CFPBUS004 Business Communication | My Assignment Tutor

London School of Commerce In association with the University of Suffolk Course/Programme:Assignment Brief- Business FoundationLevel:3Module Title:CFPBUS004 Business CommunicationModule Leader:Sarah GibbonsAssignment title:Assignment 1 – Individual Assessment Marketing Material Assignment 2 – Individual ReportAssignment number:CFPBUS004/1  Weighting:Marketing Material -50%; Individual Report-50%Date given out: Submission date:Assignment 1: 24th May 2021 Assignment 2: 28th June 2021Eligible for late submission (3 working days, with penalty)YesMethod of submission:XOnline only Online and paper copySpecial instructions for submission (if any):NADate for results and feedback:Component 1 – Component 2Employability skills assessed:Business Communication SkillsLearning outcomes assessed:As indicated in assignments tasks Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the Assessment Board.  These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and are for guidance only until they are confirmed. )Late Submission Penalties (X if appropriate)  Capped at 40% 100%Up 72 hours lateXOver 72 hours late  TASK DESCRIPTION – Assignment 1 (50%) Assessment 1 – Individual Assessment Marketing Material (Total 600 words) 50% weighting – Marked out of 100. Due to Covid-19 retail has changed dramatically. For most of this last year shops have been shut and customers have changed their shopping habits so that online shopping has become the new norm. You are the manager of a popular clothing chain called Something For Everyone (SFE). Sales are not as high as you would like, and you are updating your website to encourage customers to spend more money on your products. You want the new website to have 2 parts to the homepage. The first page should demonstrate some of communication barriers that are discouraging the customers. The second page should show strategies put in place by SFE to simplify the process. Your marketing team have identifying the following reasons that customers are not buying your products: Physical barriers – customers cannot try on clothes and are unsure about what size to order online. Emotional barriers – some customers have lost jobs or are worried about losing their jobs and some are on reduced hours. Due to lockdown customers feel there is no point in buying clothes as they are not able to attend social events. Information barriers – customers are unsure about how to return products. They think it will cost money and be complicated. Technical barriers – there are some issues with the original website design – the site automatically empties the customer’s basket after 30 minutes so shopping can be frustrating. Some products are listed as being available when they are out of stock. Cultural barriers – previously the website only had the option of being in English and only stocked a limited selection of styles. TASK Design a new two-part homepage and provide accompanying notes to support your ideas in more detail. The accompanying notes should not exceed 500 words. Please provide references. Marks will be awarded for achieving the learning outcomes and your ability to provide a well-designed homepage and notes. Common Assessment Criteria AppliedMarks availableLO2 – Identify common challenges and barriers to effective communication30LO3 – Provide effective strategies for overcoming communication barriers30LO6 – Demonstrate the importance of cultural awareness20Website format and quality of notes20 TASK DESCRIPTION  – Assignment 2 (50%)   Assessment 2 – Individual Report (1500 words maximum) 50% weighting. Marked out of 100% The website that you designed has now been live for 1 month and already sales have improved. Another company has approached you for advice on how to improve their sales and you need to prepare a report outlining the measures taken at SFE. Your report should discuss some general theories of organisational communication. It must also evaluate the barriers you identified and outline the strategies implemented to solve these. Marks will be awarded for achieving the learning outcomes below and your ability to provide a well written report. Common Assessment Criteria Applied Marks available Discussion on general theories of organisational communication Evaluate25 Evaluate the barriers of communication at SFE25 Outline company strategies to overcome these barriers25 Use of academic writing 15 Quality of referencing 10  Report Structure: Ensure that the report has the following structure and contains the details outlined: AbstractTable of contentsIntroductionAnalysis and discussion of all questionsRecommendationsConclusionReference List following Harvard references and in-text citations throughout Maximum LENGTH 1500 words FORMATTING AND LAYOUT Please note the following when completing your written assignments: Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business style.Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.Document format: 1. Website design and notes 2. ReportProvide a clear title, course, and ID number on a cover sheet. Provide a reference list using Harvard referencing throughout.Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive. These assignments address the following Learning Outcomes: LO1: Describe and analyse the purposes and principles behind different forms of organisational communication.LO2: Identify common challenges to effective communication.LO3: Devise and develop strategies for overcoming communication barriers.LO4: Apply principles of effective communication to enhance their practice.LO5: Evaluate the communication practices of themselves and others.LO6: Demonstrate awareness of cultural influences on communication. Assessment Criteria: Marks Awarded(70%+)(60-69%)(50-59%)(40-49%)(30-39%)LO1: Describe and analyse the purposes and principles behind different forms of organisational communication. TASK 2  The work fully identifies and analyses both the purpose and principles behind theories of organisational communication.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The work identifies and provides some analysis of both the purpose and principles behind theories of organisational communication.    The work identifies the purpose and principles behind theories of organisational communication but there is limited analysis.The work demonstrates a basic understanding of the theories of organisational communication despite some misunderstanding and superficial analysis.    There is little evidence of any research and poor understanding of basic forms of organisational communication.    LO2: Identify common challenges to effective communication. TASK 1The work identifies a wide range of communication challenges and barriers which are relevant to this organisation. The work effectively demonstrates how the chosen theories and concepts relate to the specific context of this assignment.  