Compare and contrast these 2 democratic theorist & their theory of: Iris M. Young’s “Inclusion and Democracy” and Joel Olson’s “The Abolition of White Democracy”

I will upload the only source that you can use. Please compare and contrast these 2 democratic theorist & their theory of: Iris M. Young’s “Inclusion and Democracy” and Joel Olson’s “The Abolition of White Democracy”. develop benchmarks and questions to ask the potential vendors by analyzing the stakeholders’ needs and wants Please use in-text page numbers and direct quotes from each theorist. Please use 1 page to analyze Olson’s theory of abolitionist democracy-using direct quotes/in-text page numbers; 1 page to analyze Young’s deliberative democracy-using direct quotes/in-text page numbers; 2 pages to compare and contrast their respective theories also using direct quotes and in-text page numbers and using only the sources I have uploaded.

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