your references are also cited in yourtext at the appropriate point, in the correct format.Aim to include at least five primary journal articles in your reference list. Please do not reference generic secondary/tertiary web sourcessuch as Wikipedia, NHS or hospital websites, eMedicine, webMD etc – these are general/generic and are not always clearly peer-reviewedsources.You MUST NOT copy/paste any text from any sources, even if you cite the source. This includes other students, past and present, materialonline, on BREO etc. You must write about what you have read in your own words – this is very important. Copying from any sources, withor without references is plagiarism, or collusion. Paraphrasing other people’s words without adequate referencing is plagiarism. Failing toreference the correct author/s is also a form of plagiarism. Do not risk an academic offence penalty for plagiarism. If you are at all unsure,complete the AIR ‘Get Referencing Right’ interactive resource, which you can access from the BREO homepage. Alternatively contact StudyHub for individual guidance.How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?• This during this assessment will study the function of one of the major effectors of immunity• You will have received material relevant to this on BREO and in prior teaching sessions• This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of relevant immunological techniques and the role of themolecular and cellular components of the immune response in health and disease• Your report should demonstrate your capability to appropriately present and analyse scientific data, by using scientific languageand IT resources to effectively communicate your findings• Your discussion should provide evidence of your ability to analyse the role of inappropriately functioning immune responses indisease and illness and to place this in context, showing your understanding of the immunology How will my assignment be marked? 4 Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. 3rd Class – 40-49%Lower 2nd – 50-59%Upper 2nd – 60-69%1st Class – 70%+Quality ofunderstandingand analysisof scientificprinciples andknowledgebase (~25%)Understanding ofimmunology and thetechnique used islimited. Satisfactory useof relevant literature.Superficial attempt toexplain experimental aimand approach, or put thework in context.Acceptable level ofunderstanding/analysis ofthe relevant immunologyand technique. Somerelevant literature is usedto provide an introductionand broader context toexplain the aim andapproach.Literature is used well tointroduce the topic of thereport showingunderstanding of therelevant science. Broadercontext of work isdescribed but could beclearer. Experimental aimand rationale are defined.A comprehensiveunderstanding of therelevant immunology andtechnique is shown in thedetailed and focused use ofliterature. Broader context ofwork clearly described.Experimental aim andrationale well defined.Data handlingandpresentation(~25%)Data is incompletelyanalysed. Presentationof data is in placesunclear. There is a lack ofexplanation of what isbeing presented becausethe results section lacksuseful descriptive text.Data analysis is mostlycorrect with few errors oromissions. Presentation isgenerally clear andappropriate. Someattempt is given to explainwhat is being presented inthe form of text thatdescribes the data shown.Data analysis is accurate,and complete. Clearunderstanding of dataanalysis is shown in thetext description of data.Presentation isappropriate: figures arelegible, labelled and haveindependent legends.Data analysis is accurate,thorough and complete. VonKrogh’s equation is usedappropriately. Clearunderstanding of dataanalysis is shown in the textdescription of data.Presentation is clear andappropriate: figures arelegible, well labelled andhave independent legends.Discussionand criticalevaluation(~30%)The summary diagramshows someunderstanding of theimmunology of the assayand/or the meaning ofthe results. Limitedevidence of evaluation ofthe method or data. Alimited range ofliterature is used todiscuss the data and it istherefore not put into awider context.A largely correct summarydiagram showsunderstanding of theimmunology of the assayand/or the meaning of theresults. There is someattempt to discuss thedata and to reflect on thedata and/or method.There is some evaluationof the method/data, butthis is at times superficialA correct summarydiagram showsunderstanding of theimmunology of the assayand the meaning of theresults. Data arediscussed in a widercontext, demonstrating anability to evaluate dataand reflect upon the workperformed. Methodsand/or data are criticallyevaluated.A clear and correct summarydiagram showsunderstanding of theimmunology & results of theassay. Data are discussed ina wider context,demonstrating a welldeveloped ability to evaluatedata and reflect upon thework performed. Methodsand data are criticallyevaluated, supported by wellchosen references.Writtenexpressionand structure(~10%)Written expressionmakes the work difficultto follow. The structureis fragmented andmaterial could bepresented moreefficiently. Evidence ofWritten expression is clearand the work can befollowed withoutdifficulty. The structure ofthe report is satisfactorybut planning could haveThe report is written inclear language withcorrect spelling andgrammar. The structure ofthe report is well-planned,and logical. The report isThe report is written in clearand concise language withcorrect spelling andgrammar. The structure ofthe report is well-planned,well-thought out and logical,enhancing its readability. 5 lack of care in planningand presentation.been more thorough inparts.not significantly over orunder 2000 words.The report is not over 2000words.Use ofliterature andreferencing(~10%)A limited range ofliterature is cited. UoBHarvard referencingformat is not usedconsistently.A reasonable range ofliterature is accessed,including some primarysources. In-text citationsare used appropriately andUoB Harvard format isgenerally correctly used.A good range of primarysources is used. CorrectUoB Harvard formatting ofcitations in-text isgenerally used throughoutand final reference list.A broad range of primarysources is used. Correct UoBHarvard formatting ofcitations in-text is usedthroughout and finalreference list.


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