The work identifies a range of communication challenges and barriers which are mostly relevant to this organisation. The work mostly demonstrates how the chosen theories and concepts relate to the specific context of this assignment.  The work identifies a range of communication challenges and barriers but does not always demonstrate their relevance to this organisation. The chosen theories and concepts are not sufficiently related to the specific context of this assignment.  The work identifies a few communication challenges and barriers, but they are very generic and are not relevant to the specific context of this assignment.  The work identifies a few challenges or barriers, but the material is mostly irrelevant and there are significant errors or omissions.  LO3: Devise and develop strategies for overcoming communication barriers. TASK 1The work develops a wide range of workable and practical strategies for overcoming the identified communication barriers. The arguments are logical and thorough and show competent interpretation.The work develops a range of workable and practical strategies for overcoming the identified communication barriers. The arguments are mostly relevant and logical.  The work develops some strategies for overcoming a range of identified communication barriers. The strategies are mostly generic and not directly relevant to this organisation.  The work develops a few strategies for overcoming a limited range of identified communication barriers. They are very generic and not particularly relevant to this organisation.  The work identifies a few strategies, but the material is mostly irrelevant and there are significant misunderstandings or omissions.  LO4: Apply principles of effective communication to enhance their practice. TASK2  The work includes practical and workable recommendations to improve communication practices, and these are related to the context of this assignment.The work includes some practical and workable recommendations to improve communication practices and mostly relates these to the context of this assignment.  The work has a few workable recommendations to improve communication praqctices, but these are very general and do not relate to the context of this assignment.  The recommendations provided have little relevance to the context of this assignment. There are some misunderstandings.  There is little evidence of any research into effective communication to enhance practice.  LO5: Evaluate the communication practices of themselves and others TASK 2  The work provides an insightful and critical analysis of weaknesses in terms of communication. These are clearly related to the specific issues that are relevant to this assignment.  The work provides some critical analysis of weaknesses in terms of communication and partly relates these to the specific issues that are relevant to this assignment.  The work provides limited analysis of weaknesses in terms of communication. These are very generic and there is little relevance to the issues that are relevant to this assignment.  The work is mostly descriptive and lacks analysis of weaknesses in terms of communication. The suggestions are very generic with no relevance to this assignment.  A poor attempt at evaluation of communication weakness which has little detail or relevance.  LO6: Demonstrate awareness of cultural influences on communication   TASK 1The work demonstrates strong and insightful awareness of cultural influences on communication and provides a broad range of examples which are relevant to the organisation.  The work demonstrates competent awareness of cultural influences on communication and provides at least a few examples that are relevant to this organisation  The work demonstrates some awareness of cultural influences on communication and provides a few examples. The examples are mostly generic and not necessarily relevant to this organisation. Some misunderstanding may be evident.    The work demonstrates some limited awareness of cultural influences on communication and provides at least one relevant example. Understanding may be limited or slightly inaccurate.  The work shows very limited evidence of cultural awareness and there are significant misunderstandings or omissions.  Poster format and quality of notes TASK 1The work provides a well-designed two-page poster which effectively combines relevant images and text to convey a powerful message. Notes are provided on a separate page which develop and strengthen the message and address the LOs. No introduction or conclusion are necessary, but notes must be clearly presented, coherent and logical.  The work provides a relatively well designed two-page poster which combines mostly relevant images and text to convey its message. Notes are provided on a separate page which mostly develop the message and address the LOs. No introduction or conclusion are necessary, but notes must be clearly presented and mostly coherent and logical.  The work provides a two-page poster which combines some relevant images and text. There may be too much text on the actual poster, too few images or some problems with design. Notes are provided and partly address the LOs, but they are mostly generic and not necessarily relevant to this organisation. Notes may not always be coherent or logical.  The work provides a one or two-page poster which has insufficient or irrelevant images and text. There may be too much text on the actual poster, too few images or some other problem with design. Notes are provided on a separate page but are mostly insufficient or irrelevant.  The work attempts to provide a poster however there are problems with the design which may include too few images or too little or too much text on the actual poster. Insufficient notes are provided on a separate page or due to misunderstanding are on the actual poster. Alternatively, the poster may be very well designed but notes are not provided.  Use of academic writing  TASK 2The work shows competent interpretation and analysis. There is a high level of academic writing throughout and the report is highly readable and well-structured.  The work shows some competent interpretation and analysis. There is a good level of academic writing throughout and the report communicates effectively, with only minor lapses.  The work shows some competent interpretation and analysis. There is a good attempt at academic writing though with some omissions. The report communicates relatively effectively but with some lapses.The English is not sufficiently academic, and the report structure needs improvement.  The writing style is not academic. There is little attempt to follow the structure of a report.  Quality of referencing TASK 2The work utilizes a very expansive range of sources and theorists which are relevant to the task and organises material effectively. Harvard referencing is correctly applied throughout.  