Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to gi

Endocrine System Lab Report

Complete a lab experiment on Physio Ex. After completing the experiment, you will write a lab report that consists of:

  1. Title page:Includes an informative title, class and section name, instructor name and date of  submission  ( 5 pts)
  2. Introduction: Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to give the reader a basic understanding of the subject matter. Give an overview of the purpose of the activity. ( 20 pts)
  3. Material and Methods: Describe the procedure in paragraph form. Your description should give enough information so the one unfamiliar with the activity could understand what was performed and whether it was performed properly. ( 20 pts)
  4. Results: Present your data in table or figure form ( not both) with an appropriate title. The tables/ figures should be self explanatory and include proper legends, labels and units. DO NOT cut and paste the raw data you obtained in the experiment. Your results should be presented on your own table/ figue/ graph.  Summarize the data and note the trends. Do NOT interpret the data. Explain what can be directly observed from the data.  (20 pts)
  5. Discussion: Give a detailed explanation/ interpretation of the results and their significance. Refer to the tables/ figures in the results section. Relate the results to the principles of anatomy and physiology.  ( 25 pts)
  6. Literature cited: References cited are complete and consistent in format. Cited references are listed in alphabetical order.  ( 10 pts)



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