Building a skilled and resilient workforce | My Assignment Tutor

Building a skilled and resilient workforceto respond to changeThe food and grocery supply chain is evolving rapidly — the pace of change is expected to accelerate asnew technologies are adopted, social and consumption trends change and organisations develop. Weneed to ensure there is a sustainable supply of skilled, adaptable and resilient talent to respond to thiscontinual change.We have identified core skills and personal behaviours that we expect to be highly valued by our industry,both now and in the future: communication, teamwork, practical skills, entrepreneurial outlook, analyticalability, leadership, creativity, resilience and having a digital mindset. We asked recruiting managers whichof these skills and behaviours were hardest to recruit.Skills and behaviour gapsOn average, 75% of recruiting managers rated all transferable skills and behaviours as difficult to recruit,although teamwork, practical skills and communication are slightly easier. Finding talent with strongresilience, an entrepreneurial mindset and analytical ability was especially challenging. Some 90% ofrecruiting managers find it difficult to recruit resilient talent.Once employed, some skills and behaviours are formally developed more than others. Areas such ascommunication, teamwork and leadership were developed by the majority of companies either throughtraining courses or on-the-job learning. However, areas such as creativity, an entrepreneurial outlook anda tech-savvy attitude were harder to train formally.Q: Currently, how do you find recruiting people for these transferable skills?Source: IGD Industry Skills Survey, 2017. Responses from recruiting managers14 BRIDGING THE SKILLS GAP – BUILDING A SKILLED AND RESILIENT WORKFORCE TO RESPOND TO CHANGECompanies should consider which skills are most important to their individualorganisations and reflect to what extent they are embedded in their training programmesand business culture. These results also provide direction for education and apprenticeshiptraining providers in terms of developing skills to succeed in the workplace.AnalyticalEasy0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%Somewhat difficult Very difficultResilienceEntrepreneurialCreativeDigital MindsetLeadershipPracticalCommunicationTeamwork


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