The work utilizes a good range of sources and theorists which are relevant to the task and mostly organises material effectively. Harvard referencing is correctly applied through with occasional exceptions.  The work utilizes a range of sources and theorists which are mostly relevant to the task and shows some organisation. Harvard referencing is mostly applied correctly though errors occur.  The work provides some evidence of a few sources and theorists though relevance to the task is limited and the material is not well organised. Harvard referencing may be attempted but there are frequent errors.  There is little evidence of sources and Harvard referencing is not attempted.   INDICATIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (for reference) An outstanding Distinction90 – 100Work which fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but at an exceptional standard.A very strong distinction80 – 89Work of distinguished quality which is based on a rigorous and broad knowledge base, and demonstrating sustained ability to analyse, synthesise, evaluate and interpret concepts, principles and data within field of study, using defined principles, techniques and/or standard formats and applications.  This will form the basis for the development of sound arguments and judgements appropriate to the field of study/ assessment task.  There will be strong evidence of competence across a range of specialised skills, using them to plan, develop and evaluate problem solving strategies, and of the capability to operate autonomously and self-evaluate with guidance in varied structured contexts. Outputs will be communicated effectively, accurately and reliably.A clear Distinction71 – 79Work of very good quality which displays most but not all of the criteria for the grade above.A Distinction70Work of highly commendable quality which clearly fulfils the criteria for the grade below, but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant intellectual/subject/key skills.A very strong Merit67 – 69Work of commendable quality based on a strong factual/conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, including an assured grasp of concepts and principles, together with effective deployment of skills relevant to the discipline and assessment task.  There will be clear evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application, and the ability to work effectively within defined guidelines to meet defined objectives.  There will be consistent evidence of capability in all relevant subject based and key skills, including the ability to self-evaluate and work autonomously under guidance and to use effectively specified standard techniques in appropriate contexts.A strong merit64 – 66Work of good quality which contains most, but not all of the characteristics of the grade above.A clear Merit61 – 63Work which clearly fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant intellectual/subject/key skills.Merit60Work of sound quality based on a firm factual/ conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, demonstrating a good grasp of relevant principles/concepts, together with the ability to organise and communicate effectively.  The work may be rather standard, but will be mostly accurate and provide some evidence of the ability to analyse, synthesise, evaluate and apply standard methods/techniques, under guidance. There will be no serious omissions or inaccuracies.  There will be good evidence of ability to take responsibility for own learning, to operate with limited autonomy in predictable defined contexts, selecting and using relevant techniques, and to demonstrate competence in relevant key skills.A very strong Pass55 – 59Work of capable quality which contains some of the characteristics of grade above.A strong Pass50 – 54Work of satisfactory quality demonstrating a reliable knowledge base and evidence of developed key skills and/or subject based skills, but containing limited evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation or application.A Pass41 – 49Work of broadly satisfactory quality covering adequately the factual and/or conceptual knowledge base of the field of study and appropriately presented and organised, but is primarily descriptive or derivative, with only occasional evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation or application.  There may be some misunderstanding of key concepts/principles and limitations in the ability to select relevant material or techniques and/or in communication or other relevant skills, so that the work may include some errors, omissions or irrelevancies.  There will be evidence of ability to operate with limited autonomy in predictable defined contexts, using standard techniques, and to meet threshold standards in relevant key skills.A bare Pass40Work of bare pass standard demonstrating some familiarity with and grasp of a factual/conceptual knowledge base for the field of study, together with evidence of some ability to employ specialist skills to solve problems within area of study, but only just meeting threshold standards in e.g. evaluation and interpretation of data and information, reasoning and soundness of judgment, communication, application, or quality of outputs. Work may be characterised by some significant errors, omissions or problems, but there will be sufficient evidence of development and competence to operate in specified contexts taking responsibility for the nature and quality of outputs.A marginal Fail30 – 39Work which indicates some evidence of engagement with area of study in relation to acquisition of knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles, and of specialist skills, but which is essentially misinterpreted, and misapplied and/or contains some significant omission or misunderstanding, or otherwise just fails to meet threshold standards in e.g. communication, application or quality of outputs.A Fail20 – 29Work that falls well short of the threshold standards in relation to one or more area of knowledge, intellectual, subject based or key skills. It may address the assessment task to some extent, or include evidence of successful engagement with some of the subject matter, but such satisfactory characteristics will be clearly outweighed by major deficiencies across remaining areas.A comprehensive Fail0 – 19Work of poor quality which is based on only minimal understanding, application or effort. It will offer only very limited evidence of familiarity with knowledge or skills appropriate to the field of study or task and/or demonstrate inadequate capability in key skills essential to the task concerned.Non-submission/Nil attempt0Nothing, or nothing of merit, presented.  


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