Concepts of 3 nursing leadership theories, are articulated mostly. (14-15 marks) There is evidence of a good level understanding of the essay topic. The student is able to mostly identify characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading other. Concepts of 3 nursing leadersh

NURBN 3031 Semester 1 2021
Assessment Task 3: Essay Worth 40% DUE DATE (week 10)
Wednesday 19th May 2020 at 2359hrs
This assessment task has relevance for your future as a registered nurse. As a practicing registered nurse, your role will include leading and managing others effectively in a variety of situations and within your professional scope of practice. Providing leadership to others during various clinical situations and environments requires a sound understanding of the various theoretical and practical approaches to leadership.
In this assessment students will be required to write a 2000-word essay (+/- 10 %).
Professional Purpose of the Essay
The Australian NSQHS Quality and Safety Standards are inherent in the provision of patient care and you as a registered nurse will be responsible for ensuring care is given to those standards.
The essay question is:
Critically analyse and discuss how the registered nurse as team leader uses various leadership styles (minimum 3 styles) to achieve quality care. Consider how those leadership styles impact care delegation, teaching and leading others to ensure quality standards are achieved. Identify and describe the RN Standards of Practice (2016) in relation to each of the following three NSQHS standards; 2,3 & 6 as demonstrated through teaching and leading to ensure quality patient care.
Time Allocation: Students should allocate approximately 50 hours total to ensure timely and successful completion of this task.
Referencing and research:
Students are required to access a wide variety of peer reviewed databases, journals and textbooks on nursing leadership, management, and clinical practice to inform their essay. Students may also consider other appropriate resources from scholarly disciplines such as business, health, psychology, and education literature. Students are required to use American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition referencing throughout their essay. Student should have more than 15 relevant peer reviewed and current (last 7 years) reference sources cited throughout the assignment for scoring highly in that section of the marking rubric. Seminal pieces of literature by founding theorists can be used but must be contextualised as such and they are not counted as part of the number of references. Students should refer to the marking rubric/guide on Moodle for further details and requirements when writing this essay. The APA guidelines can be found on the following link
The essay needs to be planned according to the marking criteria, being well structured, double spaced and written with Australian English grammar conventions with your computer set on Australian English to enable you to correctly edit your spelling, punctuation and grammar. For help with writing essays please refer to the study help on Moodle and utilise STUDIOSITY, CHECKMATE, ASK and PASS programs which have been provided by the university for all students. Links to these resources can be found under Learning and Study in Moodle or by using the following link: For any assistance with information technology and computers please contact the ITS helpdesk on 03 5327 9999 or email (Please note** these contacts are for students on all campuses and for flexible online students).
Assessment Task Marking Rubric:
The marking rubric will be used to assess and grade your essay and will be the method of providing feedback. You will also be given feedback within the essay. To ensure integrity, a sample of essays will be graded by the teaching team through a process called ‘moderation’. Moderation ensures fairness and quality of assessing and grading student work and provides consistency between multiple markers across the three campuses. Marking Rubric is available on Moodle.
The rubric is marked out of 80marks. As this task is worth 40% of your overall grade, half of the result received for this task will be your overall mark for this task. E.g. if you score 70/80 in the rubric then your marks contributing to 40% of your overall grade for this assessment will be 35.
The essay will need to be submitted via the appropriate Turnitin link on Moodle and uploaded as PDF file document. Do not compress or lock your document. The essay needs to follow the university guidelines in formatting with a cover page, with your name student number, assignment title, course name and code, due date and word count. The font should be in Times Roman size 12 and double spaced (this is important for the eye/neck safety of academic staff marking and so we can clearly write feedback into your essays). Ensure you submit the essay at least 72 hours prior to due date to allow time for any amendments required according to your Turnitin score and so you can resubmit by the due date and time.
The university views plagiarism seriously and current Australian Copyright laws legislate against the intentional copying or use of another author’s work without due citation (which is in line with university policy which may lead to exclusion from your degree). It is your professional responsibility to ensure correct referencing according to APA standards and to ensure you have paraphrased well and written your essay accordingly.
Due Date: Wednesday 19th May 2021 @ 2359hrs.
Return of work and feedback
The essays will be marked in line with staffing workloads and university policies and will be returned to students as soon as a practical (generally within 3-4 weeks of submission dates). An announcement will be made on Moodle when the grades are released for the collective cohorts. Feedback will be provided in the essay structure as well as through the marking rubric, so it is important that students view feedback to help you improve and develop your writing capabilities.

