MBA653 T3 2021 Assessment 2COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the CopyrightAct 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication ofthis material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading globalprovider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS ProviderCode 02426B.Page1Problem Synopsis:In response to recent government approval to develop a private residential complex nearMount Ainslie in Canberra, let’s imagine that a multinational hotel corporation has decidedto propose government bodies for developing a resort in an area that holds culturalsignificance to the local indigenous population.In this resort development proposal, the corporation has indicated that the resort will bebuilt on 8 hectares of indigenous heritage land, have 330 accommodation suites, luxuryfood and beverage outlets, and functions spaces. The resort will also offer tour packagesfor tourists to experience and learn more about indigenous heritage sites surrounding theresort.As the approval of this proposal will require stakeholder consultation, presume that youand your group members have been asked to attend a local council’s meeting duringwhich the resort proposal will be discussed in full. You and your group members are toassume one of the following stakeholders’ roles and their stance on the proposal: StakeholderStanceCorporation representativeFor DevelopmentLocal Indigenous representativeAgainst DevelopmentLocal council representativeFor DevelopmentGeoheritage Australasia representativeAgainst Development In-class Role-playing Activity:You and your group members will now have 80 minutes to collaboratively discuss theproblem’s main implications from the chosen stakeholder group’s perspective. In doingso, you will need to consider the negative implications of tourism activity on thedestination’ sustainable development. Upon the conclusion of the role-playing activity,your group will then be required to provide a 6-minute debriefing speech to the workshopfacilitator and classmates by outlining the groups’ discussion’s main points.
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