Consulting Project Guidelines | My Assignment Tutor

OL-635 Consulting Project Guidelines and RubricOverviewA major deliverable for this course is the Consulting Project for which students will write a problem identification, request for proposal (RFP), a correspondingcontract, and a reflection paper about the process of developing the RFP and contract. Make sure to include references discussed throughout this course.Main ElementsYour Consulting Project will have these four elements: Problem IdentificationRequest for ProposalContractReflection Paper FormatWritten components of the project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins,and discipline-appropriate citations.In 3-2 Consulting Project, you will submit the Problem Identification. You must define a problem that needs resolution. It could be an organizational cultureissue that impedes work, a communication issue, or an “elephant in the room”. Consider issues your own company has faced. Explain the problem in detail.Your Problem Identification should be a minimum of one page in length. This submission is for instructor feedback and is not graded separately. It will affectyour project grade under the Milestone Submission critical element.In 4-3 Request for Proposal, you will submit the Request for Proposal. Write an RFP that defines the issue and the type of help you are looking for. Examplescan be found in the Discussion Topic. The length of the RFP will vary. This submission is for instructor feedback and is not graded separately. It will affect yourproject grade under the Milestone Submission critical element.In 5-3 Consulting Project, you will submit the Contract. You will develop a contract in response to the RFP that you have created. Using the steps in theFlawless Consulting textbook, explain how you should go about identifying the root cause of the problem. Be detailed and don’t leave any steps out. Thissubmission is for instructor feedback and is not graded separately. It will affect your project grade under the Milestone Submission critical element.In 7-3 Consulting Project, you will submit the Reflection Paper. Reflect on the process of writing the RFP and contact proposal. What issues could you seearising? How would you deal with them? Try to include references discussed throughout this course. Your paper should be a minimum of five pages in length,not including cover page and references. This submission will be graded using the Rubric in this document.Project Deliverables DeliverablesModule DueGradingProblem IdentificationThreeInstructor feedback/Not graded separatelyRequest for Proposal (RFP)FourInstructor feedback/Not graded separatelyContract ProposalFiveInstructor feedback/Not graded separatelyReflection PaperSevenRubric in this document RubricGuidelines for Submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times NewRoman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Critical ElementsExemplary (100%)Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement (70%)Not Evident (0%)ValueMain ElementsIncludes almost all of the mainelements and requirementsand cites multiple examples toillustrate each elementIncludes most of the mainelements and requirements andcites many examples to illustrateeach elementIncludes some of the mainelements and requirementsDoes not include any of themain elements andrequirements25Inquiry and AnalysisExplores multiple issuesthrough extensive collectionand in-depth analysis ofevidence to make informedconclusionsExplores some issues throughcollection and in-depth analysisof evidence to make informedconclusionsExplores minimal issuesthrough collection andanalysis of evidence to makeinformed conclusionsDoes not explore issuesthrough collection andanalysis of evidence and doesnot make informedconclusions20Milestone submissionand incorporation offeedbackMeets Proficient requirementsand addresses all instructorfeedback throughincorporation or clarifyingquestions/dialogue withinstructorMeets Needs Improvementrequirements and incorporatessome of the instructor’s feedbackthroughout the progression ofthe projectStudent completes andsubmits all milestones by thedue dateStudent submits incompletemilestones or does not submitby the due date10 Critical ThinkingDemonstrates comprehensiveexploration of issues and ideasbefore accepting or forming anopinion or conclusionDemonstrates moderateexploration of issues and ideasbefore accepting or forming anopinion or conclusionDemonstrates minimalexploration of issues andideas before accepting orforming an opinion orconclusionDoes not demonstrateexploration of issues andideas before accepting orforming an opinion orconclusion20ResearchIncorporates many scholarlyresources effectively thatreflect depth and breadth ofresearchIncorporates some scholarlyresources effectively that reflectdepth and breadth of researchIncorporates very fewscholarly resources thatreflect depth and breadth ofresearchDoes not incorporatescholarly resources thatreflect depth and breadth ofresearch15Writing(Mechanics/Citations)No errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citationsMinor errors related toorganization, grammar and style,and citationsSome errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citationsMajor errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citations10Total100%


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