Copyright and Intellectual Property Total of 2 pages. Please write a brief summa

Copyright and Intellectual Property
Total of 2 pages.
Please write a brief summary of what the readings are about for each of them, so I could know what the readings are talking about. And also write an analysis for each of them. Thank you!
There is also description of the course, so you could have a better understanding if what this course is about.
O’Neill, A.J. & Thomas, A.A. (2012, November 20). Canada: Bill C-11 – Canada’s “New and Improved” Copyright Act.
Examine a Resource from the iPinch Project website:
Geist, M. (2013). Introduction. In M. Geist (Ed.), The Copyright Pentalogy How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law (pp. iii–xii). Ottawa: University of Ottawa.
Anderson, J. (2010) I. Introduction and II. Examples of Misuses of Traditional Knowledge. Indigenous/Tradition Knowledge and Intellectual Property (Issues Paper). Durham, N.C.: Center for the Study of the Public Domain, Duke University School of Law. (pp. 1-15 only).
UBC’s copyright resource page. to an external site.–canadas-new-and-improved-copyright-act

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Total of 2 pages.
Please write a brief summa appeared first on Assignmentio.


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