Convert the following decimals to fractions. Do not reduce to lowest terms. LU 3-1(2) 3-18. .9 3-19. .71 3-20. .009 3-21. .0125 3-22. .609 3-23. .825 3-24. .9999 3-25. .7065 Convert the following to mixed numbers. Do not reduce to the lowest terms. LU 3-1(2) 3-26. 7.1 3-27. 28.48

Convert the following decimals to fractions. Do not reduce to lowest terms. LU 3-1(2)
3-18. .9 3-19. .71 3-20. .009 3-21. .0125 3-22. .609 3-23. .825 3-24. .9999 3-25. .7065
Convert the following to mixed numbers. Do not reduce to the lowest terms. LU 3-1(2)
3-26. 7.1 3-27. 28.48
3-28. 6.025
Write the decimal equivalent of the following: LU 3-1(2)
3-29. Five thousandths 3-31. Eighty-five ten thousandths Rearrange the following and add: LU 3-2(1) 3-33. .115, 10.8318, 4.7, 802.4811 Rearrange the following and subtract: LU 3-2(1) 3-35. 9.2 – 5.8 3-36. 7 – 2.0815
3-30. Three hundred three and two hundredths
3-32. Seven hundred seventy-five thousandths 3-34. .005, 2,002.181, 795.41, 14.0, .184 3-37. 3.4 – 1.08
Estimate by rounding all the way and multiply the following : LU 3-2(1)
3-38. 6.24 x 3.9 = Estimate
3-40. 675 x 1.92 = Estimate
3-39. .413 x 3.07 = Estimate
3-41. 4.9 x .825 = Estimate


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