Graduate Attributes Criteria HD (80-100) D (70-79) C (60-69) P (50-59) F (0-49)
GA1 Thinkers
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Structure of Essay Presents the essay succinctly using introduction, body, conclusion.
Essay structure and arguments are logically organised. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. Appropriate use of discipline specific academic language. Double spaced and correct font essay submission.
(10 marks) There is a clear logical structure that is easy to follow and understand. Formal academic writing style is applied with no grammatical, spelling, typographical or formatting errors. (8-10 marks) There is a clear logical structure that is easy to follow and understand. Formal academic writing style is applied with very few grammatical, spelling, typographical errors or formatting errors. (7 marks) The structure is generally logical and easy to follow, though some paragraphs may be unclear. Occasional parts of the text could be more clearly expressed, or with a more formal tone. There are minimal grammatical, spelling errors, typographical and formatting errors. (6 marks) The structure is generally logical and easy to follow, though some paragraphs may be unclear. Occasional parts of the text could be more clearly expressed, or with a more formal tone. There are some grammatical and spelling errors, typographical and formatting errors. (5 marks) The structure is difficult to follow. There are numerous grammatical, spelling, typographical errors and formatting errors. The tone is informal and not academic. (0-4 marks)
GA1 Thinkers
GA2 Innovators
GA3 Citizens
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Content knowledge There is evidence of a very high level of understanding about the topic. The student is able to comprehensively identify characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading others. Concepts of 3 nursing leadership theories, are articulated well. (16-20 marks) There is evidence of a highlevel understanding of the essay topic. The student is able to proficiently identify characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading other. Concepts of 3 nursing leadership theories, are articulated mostly. (14-15 marks) There is evidence of a good level understanding of the essay topic. The student is able to mostly identify characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading other. Concepts of 3 nursing leadership theories are articulated somewhat. (12-13 marks) There is evidence of a basic level understanding of the essay topic. The student is able to identify some characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading others. Concepts of 2 leadership theories are partially articulated but there are problems with clarity for the third theory. (10-11 marks) There is low or no evidence of understanding of the essay topic. There
is limited or no identification of characteristics and behaviours used by nurses in leading others. Concepts of leadership are poorly articulated. (0-9 marks)
Identifies & rationalises at least 3 leadership styles. Identifies RN responsibilities in provision of quality care and in leading others to ensure standards are met.
(20 marks)
GA1 Thinkers
GA3 Citizens
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Examples of RN Practice There are detailed and in- depth examples of RN standards of practice applied to all three NSQHS standards, related to teaching and leading in the clinical context. (8-10 marks) There are very clear examples of RN standards of practice applied to all three NSQHS standards, related to teaching and leading in the clinical
context (7 marks) There are clear examples of RN standards of practice applied to two of the NSQHS standards, related to teaching and leading in the clinical
context (6 marks) There is a satisfactory application of RN standards of practice applied to one of the NSQHS standards related to teaching and leading in the clinical context
(5 marks) No or poor examples of RN standards of
practice, applied to
NSQHS standards related to teaching and leading in
the clinical context
(0-4 marks)
RN standards of practice are applied to the NSQHS standards (2,3 and 6) related to teaching and leading in the clinical context.
(10 marks)
GA1 Thinkers
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Discussion & Analysis Discussion and analysis of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context. Articulates how the nurse assesses scope of practice and delegates care to others.
(15 marks) There is detailed and in-depth discussion of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context
(13-15 marks) There is detailed discussion of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context. (10-12 marks) There is some detailed discussion of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context. (7-9 marks) There is some discussion of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context. There are some problems with clarity. (4-6 marks) Limited to no discussion of the nurse as teacher and leader in the clinical context. It is unclear and difficult to understand assertions. (0-3 marks)
GA1 Thinkers
GA2 Innovators
GA3 Citizens
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Critique and Analysis of
Strengths and weaknesses of each leadership style is applied to NSQHS standards.
Knowledge gained is synthesised, analysed, and applied in a cohesive manner which aids the reader’s understanding. Academic integrity maintained.
(10 marks) • Insightful analysis of information
• Evaluation of evidence clearly expressed
• Literature is succinctly presented and well critiqued
• Excellent ability to paraphrase ideas
(8-10 marks) • Reasonable attempt at analysis of information
• Reasonable attempt at evaluation of evidence • Literature is well critiqued
• Good use of paraphrasing
(7 marks) • Some attempt at analysis
• Some attempt at evaluation
• Some critique of evidence • Reasonable ability to paraphrase ideas
(6 marks) • Analysis of information rarely present
• Evaluation of evidence rarely present
• Random or excessive use of quotations
• Minimal critique of evidence
• Paraphrasing skills require development to avoid plagiarism
(5 marks) • Analysis of information not present • Evaluation of evidence not expressed
• Excessive use of quotations
• No critique of evidence
• Plagiarism evident (0-4 marks)
GA1 Thinkers
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders Researching skills Selection of at least 15 relevant and current peer reviewed sources (these sources must not be older than 7 years). Seminal sources cited for theoretical application if required. (5 Marks) Evidence of more than 15 appropriate and relevant peer reviewed sources from academic databases. (5 Marks) Evidence of 14-15
appropriate and relevant peer reviewed sources from academic databases. One or two articles are not good sources or relevant.
(4 Marks) Evidence of 12-13 appropriate and relevant peer reviewed sources from
academic databases. Two to three articles are not good sources or very relevant. (3 marks) Evidence of 10-12 appropriate and relevant peer reviewed sources from academic databases. Three to five sources are not relevant or appropriate. (2 marks) There are 10 or less than 10 sources cited which have not been sourced. Most are not from appropriate and relevant peer reviewed sources or from academic databases. (1 Mark)
GA4 Communicators
GA5 Leaders APA 7th Edition
In text referencing is correct, author & year cited, source page/paragraph numbers and inverted comas used for direct quotes.
Reference list correctly cited & formatted & alphabetically listed. Spelling, grammar convention and punctuation adhered to. (10 Marks) Correct APA (7th Ed) style in- text and reference list citations are fully present no mistakes. Minor to no formatting errors.
(8-10 marks) In-text and reference list citations are included and formatted consistently using
APA (7th Ed) referencing style with only one or two minor errors present.
Minor errors to no formatting errors.
(7 marks) In-text and reference list citations are included and formatted mostly
consistently using APA (7th Ed) referencing style fewer than five minor errors present.
Minor to no more than 3 formatting errors present. (6 marks) In-text and reference list citations are included and formatted but inconsistent use of APA (7th Ed) referencing style fewer than 7 errors present.
No more than 4 formatting errors present. (5 marks) In-text citations or reference list information are insufficient to allow the reader to locate the original articles. Little attempt has been made to use
APA (7th Ed) referencing style more than 7 errors present. More than 5 formatting errors present. (0-4 marks)


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