Comment on at least two of your peers’ posts in the forum. Try to post something

Comment on at least two of your peers’ posts in the forum. Try to post something substantive…so not just “yeah me too!” type posts! It’s ok if you agree with them or think they stated something well and you can say that, but then explain WHY you agree or state what they said that was particularly helpful to you. You can also disagree as long as you remain polite and constructive. 
Peer 1
This discussion topic is especially interesting to me, I would like to think I have a good amount of knowledge about sugar, due to the fact I am type 1 diabetic and have been since I was 6 years old, I am now 20. Health is also a topic that intrigues me greatly and sugar has always been a subject of interest because of how insanely damaging it can be to the human body yet our society continues to consume it in copious amounts. As for what the article mentioned I can’t say I was surprised with any of the results they have gathered from their research. Personally, I do not think enough people are fully educated on sugar and a lot of the time misinformed, although I don’t blame them. If I didn’t have diabetes I probably would not be either. From my own experiences talking with people, a lot of the time they do not even know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Another subject I’ve noticed is how misinformed people are on types of sugar, specifically in sugars in fruits which should be encouraged to eat. I have even read articles from health professionals that recommend you stay away from fruits which tells me not to trust them! The topic of sugar can be complex, and corporations trick us with advertising their product as healthy when in reality it is awful for our bodies in more ways than one. There is so much misinformation everywhere about sugar it’s hard to know who to trust. I can’t lie, my diet isn’t zero sugar but it’s substantially less than the average American. In the USA it is difficult to completely get away from the grip sugar has on our society, and to add it is very addicting. I will say the article was very informative and well written and got their point across while mentioning reliable studies. Linked below I found an article that takes a slightly different route mentioning more specifically how sugar can directly affect parts of the human body. However, I do believe it is an accurate representation of things we have learned in this class. This article mentions how sugar will affect your liver, heart, pancreas, and more, which you can also find in some parts of the article. I searched where this website finds their source of information just to double-check if we can trust the information.
Peer 2
When I was in high school I was an all year athlete, I was really in shape and pretty healthy I thought. Covid hit my senior year so sports got canceled and well life just started to suck! I carried on eating (and drinking) the same way I always had, if not more. Long story short I gained like 30 pounds! Eventually I had enough and decided it was time to diet… I got on weight watchers where I quickly learned how many points (how WW calculates sugars/fat/calories and many other things) all the drinks I was consuming are. I was drinking a Dunkin coffee everyday which ended up being around 30 points, more then I get in whole day! So I cut out sugar drinks, soda, coffee, and juice. I dropped weight pretty fast just by cutting those types of drinks out. Something that shocked me in this article was this “The high-fructose corn syrup indus- try’s scientific consultants criticized our study,” says Stanhope. “They said, ‘This is meaningless. No one consumes foods sweetened with pure fructose so no one consumes that much fructose.’” It is pretty sad and crazy to me that company’s want us to believe that science is not true and that we should continue buying and consuming their products, causing us to be unhealthy so that they can make money! Had I realized before what I was putting in my body I would never had drank it. 
I think that many others like myself are in the dark about what these drinks, added sugars in general can really do to you. Because company’s say things like that ^^ and we are going to believe what is easiest… it is really hard to cut something out of your life that you are ultimately addicted to. Many people that are consuming Dunkin every morning or drinking soda are actually addicted to those sugars and the caffeine. I think that people also are not totally in the know about how serious the health concerns are if you consume to much. “For each 12 oz. serving of a sugar- sweetened beverage you drink per day, you’re getting about a 15 percent increased risk for diabetes.” I did not know this. this is really scary and I think that many other Americans do not know this. Information like this really needs to ve everywhere and in peoples faces because I don’t think many people are out looking for bad news/something they don’t want to hear.
I think after this week I have a better understanding of what sugars/added sugars are doing to the human body. I felt like I had a pretty good understanding prior to this. But I was not really informed about really how bad these are for you, like the heart disease and liver disease I did not know about. I am glad I do now though 😉
This article is pretty straight forward, I feel like articles like this are beneficial because really anyone can read them and understand. I think this information seems all accurate. But it did not go as in depth as the article given for this week. (Links to an external site.)

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