WEEK 9 SHRMCHANGE MANAGEMENT AND HR STRATEGIESLO3EVALUATE HOW APPROPRIATE CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODELS SUPPORT HR STRATEGYBY THE END OF THE DAY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND• The relevance of the psychological contract in relation to managing change• The use of Nudge theory to support organisational change and behaviour• HR strategy: How does change management support and influence HR strategy? HRworkforce planning, recruitment processes, managing employee motivation andperformance managementPSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT• The Psychological Contract has been of increasing interest for HR departments as itcan be used to measure factors impacting behavior in the workplace. This contract canbe used as a powerful instrument for driving behavior and business performance.HOW SHOULD EMPLOYERS MANAGE PSYCHOLOGICALCONTRACTS?• To manage the psychological contract effectively, regardless of the expectations of anindividual worker, employers should be transparent about what they offer, and consultwith the current and future workforce on the employee value proposition.WHAT IS ANINDIVIDUALPSYCHOLOGICALCONTRACT? • Individual psychological contracts allow theemployee to see their value and role within thebusiness. It also helps both sides avoid creatingunrealistic expectations of one another. And itallows for “amending” the terms of the contractif needed, which is done through regularcommunication. CONTRACTDIVERSITY • The benefit of a psychological contract versus a morecodified contract is that it’s individually focused. Everydifferent.• Don’t underestimate the impact of diversity. This can make ahuge impact on both the employee and the employer.• Individual psychological contracts allow the employee to seetheir value and role within the business. It also helps bothsides avoid creating unrealistic expectations of oneanother. And it allows for “amending” the terms of thecontract if needed, which is done through regularcommunication. psychological contract is different because each employee is EXPLORING THEPSYCHOLOGICALCONTRACT • As previously stated, what makes up the “contract” canvary with the unique needs and aspirations of eachemployee, but that does not imply an organization shouldseek to satisfy each employee’s unspoken expectations.• It is, however, an area where an organization can leveragethe employee-manager relationship by equipping andencouraging managers to discuss and addresspsychological contract expectations with employees.Managers can help employees explore and, if necessary,modify their expectations, offsetting negative reactionswhen unrealistic expectations are not met. • Such manager-employee discussions can be used to “re-recruit” top talent. HR can helpmanagers by providing suggested questions to guide the discussion. These questionsmight include:• What attracted you to this organization?• Do you still feel the same way? Why or why not?• Do you feel like you are doing your best work? Why or why not?• Where do you see yourself in five years?• How can we help you get there?• By initiating the one-on-one conversation and listening uncritically, managers demonstratethat they care, thereby improving communications and strengthening the manageremployee relationship.CONTRACTS GONE WRONG• Earlier in this article, the term “breach” was used. A breach is the result of a psychologicalcontract gone wrong. A breach occurs when one party perceives the other as failing to fulfillpromises. Those include:• Pay – promised increases were not fulfilled• Promotion – a promised promotion doesn’t happen in the expected timeframe• Type of work – important responsibilities of the employee were misrepresented• Training – Employee doesn’t receive the promised training• Feedback – Promised performance reviews were inadequate or absentWHAT HAPPENS WHEN BREACH OCCURS?• Typically, employers will see negative emotions from theemployee such as anger, betrayal, or sadness. Also, therelationship between the two suffers because there is alack of trust and respect. Commitment on the part ofthe employee is reduced. There is less jobsatisfaction. There may also be a withdrawal ofbehavior. For instance, the employee is less willing towork hard, to share ideas, and to be a good workcitizen.SHARE YOUREXPERIENCEWHAT BENEFITS DO YOU THINK PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACTS COULD BRING TO YOURORGANISATION ?NUDGE THEORY• Nudge theory is a flexible and modern change-management concept for understanding ofhow people think, make decisions, and behave; helping people improve their thinking anddecisions; managing change of all sorts and; identifying and modifying existing unhelpfulinfluences on people.HOW NUDGES INFLUENCE BEHAVIOURCHANGE?• The aggregate influence of co-oriented nudges, channeling behaviors towards a desireddestination, can tilt the playing field so that innovation and change feel natural instead offorced. It is sometimes proposed that organizations should create aspecialized nudge unit.BEHAVIOURAL NUDGE THEORY:• A tool to improve safety behaviour 1 Introduction. Nudge theory is often described as amultidisciplinary approach to the applied science of human behaviour. 2 Complex humans.Answering the above question involves some understanding of both cognitive psychologyand social psychology, and how a complex mix of thought processes, biases, influences,attributions, personality type and … 3 Subconscious “choices”. As well as being ubiquitousand keeping a consistent presence in the context of the “rules” of shapes and colours welearn throughout life, nudges can be cost-effective … More items• Any behaviour change in your business needs to start by clearly establishing whatbehaviour you want to change. However, we know that getting people to adopt newbehaviours takes a lot more than just telling them to do so.