Create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital

In this first assignment, you will create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital. It is important to read the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario prior to completing this assignment.

Create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital

Week 1: Mission and Vision for Phoenix Hospital

In this first assignment, you will create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital. It is important to read the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario prior to completing this assignment. It is also recommended that you complete the other Week 1 assignment, “Importance of Mission and Vision Statements,” first because it provides foundational knowledge necessary for completing this assignment.
Create a mission and vision statement for Phoenix Hospital.

Remember that your mission and vision statements should be a strong representation of the following:

Firstly, organization

Secondly, organization’s goals

Thirdly, stakeholders that are impacted by the organization

Further, Values of the organization
Mission for Phoenix Hospital

Vision for Phoenix Hospital



Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.

Read the Phoenix Hospital 5-Year Strategic Plan Scenario.

Based on the scenario, complete the Week One Mission and Vision for Phoenix Hospital section of the Strategic Plan Template.

Cite and Reference at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment in the Worksheet provided.

HCS/498 Strategic Planning Capstone

5-year Strategic Plan Scenario
Phoenix Hospital is a 180-bed acute care hospital that is qualified as a not-for-profit facility. The hospital was originally own by the county and transfer status to an independent facility three years ago. The hospital receives no external funding from governmental agencies for operations. Hospital is accredit ed by The Joint Commission and received re-accreditation during its triannual survey last year. The hospital has an aggressive quality management program and a low volume of medical malpractice claims. Hospital is located in Bedford, which is a city of 50,000 with 80,000 in the regional market.

The hospital provides a general range of acute care services including medical/surgical, rehab, and emergency care. The president of the hospital has asked you to lead the development of a 5-year strategic plan for the hospital. You will use data provided in this scenario to make your decisions and recommendations.


In addition to information provided in this scenario, you are expected to include information from outside sources that are relevant to real-life events and projections for today’s health care market. This would include any actual market projections based on changes to health care reform and financing.


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