Building Technology CBF021-2 | My Assignment Tutor

What am I required to do in this assignment?The first assessment point of this unit is an assignment in report format, which should reflect on the research, processes and analysis usedin site set-up, the selection of foundations, structures and construction techniques.Scenario:The building will be a 20 storey mixed-use development with retail space and residential apartments. The ground floor will comprise of anumber of retail units with on-street access. The first floor will be dedicated to a gym and exercise facility. Floors two to 20 will beresidential apartments. A basement level(s) will need to be part of the development for residents.The development will be sited on a plane of soft (poor bearing capacity) soil approximately 10-15m thick, with underlying sandstonebedrock from approximately 15m (correct foundations need to be selected). The site is brownfield with a number of previousdevelopments. This includes a car garage and repair centre dating back to the 1990s and further back, an old brewery in the 1960s. The sitehas been cleared of any existing structures to ground level, but below ground conditions remain unknown.The site is located in a busy city centre and adjacent to a main road. There are existing buildings to the rear and to the left hand side of thesite. There is a supermarket car park on the right hand side. The buildings to the rear are residential. Submission DeadlineMarks and FeedbackBefore 10am on:19/02/202120 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)15 working days after deadline (L6)10 working days after deadline (block delivery)Click or tap to enter a date. Unit title & codeBuilding Technology CBF021-2Assignment number and titleAssignment 1Assignment typePortfolioWeighting of assignment60%Size or length of assessment2500 wordsUnit learning outcomes1. Detailed knowledge, understanding and justification of appropriate solutions for thestructure, materials and design of medium and high rise buildings.2. Developed detailed knowledge and appropriate skills in the preparation of a technicalportfolio of work. 2 Permission has been granted to use half of the car park area for construction works (parking/site offices/storage of materials etc.). This willbe rented from the supermarket on a monthly basis. The car park space used will be returned to the supermarket on completion of the newbuilding. Care will need to be taken to ensure that the supermarket car park is returned as swiftly as possible and that the supermarketcustomers are not unduly affected by the construction works.The client has specified that energy efficiency and sustainability are to be considered a priority throughout the project, from design, throughconstruction, to operation.Building fabric needs to be suggested and physical/environmental analysis of the fabric needs to be fully considered.What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to: Have demonstrated a logical structure of a technical portfolio including drawings and specifications, which are evidencedin relation to the literature. Have integrated solutions for site setup, foundations, structure and cladding for the given case study.How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?Assessment 1 should involve approximately 36 hours for preparation and 9 hours for completion (in total).You will be expected to have referenced/evidenced the research you have done for this assignment (from appropriate sources).How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?The assignment will tie-in directly with taught sessions, which will cover the key areas of the assignment.It is therefore extremely important to attend these sessions and take good quality notes. How will my assignment be marked?Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. 3rd Class – 40-49%Lower 2nd – 50-59%Upper 2nd – 60-69%1st Class – 70%+ 3 1Presentation10%Report was organised andpresented a simple analysis ofthe subject, which covered thebasics and was limited in rangeand was simplistic.Report was clearly organised andpresented a good analysis of thesubject which was satisfactory andwide ranging and was developedin some depth.Report was expertly organisedand presented a wide ranging,thorough analysis of the subjectwhich was wide ranging anddeveloped in depth.Report was expertly organisedand presented an exceptionalwide ranging in-depth andthoughtful analysis and reflectionof the subject. Development filewas present.2Research10%The student has referred toseveral relevant sources ofinformation and has shownsome understanding of theconventions of handlingreference material.The student has referred torelevant sources of information inparts of the work and has shownsome understanding of theconventions of handling referencematerialThe student has referred to avariety of relevant sources ofinformation and has shown aclear understanding of theconventions of handlingreference material in accordancewith Harvard Method.The student has referred to awide variety of relevant sourcesof information, fully compliedwith the Harvard Method,citation, paraphrasing andhandling of the referencematerial. Extended bibliographypresent.3Evaluation10%Limited critical analysis andjustification.Identified some relevant issues.Lacks focus.Student has not taken feedbackinto consideration.Some critical analysis was evident.Demonstrated basicunderstanding of the relevantissues.Simple statement of facts ortheory.Student had attempted to followprevious feedback.Good critical analysis andjustification was provided.Demonstrated goodunderstanding of the currentissues.Discussed application in severalmodes.Student has partially followedprevious feedback.Wide ranging in-depth andthoughtful analysis of the currentand relevant subject. High levelskills of evaluation demonstratedby selecting appropriaterecommendation from a range ofmethods, reflective conclusion.Student has acted on previousfeedback.4Explanationof TechnicalContent70%Marginal attempt at meetingLearning Outcomes, few ofThreshold Standards were met.Vocabulary, is less accurate,continued/repeated spelling,units, acronym & contextualmistakes, poorly edited.Report has omissions and/orunnecessary extra content.Brief conclusion.Satisfactory attempt at meetingLearning Outcomes, majority ofThreshold Standards were met.Vocabulary was reasonablytechnical.Several spelling, units, acronym,contextual or typographic errorsper page. Required better editing.Satisfactory conclusions.Content was selected to meetLearning Outcomes, covers thebasic required ThresholdStandards, editing evidentthroughout, Rare spelling, units,acronym, contextual ortypographic errors.Good conclusion and futurerecommendations.Attempted progress file, not fullydeveloped and evidenced.Content was carefully selectedLearning Outcomes are fullymet, developed further on therequired Threshold Standards,careful editing evidentthroughout, written in technicallanguage.Excellent conclusions, reflectionand future recommendations.Progress file present,chronological records present.


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