• Nudge one: provide a reason to change• Nudge two: plant alternative behaviours• Nudge three: provide opportunities to practice new behaviours• Nudge four: give regular feedbackSO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?• To drive real behaviour change, we need to provide people with ‘nudges’ that push themtowards adopting and exhibiting the new behaviour in the long-term.• Establish the behaviour you want to change• Give people a reason to change• Plant alternative behaviours• Encourage people to practice new behaviours• Support adoption of new behaviours with regular feedbackACTIVITY 2 : LETSTEST YOURUNDERSTANDING • What is HR workforce planning?• What is the best recruitment process used in yourorganization ?• What techniques could you apply to managingemployee motivation• What performance is managed and monitored in yourorganization ? HR STRATEGY AND CHANGE• Overcoming resistance• Engaging employees• Implementing change in phases• Communicating changeNEEDED: A SYSTEMIC, PROACTIVE APPROACH• If change is not implemented correctly, the results can range from inconvenient todisastrous, such as inefficiencies, duplicated efforts, and lost business opportunities.• Companies that are able to manage change effectively can gain distinct advantages overtheir competition that can lead to even greater success. When done right, changemanagement can alleviate uncertainty among employees about how the change mightimpact them, reduce the potential for a negative impact on productivity, and engage orre-engage the company’s workforce.• Companies who want to successfully lead employees through adoption of anorganizational change must follow a systematic, proactive approach that incorporatesfour primary steps: overcoming resistance, engaging employees, implementing change inphases and communicating the change.OVERCOMING RESISTANCE• Although employee resistance is a natural reaction to widespread organizational changes, you canovercome that resistance by focusing on several key strategies:• Clearly and consistently communicate about the change well in advance of its implementation.• Help employees better understand the need for the change and the rationale behind thedecisions, as well as the ways the change may affect them.• Ensure that your change management team includes change champions who can help spreadpositive messages about the change, as well as take the temperature of employee reactions to thechange.• Provide strong support for the changing environment, such as ensuring that managers areprovided with the training and information they need to answer employee questions.ENGAGING EMPLOYEES• Employees who are engaged in the change are more likely to put in the effort necessary to helpimplement the change and ensure a positive outcome for the organization. Help create high levels ofemployee engagement during your change process by:• Developing a team approach that includes employees’ perspectives from a variety of departmentsand levels.• Assigning and clarifying roles and responsibilities.• Increasing your focus on the workers who are affected most by the change.• Including resistance leaders in the change process to help overcome pushback from otheremployees.• Understanding and taking into account the different motivational factors for each employee.IMPLEMENTING CHANGE IN PHASES• For companies planning a major change initiative, taking a phased approach can help ensurethat the transition to a new system or process is as smooth and seamless as possible.Leading change management recommends three phases:• Prepare for change – By taking steps such as defining your change management strategy,developing your change management team, and outlining key roles.• Manage the change – By creating and executing change management plans that includecommunications, operations and resistance management.• Reinforce the change – By collecting and analyzing feedback and then implementingcorrective actions where needed.COMMUNICATING CHANGE• Failing to tell employees in advance about organizational changes can increase employeemisconduct by 42 percent. An integral part of every stage of the change managementprocess, communication must be a two-way street in order to ensure the success of theorganizational change.• Think quality over quantity when it comes to communicating with employees, andconsider these communication strategies for successful implementation:HOW DOES HR PLAY A VITAL ROLE INCHANGE MANAGEMENT?• The role of HR in Change Management Process Conducting change, or in otherwords: transformation, is the fact for an organisation to make its processes evolve to gainin competitiveness. Obviously, the larger the organisation, the more challenging the taskis. And who’d be better placed than HR to uptake the role of walking change agent?WHAT IS A SUCCESSFUL CHANGEMANAGEMENT?• Successful change management requires a large commitment from executives and seniormanagers, whether the change is occurring in a department or in a completeorganization. Leadership from the senior team is the most significant factor in helpingemployees to buy into and support needed changes.• Pre-and post-surveys allow for feedback both before and after the change has been implemented,which can enhance the overall process.• Engage resistors in one-on-one sessions prior to the solution’s implementation to allow them toprovide their input.• Be clear, consistent and explicit, especially when it comes to timeline and responsibilities.• Use both formal and informal communication approaches, including email, intranet, in-personmeetings, signage and voice mails.• Offer opportunities for employees to provide feedback into the process, and then be sure to usethe input to inform the plan.• Gather employees to explore worst-case scenarios and then develop strategies to address them.REFLECTIONWhat did welearn today ?Any question ?• Thank you and enjoy your week


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