Ceric Nitrate Test and Compound Chemical Properties Ceric Nitrate Test and Compound Chemical Properties http://dept.harpercollege.edu/chemistry/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/qual/qual.htm Link to complete assignment details: https://ccp.zoom.us/rec/share/wexSd6zOyFxOAYH98R7SA4oCOoH3eaa8hnUXqfMJnh4by3ZO1NSmVZ4Os1x3jPPR password: 5j.f2=%0 Must complete attached documents and answer 4 questions: a.In sentence form, write a short paragraph describing the purpose of the lab and the techniques used to meet all of the objectives. b.In sentence form, summarize the procedure that was followed during this experiment. You must give a brief description of the process for all 6 of the tests used (including solubility and all of the chemical tests). This info can be found in the background tab (identifying organic
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